The latest in the Sub lifter failure saga:
I picked up the Sub at the dealership on 6-13-23. Had a long talk with the GM, SM and Chief Mechanic, who did the work. He was very experienced and seemed to know these lifter failures well. The first lifter failure was #3 cylinder, left engine bank. This second lifter failure was # #6, right engine bank. Once again, GM warranty had all lifters replaced. I did learn the GM is using only active lifters and no longer replaces the inactive lifters.
The dealership ran the engine on a diagnostic machine and sent the data to GM. GM would not authorize and new crate motor. The dealership GM drove the Sub for several hundred miles over the weekend.
I have it back now and I’m waiting for the next lifter failure? In the meantime, I am working on a deal with for a 2024 Sub, the 2023 are not available to order anymore. My wife has lost confidence in the 2021 Sub. I always order my new cars and trucks rather than buy form inventory because I have an obsessive personality. I can get my personality fixed with a platoon of psychologists and years of therapy, but that’s not me and I like the way I am just a touch crazy?
I’ll keep you posted. Thanx, SJR