GM Authority

Chevrolet Truck Sales Numbers

Here you will find Chevrolet Truck sales numbers for the United States and Canada.

Chevrolet officially categorizes the following vehicles as trucks:

  • Chevrolet Colorado midsize pickup truck
  • Chevrolet Silverado full-size pickup truck
  • Chevrolet Tahoe full-size SUV
  • Chevrolet Suburban extended-length full-size SUV
  • Chevrolet Express full-size van
  • Chevrolet City Express compact commercial van

Combined Chevrolet Truck Sales Numbers

Sales Results - USA - Colorado, Silverado, Tahoe, Suburban, Express, City Express

YearJanFebMar AprMayJunJul AugSepOctNov DecTotal
202461,453 61,45361,453 74,04274,042 74,04267,971 67,97167,971 78,07378,073 78,073844,614
202363,344 63,34463,344 72,11872,118 72,11873,791 73,79173,791 67,42667,426 67,426830,037
202262,688 62,68862,688 69,39469,394 69,39466,585 66,58566,585 75,34775,347 75,347822,041
202167,244 67,24467,244 77,78077,780 77,78058,931 58,93158,931 63,16963,169 63,169801,372
202069,790 69,79069,790 58,10458,104 58,10473,428 73,42873,428 89,12389,123 89,123871,337
201965,635 65,63565,635 82,29082,290 82,29082,633 82,63382,633 78,93578,935 78,935928,478
201867,398 68,39586,753 86,65886,658 86,65876,775 76,77576,775 84,53584,535 84,535966,448
201757,803 74,86369,656 66,88570,223 78,87172,614 84,30088,305 83,73276,592 99,657923,501
201656,463 65,65376,628 80,59872,420 76,60081,974 82,70277,052 84,43174,993 90,936920,450
201556,952 67,63166,368 70,55678,743 73,60582,522 81,42578,389 76,31569,868 95,473897,847
201438,051 48,35757,978 64,73071,122 69,43765,921 73,31166,146 66,57262,739 86,011770,375
201346,140 57,03657,401 60,40465,876 61,88561,156 62,73545,847 62,32052,655 64,220697,675
201241,184 48,60255,300 50,15557,526 57,35752,893 57,92951,089 54,40048,608 73,937648,980
201143,273 45,80650,770 47,08747,321 50,21751,639 58,18967,484 56,88555,804 73,578648,053
201034,344 29,97346,120 47,83057,148 50,13453,003 49,58948,426 52,63743,028 63,125575,357
*** This manufacturer is now publishing only quarterly numbers for this market. Monthly figures may be averages.

Sales Results - Canada - Colorado, Silverado, Tahoe, Suburban, Express, City Express

YearJanFebMar AprMayJunJul AugSepOctNov DecTotal
20245,501 5,5015,501 6,3206,320 6,3206,127 6,1276,127 6,2396,239 6,23972,561
20235,759 5,7595,759 6,1186,118 6,1186,158 6,1586,158 5,5755,575 5,57570,832
20225,415 5,4155,415 6,2306,230 6,2306,501 6,5016,501 5,1395,139 5,13969,856
20216,307 6,3076,307 6,4626,462 6,4624,812 4,8124,812 4,4344,434 4,43466,043
20204,817 4,8174,817 5,1295,129 5,1295,866 5,8665,866 6,1406,140 6,14065,857
20195,153 5,1535,153 7,4007,400 7,4006,411 6,4116,411 5,1175,117 5,11772,246
20184,226 4,7078,578 7,9087,644 7,5926,606 7,3416,431 5,9514,987 4,99876,967
20173,635 3,8277,516 6,8066,923 6,9477,041 8,6407,642 7,2885,956 5,03677,257
20163,696 3,9905,796 5,6874,859 6,0445,255 5,4395,478 4,6137,130 3,54961,536
20152,765 3,7254,824 5,3935,663 5,2495,502 5,6615,745 5,4204,887 4,68059,514
20142,314 2,2663,638 4,4164,999 4,5575,456 4,5965,174 4,4963,965 3,79849,675
*** This manufacturer is now publishing only quarterly numbers for this market. Monthly figures may be averages.

