“…providing one to allow locking something up securely inside the car…”
That’s the thing, though – no glovebox locks something up “securely”. In a prior life, my friends and I used to do unimaginable things to cars parked in the city. Let’s just say that they were not “parked” once we were done with them. Trust me when I tell you that if anyone really wants to get a peek inside your glovebox, they’ll get in there – and do it in a matter of 30 seconds or less. If you have one of those glove boxes that has its edge on the side of the passenger door, it’s very easy to force it open. And locking it arises suspicion among thieves.
My rule? If you’re afraid of keeping it in the car, it’s for good reason.
My Camaro doesn’t have a locking glovebox. Didn’t stop me from spending upwards of $38,000 for one. That’s not why I purchase a car… or a Camaro.