GM Authority

Chevrolet Onix Sales Numbers

Here you will find Chevrolet Onix sales numbers.

Sales Results - Argentina - Onix

YearJanFebMar AprMayJunJul AugSepOctNov DecTotal
2025742 742
2024354 260297 360205 113239 386388 595265 3273,789
20231,016 533522 612419 314385 541161 153517 1965,369
2022556 261252 515459 523651 722674 514555 3606,042
20211,492 8231,429 1,010619 559534 643432 253417 4298,640
20201,619 1,7081,626 257998 2,0931,512 1,4841,257 1,5671,497 84616,464
20191,732 1,2221,445 1,4331,578 1,4472,411 1,7031,106 853732 87916,541

Sales Results - Brazil - Onix

YearJanFebMar AprMayJunJul AugSepOctNov DecTotal
20258,620 8,620
20249,273 7,55811,739 16,13613,418 15,39012,287 13,86113,395 13,48215,665 15,268157,472
202313,326 11,20915,387 12,67112,571 14,68016,672 15,40014,821 17,77115,225 17,214176,947
20228,636 11,0309,600 10,81412,629 7,82316,972 18,78915,859 15,12215,428 17,541160,243
202117,706 16,76213,383 11,2987,187 4,0572,094 6778,058 9,65116,848 20,634128,355
202026,185 26,77518,677 5,8424,977 9,27414,921 16,58318,803 20,82226,427 29,485218,771
201918,842 18,39218,279 19,61922,279 19,50020,071 22,39621,661 28,33827,276 31,431268,084
201816,058 12,79712,918 16,61715,015 16,21816,856 21,76317,981 22,32422,277 19,642210,466
2017 17,50817,508

Sales Results - Chile - Onix

YearJanFebMar AprMayJunJul AugSepOctNov DecTotal
202495 86134 11781 3535 5730 670
2023135 80105 148124 97185 185128 9173 801,431
2022 342617 568507 492334 265238 223220 1783,984
2020 573 639376 4512,039

Sales Results - Colombia - Onix

YearJanFebMar AprMayJunJul AugSepOctNov DecTotal
2024568 590650 829724 646761 623460 513538 6,902
2023891 642686 422785 643716 794661 622805 9648,631
20221,125 1,4601,782 2,2281,441 1,1521,546 2,1821,915 1,5981,446 1,58919,464
20211,254 1,5361,629 669741 1,1991,190 4287 8751,350 1,65612,534
20201,028 605286 37448 722721 7041,213 9831,081 1,7479,575

Sales Results - Mexico - Onix

YearJanFebMar AprMayJunJul AugSepOctNov DecTotal
20251,026 1,026
20241,571 1,1751,385 1,6411,412 1,5721,864 2,7962,255 911699 66817,949
2023584 1431,201 1,2621,883 1,8031,547 1,6451,440 1,6682,359 2,31017,845
20221,710 1,2431,219 1,6251,933 1,4621,583 2,0823,569 3,4112,881 3,56226,280
20212,857 2,0511,537 1,0331,023 945700 24859 2735 1,84512,360
2020441 1,5522,609 974967 1,6742,356 2,1031,666 2,8213,473 4,64725,283

For more about the Chevrolet Onix, browse our Chevrolet Onix news section.


  • Chevrolet Onix sales include all Onix variants, including:
  • Information for market (country) specified, as available
  • Sales information compiled by GM Authority from various sources
  • If some monthly sales figures appear to be identical, it is because GM has stopped reporting sales on a monthly basis in most markets, and now only reports sales on a quarterly basis. As such, we are evenly averaging quarterly sales figures across the three months that make up that quarter
  • If you notice any inaccuracies, please let us know here
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