Opel’s recent advertisement push hasn’t gone unnoticed, and its efforts (for commercials like this one) have been rewarded.
Opel has earned the “GWA Effie in Gold” from the General Association of Communication Agencies (GWA) for its “Umparken im Kopf” (Change Your Mind) campaing. Opel and lead agency Sholz and Friends were presented with the most important marketing award in Germany, marking the 33rd award to date.
The award was given under the “Comeback” category which was designed to honor campaigns that reorienting a brand. The trophy was given to Opel CMO Tina Müller, Frank-Michael Schmidt, Partner and CEO Scholz & Friends Group, Niels Alzen, Partner and Chief Creative Officer Scholz & Friends Group and Markus Daubenbüchel, Managing Director Creation Scholz & Friends Hamburg by city councilor Markus Frank with Opel Group CEO Dr. Karl-Thomas Neumann in attendance.
“The real challenge was to eliminate the existing prejudices the brand was faced with. ‘Umparken im Kopf’ helped us tear down the invisible walls in the heads of an entire nation,” said Müller. “’Umparken im Kopf’ is the perfect example of how brand communication should be implemented these days. With its campaign on prejudice Opel successfully took on a topic that is bigger than the brand itself and, in doing so, hit society’s nerve,” added Alzen.
Congrats to Opel!
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