GM Authority

2021 Suburban collapsed lifter at 14K miles

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    • #753706

      My 2021 Suburban had a #3 collapsed lifter and bent pushrod at 14K. Dealer did a warranty repair pursuant to N212353840. Mechanics diagnosis states “valve lifter replacement both sides” and Service Bulletin lists repair parts to include 16 lifters. Repair Invoice states 8 lifters, PN 012698946, installed. I have a memory that the 6.2L lifters are in pairs with a roller cam. Is that correct?

      I would like to hear from other Sub owners regarding their experience with this repair?

      I need to add as in full disclosure that I am an arbitrator with extensive experience resolving disputes involving the Lemon Laws of MD/DC/VA. I wonder if is this repair is the start of a long line of repairs leading to my own Lemon Law claim? I am also a fair shade tree mechanic and a “car guy.” I would appreciate hearing from others regarding their experiences with lifter failures on the 6.2L?


    • #754100
      Parts Man1

      Your truck has 8-1268946 which our active lifters and 8-12568945 which are non-active lifters. They always replace the active and I’m surprised they didnt replace the non-active lifters

    • #755740

      More info on the Dealer’s repair pursuant to SB N212353840 which states all 16 lifters must be replaced. After connecting with the Dealer’s General Manager (GM), the Service Manager went back to the mechanic and asked how many lifters were installed? The mechanic produced records showing 16 lifters were installed PN 012698946. This PN matches the PN in the SB which call for 16 PN 012698946. I am satisfied that the repair was done correctly.

      I asked if GM might offer an extended warranty on the repair because it was a major engine failure at only 14K? The Dealer GM agreed that an extended warranty was reasonable and said he would contact the GM regional rep.

      There is some chatter on the internet asserting that this lifter failure is caused by the AFM/DFM. I am not convinced. However, I do agree with owners who say that they bought a V8 and not a V4. Even my 6.2L seems slow off lights and I am not a “racer.” I have purchased a Range Technology AFM/DFM eliminator. If anyone is interested in how this changes my Sub’s 6.2L performance, then let me know and I will continue writing comments here. I am not one who writes comments anywhere. I especially dislike the ad hominem requests for reviews that retailers email to me. But, if there is interest I will comment here.

      Thanx and stay safe and well.

    • #755851
      Parts Man1

      Please continue update….THANKS!

    • #763005

      Yesterday 5-28-23, I took a short trip to the dump for household trash. I usually use my 2007 GMC 1/2T,. but it is in the body shop. At the end of the drive, I heard and felt a thump which sounded like it was coming from the rear. Knocking noise followed. Then soft but identifiable exhaust pops as I pulled on the road. By the time I returned home, the knock was louder and the pops more prevalent. Opened the hood, loud knocking from the right bank of the motor, probably #2, maybe #4. I am certain this is another failed lifter defect at just over 15K miles.

      Today, 5-29-23, I spoke to the Sales Manager (SM) because the General Manager (GM) was “in conference.” The GM told me to keep in touch with him if I had more problems, which I appreciate. SM accepts the repair is on the dealership and GM. He has suggested a replacement vehicle might be the answer, but he is the SM after all. I said I wanted the engine failure diagnosed by a mechanic and I thought a replace crate motor from GM might be where we are headed. He did not disagree, he though that might be the solution too. I will get a loaner this time since my GMC is not available and I have June business trips. Headed to the dealership Wednesday.

      I’ll keep you posted if you are still interested in my problems.

      Thank you for your service to all veterans.

    • #763303
      Parts Man1

      If you can get GM to step up and replace the engine that would a big time home run. Good luck

    • #763431

      Sub taken to Dealer this morning with 15K on clock and rattling like a BB in a boxcar. Codes showed #6 cylinder lifter collapsed. Same engine failure as at 14K on #3.

      Sat down with Dealership General Manager (GM) and Sales Manager (SM). I told them that from the sound of the motor, it is likely that the cam is wiped. That’s a $10K repair. We agreed the right fix was a new crate motor. GM said he would push for a new crate motor with the GM Regional Representative. Waiting to hear back.

      The SM said that after fix, he would order a 2023 Sub with the same options, give me a price on that Sub at cost and give me the maximum price for my 2021 Sub. He is in the business of selling vehicles. But that is an option now.

      My concern is that a new crate motor doesn’t have the same lifter problems and, if I make a deal for a 2023 Sub, that motor doesn’t have the same lifter problems. Any thoughts on my concerns would be appreciated?

