OnStar Revises Controversial Terms Of Service

OnStar recently sent out emails to customers informing them about changes in the service’s Terms and Conditions policy. Such changes included the service’s plans to collect data from users who have cancelled their usage. Needless to say, people weren’t happy regarding the matter.

In light of the negative consumer response, OnStar has announced that it will be reversing that very policy, and will not track customers’ vehicles after they cancel the service.

Former staff.

Manoli Katakis

Former staff.

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  • GM is a automobile manufacturer nothing more, this is clearly a division of the company that lost site of that... There should definately be heads rolling and make it very public to show the refocusing back on the automobile.
    It all about perception you make someone believe there vehicle is snooping on them, people in droves stop buying your vehicles, yikes... It amazes me how executive level people make decisions to approve somethin like this and don't think about the psychology of consumer perception and on top of it undermine your core product, wow are you serious. Time to clean house at on star...

  • The remaining Civil libertairaian GM buyer would have become FORD FOR LIFE.
    Not at all worth what you can sell some data for.


  • Besides all the bad press and consumer anger- do the people that made that decision have any idea of the kind of liability Onstar would've take on with such a policy? Without getting into specifics, it would have been a legal nightmare for GM. Whoever it was that came up with the idea (to track non-subscribers and sell data to third parties) should be fired.

  • Before OnStar got so big, you could not lock your keys in the car. It's True, my 2004 Saturn Vue would not let you lock the door and shut it. When you locked the door and shut it, the door unlocked and you had to lock it either with the key or the remote from the outside. By 2007 the Saturn Vue Hybrid we had you could easily lock your keys inside which we did once after the OnStar account had expired. They could have unlocked it for us but they refused. Fortunately the Saturn warranty covered the situation and they sent a technician out to open it for us for free. Now all OnStar does is stick their nose in your business and spy on you. Everyone who has a fairly new car has a fairly new cell phone which will do anything Onstar can do so OnStar is redundant and not needed. GM should restore the user friendly lock system to all their vehicles if they have not already done so. My 2012 Volt is happy to open and run as long as the key is in my pocket.

  • we have on star for 5 years now do you think y care if they no where y gouing..not..if you afraid about somebody no where you go maybe look more your cell phone compagny..you never no...hooooooooooooo..big

  • we have on star for 5 year now,do you thing y care if gm no my destination....not..what about your cellphone company.pinpoint your displacement...nobody said nothing about cellphone...maybe we need...hoooooooo...y love my onstar you no we feel safe especially if you have somebody sick whit you..just this is big for us...

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