Chevrolet Colorado Sales Numbers

Sales Results - USA - Colorado

YearJanFebMar AprMayJunJul AugSepOctNov DecTotal
20244,974 4,9744,974 8,9678,967 8,9679,629 9,6299,629 9,1019,101 9,10198,012
20234,419 4,4194,419 6,6366,636 6,6368,507 8,5078,507 4,1324,132 4,13271,081
20227,231 7,2317,231 7,4997,499 7,4998,135 8,1358,135 6,8676,867 6,86789,197
20218,028 8,0288,028 4,9254,925 4,9254,232 4,2324,232 7,1517,151 7,15173,008
20207,143 7,1437,143 6,6146,614 6,6149,085 9,0859,085 9,2369,236 9,23696,238
201911,165 11,16511,165 10,55610,556 10,55610,552 10,55210,552 8,4958,495 8,495122,304
20188,011 8,05012,798 13,67213,672 13,67211,654 11,65411,654 10,00110,001 10,001134,842
20176,413 7,5198,426 9,2219,091 9,63111,206 10,25611,271 9,99010,346 9,626112,996
20165,508 7,3949,718 10,3629,196 9,0499,195 9,24210,383 10,5788,669 9,431108,725
20155,942 6,5636,621 7,0108,881 6,5587,209 7,1147,334 7,0596,230 7,90984,430
201414 12 50 510 036 1,4912,366 4,0378,003
2013822 828560 425244 155207 9341 296 23,412
20122,872 3,5323,652 3,4993,778 4,1244,096 4,2222,833 1,6121,327 1,29336,840
20112,204 2,6062,561 2,7892,944 3,0103,169 2,5312,171 2,0931,978 2,97031,026
20101,939 1,2472,045 2,0102,535 1,8852,195 1,8472,723 2,2311,598 2,38724,642
*** This manufacturer is now publishing only quarterly numbers for this market. Monthly figures may be averages.

Sales Results - Canada - Colorado

YearJanFebMar AprMayJunJul AugSepOctNov DecTotal
2024328 328328 826826 826878 878878 681681 6818,138
2023499 499499 359359 359782 782782 390390 3906,088
2022532 532532 556556 556724 724724 524524 5247,009
2021652 652652 446446 446401 401401 358358 3585,571
2020399 399399 621621 621542 542542 655655 6556,648
2019619 619619 800800 800845 845845 454454 4548,156
2018492 529863 876929 959941 1,104821 825539 6119,489
2017293 353731 699754 753783 917863 772618 5248,060
2016309 310512 636522 534531 581626 5841,154 2706,569
2015242 371466 490573 494470 433396 384373 4035,095
2014 10 00 00 00 22114 137274
*** This manufacturer is now publishing only quarterly numbers for this market. Monthly figures may be averages.

For more about the Chevrolet Colorado, browse our Chevy Colorado news section.

