GM Authority

Chevrolet Malibu Sales Numbers

Here you will find Chevrolet Malibu sales numbers.

Sales Results - USA - Malibu

YearJanFebMar AprMayJunJul AugSepOctNov DecTotal
202410,916 10,91610,916 12,12012,120 12,1208,141 8,1418,141 7,9297,929 7,929117,319
202312,479 12,47912,479 13,57713,577 13,57711,093 11,09311,093 6,2986,298 6,298130,342
20228,561 8,5618,561 10,82910,829 10,8297,210 7,2107,210 11,88911,889 11,889115,467
20218,996 8,9968,996 1,6331,633 1,63390 9090 2,4072,407 2,40739,376
202011,761 11,76111,761 4,2204,220 4,2208,485 8,4858,485 9,7519,751 9,751102,651
201911,399 11,39911,399 10,32510,325 10,32510,811 10,81110,811 11,43811,438 11,438131,917
20187,553 11,89014,707 14,08914,089 14,08910,347 10,34710,347 12,36112,361 12,361144,542
20178,377 12,40614,222 17,36420,718 10,81210,549 22,72523,989 14,64713,420 16,628185,857
201614,746 21,41822,058 21,76324,202 16,13811,820 16,72321,521 16,15118,577 22,764227,881
201511,878 13,97116,552 17,43021,461 15,22816,022 17,55317,066 24,72510,813 12,155194,854
201411,822 17,44818,866 19,94419,288 16,13713,537 16,34615,186 11,13111,997 16,817188,519
201315,823 14,81718,539 21,73418,899 21,28812,473 16,89014,487 15,74614,405 15,493200,594
201214,676 19,98723,887 21,90629,579 31,40212,345 14,49511,188 9,62910,227 11,630210,951
201114,102 19,09215,551 24,70125,600 23,73719,529 17,84011,114 10,23910,269 13,034204,808
201016,439 15,15017,750 16,53621,722 20,72020,458 18,18216,289 12,35311,651 11,520198,770
*** This manufacturer is now publishing only quarterly numbers for this market. Monthly figures may be averages.

Sales Results - Canada - Malibu

YearJanFebMar AprMayJunJul AugSepOctNov DecTotal
2024389 389389 656656 656195 195195 268268 2684,523
2023465 465465 530530 530557 557557 194194 1945,238
2022291 291291 378378 378571 571571 517517 5175,271
2021251 251251 153153 15347 4747 8787 871,615
2020270 270270 210210 210279 279279 336336 3363,287
2019284 284284 699699 699575 575575 383383 3835,823
2018321 601719 8791,084 679444 327379 631430 4066,900
2017412 610864 7561,037 593907 783524 599510 5578,152
2016616 8331,826 1,541928 673579 5811,554 822915 63511,503
2015373 3141,058 1,6081,357 772353 1,021847 563546 3919,203
2014207 326613 814655 327474 7611,168 1,144781 9768,246
*** This manufacturer is now publishing only quarterly numbers for this market. Monthly figures may be averages.

For more about the Chevrolet Malibu, browse our Chevy Malibu news section.


  • Chevrolet Malibu sales include all Malibu variants, including Malibu Sedan and Malibu Sedan Hybrid
  • Information for market (country) specified
  • Sales information provided by manufacturer
  • If you notice any inaccuracies, please let us know here

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