      I am also looking at possibly trading the Sub for the Toyota Sequoia once the smoke clears on the Sub repairs.

      This is my 3rd Sub and my 6th GM truck. I hate to have to go to a non-GM brand for a top of the line SUV with HP, torque and towing capacity.

    • #763937
      Parts Man1

      Take the new engine. I honestly cant remember a failure on a new engine

    • #765104

      Appreciate this post. My 21 Suburban lost lifters on passenger side back at 3600 miles. Today, 6/10/23 I now believe I have lost a few on the drivers side, currently at 22.9 thousand. Towed to dealer, I will be interested to see where this goes with the dealer and GM.

    • #765130

      Here is where my Sub lifter repairs stand now:

      The dealer GM and SM met with GM representatives. GM authorized warranty repair to replace all 16 lifters. This is the second replacement of all lifters. GM had the dealer run the engine while hooked up to diagnostics. The diagnostics were sent to GM. I am guessing, only guessing, that GM was looking for signs of more engine damage, particularly a wiped cam which I understand is a common secondary failure after the lifter failure. There were no signs of more damage to the engine. GM will not authorize a new engine under these circumstances. I am unhappy with GM, but I believe the dealership is in my corner and doing its best on my behalf. I am also a realist. I am waiting for the possible disappointment.

      The dealer GM drove my Sub for several days back and forth to his home about 45 miles each way. He was looking/waiting for another lifter failure. The dealer has washed and detailed my Sub for pick up on Tuesday 6-13-23.

      I am inclined to drive the Sub for a while. However, my wife says she has no confidence in the Sub and wants a new one or some other top-of-the-line new SUV.

      I am looking at other SUV makes, but there is nothing quite like a Sub.

      The dealer SM says he can make a deal at or close to cost and offer a maximum trade price on my Sub for any 2023 Sub I want to order. He is ready to take my order. If we cannot make a deal, the SM says that’s OK, he can sell any 2023 Sub he gets in. I like the SM, but he is in the business of selling vehicles — that’s his life!

      If you have a lifter failure covered by warranty that puts your Sub or other similar model out of service for days, you are entitled to a rental car or loaner. Don’t leave the dealership without a replacement vehicle, it is part of the warranty. My dealer has been very good about getting me the rental vehicle that I want. I have heard some dealers are not so candid or forthcoming.

      Thenzel, if you get a new engine, let me know? I can use the leverage. Since it sounds like you had a total engine failure, you may have wiped the cam. That repair cost close to or more than new engine, I am told by mechanics I trust.

      Let’s stay in touch? I’ll keep posting.

    • #766413

      The latest in the Sub lifter failure saga:

      I picked up the Sub at the dealership on 6-13-23. Had a long talk with the GM, SM and Chief Mechanic, who did the work. He was very experienced and seemed to know these lifter failures well. The first lifter failure was #3 cylinder, left engine bank. This second lifter failure was # #6, right engine bank. Once again, GM warranty had all lifters replaced. I did learn the GM is using only active lifters and no longer replaces the inactive lifters.

      The dealership ran the engine on a diagnostic machine and sent the data to GM. GM would not authorize and new crate motor. The dealership GM drove the Sub for several hundred miles over the weekend.

      I have it back now and I’m waiting for the next lifter failure? In the meantime, I am working on a deal with for a 2024 Sub, the 2023 are not available to order anymore. My wife has lost confidence in the 2021 Sub. I always order my new cars and trucks rather than buy form inventory because I have an obsessive personality. I can get my personality fixed with a platoon of psychologists and years of therapy, but that’s not me and I like the way I am just a touch crazy?

      I’ll keep you posted. Thanx, SJR

    • #767117
      Parts Man1

      Hope its all working well. I know its a pain but keep driving and see what happens. Keep working on that 24 and be sure and post the results..

    • #767315

      Jumping on here as I am experiencing the same issue on my 2022 Suburban at 12,000 miles. This is my 3rd suburban, and I am so frustrated that I am already having major problems. I find it interesting that you both had the same issue happen again. For me, it is the left side bank lifters that collapsed. I don’t know enough about any of this, but I believe he said they were only replacing 8. Should they be replacing them all?

      I wonder if the 2024s will have the same problem. I feel so trapped in this vehicle as it’s the right size for our family and there isn’t anything that compares.

    • #769368
      Parts Man1

      Any updates??

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