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2022 GMC order forced leftover

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    • #730614

      All of you that are waiting for your 2022 GMC order are you going to still buy your truck? I consider mine as a forced leftover since I probably won’t see it till late December early January. Apparently it is in 3rd party shipper prison in Sialo Mexico. It has to travel here by rail, boat and a truck. 21 days minimum shipping time. I was informed by my dealer that the truck is jammed up in the back of the lot and they are Unable to get at it. Even though I paid for a position to order it in November 2021 and it was built April second I am looking at a January 23 arrival. Would you take the truck? Anyone I have talked to at GM has blamed others for the delay and I now just got It’s the shippers fault you don’t have the truck. You can call mike at GM to verify this 866-790-5600 ext.5924413 ask him where’s Ron’s truck?
      So would you buy it? It’s been sitting there since April 2nd with a possible January delivery? keep in mind 23 are at my dealers lot and they have received truck built after mine from Mexico. GM is showing it’s lack of commitment to it’s customers..

    • #730622

      Morning Ron, I am skittish about responding to this since the last time I did so on anothers post I got ripped a new one. I said these were year old hold overs and the “gentleman” lit into me and even went politcal on me, even though he doesn’t know me from Adam. But I do feel any 22 being bought today is a year old model and will be reflected in trade value down the road and should be purchased with that in mine. Say nothing about the fact many but perhaps not all have sat out in the hot sun for months on end unlike we as owners would ever do to our own trucks. I waited 15 months, three orders, and two model years to get mine and in the end was extremely fortunate since mine was built in May in Ft. Wayne and about a month after production date I took delivery. If I were in your shoes I would not accept this truck unless they discounted the hell out of it. I know we all have different reasons for needing or wanting a new truck but like myself you have been dealing with your situation as your needs came up. I bought a used truck to get by until mine came in and I think I would again if I were in your shoes and either order a 23 or another brand if you could find something you like. Who knows you may very well be able to get a 23 before that 22 ever shows itself. GM can blame everyone under the sun for this problem but the buck stops with them and only them. They take the orders, they build them, they contract with shippers, and they sell them so how can they not accept the blame.

    • #730880

      Thank you for the reply, I do believe I will purchase a 23 now. This has gone on long enough and has ruined my faith in GM. I actually do believe I will be changing brands also. I know GM won’t care and the dealer will defiantly be able to sell the vehicle I ordered. It is just funny how everyone I talked to at GM is blaming everyone else. Just feel free to call Mike from the above post he will probably blame me for something too that caused GM not to deliver the vehicle. I am going to probably purchase a Tundra and rest assured when the warranty is up on the new Caddy, I purchased in March its going also. The blame game from the GM reps is in overdrive right now. Once again thanks for the reply..

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