GM Authority

Reply To: 2021 Suburban collapsed lifter at 14K miles


Here is where my Sub lifter repairs stand now:

The dealer GM and SM met with GM representatives. GM authorized warranty repair to replace all 16 lifters. This is the second replacement of all lifters. GM had the dealer run the engine while hooked up to diagnostics. The diagnostics were sent to GM. I am guessing, only guessing, that GM was looking for signs of more engine damage, particularly a wiped cam which I understand is a common secondary failure after the lifter failure. There were no signs of more damage to the engine. GM will not authorize a new engine under these circumstances. I am unhappy with GM, but I believe the dealership is in my corner and doing its best on my behalf. I am also a realist. I am waiting for the possible disappointment.

The dealer GM drove my Sub for several days back and forth to his home about 45 miles each way. He was looking/waiting for another lifter failure. The dealer has washed and detailed my Sub for pick up on Tuesday 6-13-23.

I am inclined to drive the Sub for a while. However, my wife says she has no confidence in the Sub and wants a new one or some other top-of-the-line new SUV.

I am looking at other SUV makes, but there is nothing quite like a Sub.

The dealer SM says he can make a deal at or close to cost and offer a maximum trade price on my Sub for any 2023 Sub I want to order. He is ready to take my order. If we cannot make a deal, the SM says that’s OK, he can sell any 2023 Sub he gets in. I like the SM, but he is in the business of selling vehicles — that’s his life!

If you have a lifter failure covered by warranty that puts your Sub or other similar model out of service for days, you are entitled to a rental car or loaner. Don’t leave the dealership without a replacement vehicle, it is part of the warranty. My dealer has been very good about getting me the rental vehicle that I want. I have heard some dealers are not so candid or forthcoming.

Thenzel, if you get a new engine, let me know? I can use the leverage. Since it sounds like you had a total engine failure, you may have wiped the cam. That repair cost close to or more than new engine, I am told by mechanics I trust.

Let’s stay in touch? I’ll keep posting.

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