GM Authority

How to find My truck

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    • #670603

      I purchased a new AT4 and my dealership keeps telling me it will be in tomorrow, then again tomorrow. How can I track it on my own?

    • #670604

      I’m right there with you. I bought one as well and noone seems to know anything. Everyone says it’s in transit…it doesn’t take 3 weeks to get a truck from Tennessee to Fort Wayne

    • #670623

      Now that is weird, are you sure you bought your truck from a reputable dealer?

    • #670624

      Haha, yes I believe so…Can anyone on here help with tracking vehicles?? My order number is ZJBN7T.

    • #671291

      Dealers have been know to BS customers all the time. Contact [email protected] with your order number and they can tell you the current activity code. That’s all the can tell you, ONLY your dealer has complete access to the order system.

      Vehicle shipping takes time-they don’t not use a first in first out methodology. Its all controlled by the shipper and they are not going to send a train to the distribution center serving your locale until a full car built and they could take weeks. Currently freight carriers are experiencing delays nationwide. due to Covid restrictions and shortage of rail cars, trucks and drivers.

      Also keep in mind the GM ordering system in UNAVAILABLE on Sundays, no one can access. It regularly update everyday for the prior days business. Its NOT real time.

      Order event codes
      • 1000 Order On Hold at Dealership
      • 1100 Preliminary Order Accepted. (Needs dealer allocation to move forward)
      • 2000 Order Accepted by GMAD
      • 2500 Order preferenced (“Picked Up”), Sent to Production Control
      • 3000 Order Accepted by Production Control
      • 3100 Order Available to Sequence (now becomes more stable)
      • 3300 Order Selected and scheduled by Assembly Plant (Target Production Week usually available now)
      • 3400 Order broadcasted (in the assembly plant production system), build process is underway and locked in sequence to the end of the line.
      • 3800 Vehicle Produced, it’s come off the production line. VIN now available.
      • 4000 Vehicle Available to Ship
      • 4104 Bailment Invoice Created (Shipping doc’s)
      • 4B00 Bayed (“B”, not 8) Parked waiting on transportation
      • 4D00 Bayed for Quality Control (unknown time period)
      • 4106 Bailment Released (Rc’vd by Transport Co.)
      • 4150 Vehicle Invoiced to Dealer
      • 4200 Vehicle Shipped (In Transit)
      • 4300 Intermediate Delivery by truck (off-site rail head, up-fitter, etc )
      • 4V03 Estimated Delivery Date
      • 4800 Rail Ramp Unload, at the final distribution center. Delivered by truck to dealer
      • 5000 Vehicle Delivered to Dealer
      • 6000 Vehicle Delivered to Customer (or dealer reported sale to GM)
      • 9000 Order Cancelled

    • #671564

      I located a truck on the GM website to find a truck with the options I wanted already built and showing in transit. So I don’t have any kind of order number that can be tracked.
      I purchased the truck from the dealer on August 27, I am still waiting for the truck to arrive at the dealer and it is now September 14. The dealer, which is located 70 miles from me, has repeatedly stated they don’t know when it’s going to get there but they will call as soon as it arrives. The only thing I know to do is to call OnStar and see if they can maybe tell me where the vehicle is located.

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