I started with a factory order request of a 2022 Silverado LTD LTZ Model in Mid-January. I didn’t know any better…It was accepted, and when I checked back with the dealer I found out it was for the 2022 Refreshed model. In other words, no acceptance for the limited model would be honored after the middle of December. So, it automatically was submitted for the refreshed model. That was my experience, and originally I wanted the refreshed anyway. So I’m happy with the order.
However, you may want top check with the dealer to make sure the order is pushed through, as he may not want to do anything with the assumption that you want ONLY the Limited version and NOT the refreshed. Better safe than sorry to check with the dealer. If you don’t mind a refresh model, you may expedite the process by looking into it, rather than waiting for the dealer to reach out to you to ask if you are OK with the switch. Just my 2 cents.