No update I’ve had changed this condition for me.
The shuddering/hesitating transmission shifts I have felt only occur when I accelerate lightly from any dead stop. When easing away at very light throttle position the 1-2 and 2-3 shifts feel irregular and jerk a bit. This is always only at low throttle position and low speed, If I stop and start again but tip into the throttle just another small amount the shifts go quite smoothly up through the 9-10 shift.
Converter lock up is set in the controller to occur at specific throttle positions and above and certain mph. Its a curve in the tune. In past 4L60e’s I’ve had it was just 4th gear where lockup occured. That setting can be changed in the tranny controller. I don’t believe what I am experiencing is a low gear converter lock up, since most GM’s typically… do not command converter lock in 1st, 2nd or 3rd. But it sort of feels like that… yes.
I’ve never had this condition set a light or throw a code.
This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by