GM Authority

Guess what I just saw on the road!

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    • #38266

      No, not a ZR1 or a Z06
      No, not a XLR
      No, not a 1969 Camaro or Corvette

      I saw a brand new 2012 Toyota Camry break down on the highway! Isn’t that a nice change of pace?

      Okay I wasted your time, and a discussion. But let’s start a conversation. Are the brand-quality and reliability spectrums shifting any time soon? Are they already shifting? Will Toyota and Honda finally earn a bad reputation for quality, while Chevrolet and Ford rise to the top?

    • #39675

      Well I think its an isolated case and the new camry still uses the same platform as the old one and the a version of the same one in the 2006, so I think its a once in the blue moon thing.

      I dont think what youre describing will ever happen because right now its virtually impossible to buy a “bad” car. The current cars for sales by all manufacturers from Suzuki to Volkswagen have cars with “good” quality and reliability. Cars are not “bad” or “good” but “good” or “better than good” . The quality gap which was so big just a couple years ago have shrinked significantly. I think Chevy and Ford will be considered equal in terms of quality and reliability compared to Honda and Toyota. But Better? No, not for at least another 15 years and thats only if the Americans continue to improve and the Japanese stay stagnant.

      And here in L.A and SoCal , I dont think GM and Ford will be considered better to Toyota and Honda in 30 years, if ever.

      Note that perceptions and reality are very different things, especially with the fickle American public, I mean one moment we want war and then a few years later we hate it. When one month gas goes up we go buy a prius, if next month it goes down, than well buy a V8. So even though Chevy and Ford have superior quality compared to Honda and Toyota consistently, they could not be considered superior to them for a while yet.

    • #39676

      What Babersher said.

    • #39679
      Alex Luft

      I’ve been saying this for years now: Toyotas and Hondas are no better at reliability than anything else on the market. The real difference is how people drive their cars and who buys them: it just so happens, for instance, that mostly older folks who don’t give a hoot about performance or spirited driving buy a Lexus, but those who will actually “push” their luxury car buy a BMW. Not sure if the same can be applied to Toyota and Chevy (or any of the mainstream brands) though.

    • #39716

      A friends wife was a die hard Camry owner getting new one every 3 yrs until recently. I seen her driving a new Mercury Milan a few weeks ago. I ran into Dave the other day and mentioned it. He said the Camry was less then 2 yrs old and giving her trouble. The closest dealer is 100 miles away and she had to arrange to have it hauled there 2x for them to look at it, trans issues. The 2nd time was it, she now has a Mercury Milan. He said the Toyota dealer service dpet (not the one she bought from but the closest to them) treated her with disrepect blaming her for the 2nd time the trans locked up. Whats more she found MacDonalds garbage stuffed under the drivers seat and they NEVER eat at McD’s.

    • #52871

      I really just feel like those who buys Toyota just don’t really care about performance and styling because all they want is a reliable car from A to B. There are just a small percentage of Honda owners that are import tuners, but other than that Honda is in the same place as Toyota except Honda just adds a little bit more oomph because of their V-Tec technology (in another word, Vtec kicked in!!).

    • #160346
      steve smith

      Hahahahaha you saw a brand new 2012 Toyota Camry break down on the highway! Isn’t that a nice change of pace?

    • #160988

      You must seen a spooky ghost on the road……

    • #174408

      They have saturated the market, IMO

    • #496211

      i don’t know, tell us what you see

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