GM Authority

First Opel Vauxhall Discussion

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    • #38270

      I just wanted to make at least something in Opel vaukhall category.

    • #39731

      Yea Ive meaning been meaning to start a Opel / Vauxhall discussion as well but kept forgetting. Im going to start one on Buick and Opel soon as well.

      So Ill start with explaining the differences between Opel and Vauxhall as theres alot of confusion here about that.

      1. They have the exact same lineup, so the exact same cars, so the exact same company. Their cars are even named the same. Because Opel and Vauxhall are the exact SAME thing.

      2. The only difference is that Brand X is called Vauxhall in Britain and Opel every where else(Europe), that doesnt mean there different, just different names, they are the exact same thing

      3. Some people have even suggested on GMA that Vauxhall should be gotten rid of and that will help GM Europe lose less money like GM NA got rid of brands like Saturn, that doesnt work, because the brands are the exact same thing

      4. Some people have suggested that Opel and Vauxhall be positioned differently with Opel going upmarket. that doesnt work, because the brands are the exact same thing

      5. Some people have said that ok, there the same, why not call them the same, theyll same money that way. No, they wont because the cost of placing badges of different names on cars is virtually nonexistant. Not to mention the steep drop in sales that will result in a well known brand being renamed.

    • #39736
      Alex Luft

      @Babersher Agreed. But regarding point #5 — what if the Opel name were to take over Vauxhall in the long run? You know, keep the Vauxhall name and badge today, this month, and for the next few years… but integrate the Opel name and/or badge somewhere on the vehicle and in the marketing materials (print, TV, social media, etc.). Get people — in the long run — to realize that it’s the same exact thing. Then, in 15 years, remove Vauxhall completely.

      The reason for doing this is twofold:
      1. Globalize with as few brands as possible for more effective worldwide marketing power, and
      2. More cost-efficient marketing. Ford, for instance, created one set of ads for its new global Focus, with voice-overs and captions in different languages, placing GM at a cost-related disadvantage with more brands.

      With the right amount of strategy and planning, I think it’s more than possible. Look at Daewoo rebadging itself to Chevy (which its vehicles already were, anyway). And Cisco did the same thing with its acquisition of Linksys.

    • #39740

      but but, Vauxhall differentiates it because they have the Zetas whereas Opel don’t have any (I suppose)

    • #39743
      Alex Luft

      The VXR8 isn’t a Vauxhall! But even if it were, no reason why this one model couldn’t be offerred solely in the UK as an Opel or a Vauxhall-Opel… or otherwise. It’s a product that’s imported into the UK and sells in very, very low volumes… and it will probably go away with the impending introduction of a Buick-Opel-Vauxhall flagship above the Regal/Insignia.

    • #39745


      Why? Youre missing the point, they have already been globalized, the Ampera is the Ampera everywhere in Europe, advertise the Ampera and if the ad is in Britain, shop out the Opel for Vauxhall. And I think the cost savings would be extremely minimal, and I dont think the minimal cost savings would make up for the loss of sales that would result from changing the name for at least 20 years at best which is not worth the short term loss at a time when GM Europe is losing money, How would American consumers react if Buick was suddenly changed to Opel, sales would plummet.

      Daewoo was a tarnished brand that was extremely weak, and Chevy has more cachet than Daewoo could ever have.

      Cisco and Linksys were both well known brands, and Cisco would put both of their names on routers for a long time, you cant do that with cars, among other key differences.

      And if GM were to do it, now is not the time, it should be done when Opel is a well respected brand and has a high market share in Europe, like maybe around 15%, and when GM is not losing money in Europe so they can handle the short term loss that will result.

    • #39807

      but then the VXR8 would make a niche product for vauxhall though

    • #39883

      anyone else wish the speedster turbo would have made it to NA as a pontiac fiero. that whole car is just amazing. well thats my two cents.

    • #39888

      I agree with Alex we need a one GM like Ford did with one Ford. 🙂

    • #39889
      Alex Luft

      @Babersher “Cisco and Linksys were both well known brands, and Cisco would put both of their names on routers for a long time, you cant do that with cars…”

      Why not?

      It’s a simple practice of branding a long-term transition strategy; it’s more than possible. The question shouldn’t be “how” (because it’s more than doable), but “whether” to do so. In the long term, I still think that GM is at a disadvantage compared to Ford, Toyota, Honda, etc. for not having Chevy in every and any global market.

    • #39940

      Yes Sir ……….. Chevy should cover the earth with a wide spectrum product line with options for all buyers.

    • #39966
      Alex Luft

      @DanielHana Agreed. The closer GM can get to One Ford, the better.

      Simplicity > Complexity :)>-

    • #505813

      Opel is my favorite brand of car

    • #577213

      Opel is the market leader in the Automobile industry….

    • #613127

      Tsgkb, w, mate pf gzhvum z hv nfk han-n yf cfqnt

    • #663594

      i am also agree with alex

    • #682686

      Opel is good no questions! But now there is a trend for electric cars: Tesla, Volkswagen, etc.! I am personally for innovation!

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