While this may not be the next breaking news story, we thought we would share. Edmunds Inside Line Editor In Chief Scott Oldham had the opportunity to take their 2011 Buick Regal CXL Turbo from their long-term test fleet, and took it to as fast as it could go. The outcome? Nothing more than a photo, and a blip describing how stable the front-wheel-drive sedan felt going 144 miles per hour. In a Buick.
Source: Inside Line
Gotta love a Buick over 140!
Yep, that’s all we need right now with gas approaching $5.00 a gallon, more top speed stories, more 500 horsepower stories! The media is getting more and more irresponsible by the day, glorifying speed and power instead of what we can all do to avert a total destructive energy fiasco, if we are not there already. Well, the oil barons, speculators and greedy investors are certainly happy with the oil situation, not to mention our good old Saudi Arabian buddies. Let’s stress fuel economy, not more gas guzzling!
Yeah… but who cares when the “company” is paying for your gas, right? 🙂
New cars today deliver better performance and 4-5 times better mpg than the muscle cars of the ’60s and ’70s. The media is no more excited about performance cars than they were 40 years ago. We had the same energy problems then and probably always will.