GM Authority

Memory seats are acting weird

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    • #38313

      Ok my dad’s 2007 NBS silverado 3500HD LTZ has the memory driver’s seat, and I have my setting as the #2 setting, however when we unlock it with the keys the seat automatically goes to my setting. I would understand if my setting was the #1 but it is the #2 and his is the #1, this is annoying for him as I have my seat quite a bit closer to the wheel then he does. How can we change this?
      P.S. We don’t have a drivers manual.

    • #40433

      Try here to download a pdf of the owners manual.

      The part on memory seats is on page 12 and 13.

      Hope that helps…

    • #40434

      Another item I find to be worthless.

    • #40435

      Thanks brian, we will see how this works. Rj seriously [-(

    • #40441
      Alex Luft

      @chevtothemax I believe it depends on the key you use. One key would be “tied” to one memory seat preset, while the other key would be “tied” to the second one. The solution would be for your dad to associate the other key with his seat preset, and then your key would be linked with your preset. Let us know how it goes!

    • #40446

      okay thanks alex we will try that

    • #40447

      Thanks brian, we will see how this works. Rj seriously

      Yes seriously …………. I’m the only person that drives my car. Why do I need memory seats to act wierd? Cause I’m to damn lazy to adjust the seat maybe.

    • #40454
      Alex Luft

      @RJION It’s a matter of convenience. When you share a car (or just want to drive the vehicle of a family member on a weekend), being able to reconfigure the seating, mirrors, and steering wheel position at the touch of a button saves time and is safer than playing around with the settings. If you personally don’t have a use for the feature, that’s fine… but plenty others find it useful and desirable.

    • #40457

      Alex ……………… It’s a matter of understanding. Here I’ll say it again for you and all others on this forum. When I speak …… I speak for myself. I do not speak for you or anyone else. That makes it a matter of personal preference. If you want a candy dispenser in your car thats fine with me……yet if I find it useless I be sure to say so.

    • #40458

      @RjION. Based on your comments, I’m having trouble understanding why you posted in the first place. I understand your personal preference is to not have the memory seat option. Your preference is fine – it suits you. After Alex engaged a constructive discussion by merely pointing out a tangible benefit of the memory seats (one that chevytothemax and his father enjoy), you personalized it and shifted the focus of conversation. What value do your comments add? It doesn’t sound like you want anyone to disagree with your preference. And, if you posted it simply to make your opinion known but to discourage any discussion about said opinion, then what was the point. This is a DISCUSSION forum and your comments had no value in resolving chevytothemax’s issue. The inference of laziness was even more unnecessary.

      —(Back on topic)
      @chevytothemax. Let us know if the manul link was helpful. If not have you tried reprogramming each position. Maybe try reprogramming #2 first, then #1 – or vice-versa. That’s just a shot in the dark, but I hope it helps.

    • #40459

      Brian ……………. you can disagree with anything I say. If you like something and I do not that fine. Lets talk about it and ask WHY. You don’t need a lesson on memory seats. I’m sure you understand how they work and what the benefits might be. I’m also sure that you understand that if you have no use for them you have the right to voice yourself. There are some things I want in a car, there are some things that a car HAS to have for my money. A back up camera and memory seats are two items I could care less about.

    • #40567

      @RJION Nobody asked if you find memory seats worthy or worthless… rendering your comments worthless.

      Answer the question of the OP and stop trying to steer the conversation away from the topic at hand. If you can’t answer the question, don’t say anything at all.

      Any luck on this one? My buddy just got his 2008 without a manual and was wondering about the same thing.

    • #40568

      Well we just said screw it and made his number two and mine number one. We were just too busy to do anything else.

    • #40570
      Alex Luft

      @chevtothemax Switching keys would have also worked… assuming you have both of the keys.

    • #40572

      We only have the one.

    • #40575

      @wbodyfan Nobody asked if you find what I say worthy or worthless to you … rendering your comments worthless.

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