Chevrolet Silverado Sales Numbers

Sales Results - USA - Silverado

YearJanFebMar AprMayJunJul AugSepOctNov DecTotal
202442,975 42,97542,975 49,63949,639 49,63943,101 43,10143,101 48,56448,564 48,564552,836
202342,331 42,33142,331 47,10047,100 47,10047,822 47,82247,822 47,79747,797 47,797555,148
202240,369 40,36940,369 47,67747,677 47,67739,066 39,06639,066 47,30447,304 47,304523,249
202142,197 42,19742,197 54,91054,910 54,91041,022 41,02241,022 38,45938,459 38,459529,765
202048,245 48,24548,245 40,81140,811 40,81149,161 49,16149,161 59,81559,815 59,815594,094
201938,104 38,10438,104 47,48847,488 47,48851,827 51,82751,827 54,44754,447 54,447575,600
201840,716 42,28252,547 51,84351,843 51,84344,443 44,44344,443 53,72653,726 53,726585,581
201735,553 50,50442,410 40,15443,804 50,51545,966 54,44855,236 53,15746,441 67,676585,864
201637,863 43,13647,966 49,99045,035 49,66254,116 52,40845,380 49,76845,280 54,272574,876
201536,106 45,39545,193 45,97851,602 51,54856,380 54,97753,725 51,64745,001 62,992600,544
201428,926 36,58442,247 42,75546,648 43,51942,097 49,20150,176 46,96642,799 57,837529,755
201335,445 41,64339,561 39,39543,283 43,25942,080 43,60332,506 42,66034,386 42,593480,414
201226,850 32,29736,491 30,74934,555 33,56628,972 38,29536,425 38,73930,674 50,699418,312
201128,172 31,72832,555 29,34228,409 32,57933,121 36,83243,698 36,65634,251 47,787415,130
201022,772 19,82229,886 29,61833,690 30,99434,664 34,08432,185 34,28325,619 42,518370,135
*** This manufacturer is now publishing only quarterly numbers for this market. Monthly figures may be averages.

Sales Results - Canada - Silverado

YearJanFebMar AprMayJunJul AugSepOctNov DecTotal
20244,347 4,3474,347 4,6484,648 4,6484,118 4,1184,118 4,2464,246 4,24652,078
20234,441 4,4414,441 4,7184,718 4,7184,340 4,3404,340 4,2574,257 4,25753,266
20224,244 4,2444,244 4,9864,986 4,9864,745 4,7454,745 3,7853,785 3,78553,281
20214,826 4,8264,826 5,3075,307 5,3073,745 3,7453,745 3,3503,350 3,35051,684
20203,724 3,7243,724 4,1264,126 4,1264,845 4,8454,845 4,8944,894 4,89452,767
20193,612 3,6123,612 5,5485,548 5,5484,721 4,7214,721 3,9473,947 3,94753,484
20183,022 3,2346,494 6,1055,563 5,7924,793 5,0194,721 4,2963,488 3,53056,057
20172,954 2,9766,061 5,2995,232 5,3655,198 6,8565,786 5,1464,433 3,76059,066
20162,784 3,1324,446 4,1853,616 4,4894,070 4,2413,984 3,2384,296 2,45144,932
20152,159 2,8733,735 4,2514,508 4,1474,383 4,6144,381 4,3473,757 3,25246,407
20142,036 2,0233,284 3,8914,042 3,7634,615 3,8094,294 3,7943,378 3,03041,959
*** This manufacturer is now publishing only quarterly numbers for this market. Monthly figures may be averages.

For more about the Chevrolet Silverado, browse our Chevy Silverado news section.

Chevrolet Tahoe Sales Numbers

Sales Results - USA - Tahoe

YearJanFebMar AprMayJunJul AugSepOctNov DecTotal
20247,775 7,7757,775 8,3738,373 8,3737,779 7,7797,779 11,12211,122 11,122105,147
20239,086 9,0869,086 9,7539,753 9,7539,193 9,1939,193 8,7458,745 8,745110,328
20227,993 7,9937,993 7,0237,023 7,0239,862 9,8629,862 10,37410,374 10,374105,756
20217,679 7,6797,679 9,3039,303 9,3038,067 8,0678,067 10,29410,294 10,294106,030
20206,801 6,8016,801 5,3395,339 5,3397,707 7,7077,707 9,5669,566 9,56688,238
20196,951 6,9516,951 10,98110,981 10,9818,769 8,7698,769 7,0297,029 7,029101,189
20187,147 6,9489,548 8,9608,960 8,9609,650 9,6509,650 8,2268,226 8,226104,153
20175,881 7,6609,112 7,4116,567 8,3786,824 7,8799,397 9,6159,966 10,27198,961
20166,199 6,4947,658 7,5497,430 7,8918,431 8,29710,051 11,9769,433 11,897103,306
20156,607 7,4106,860 7,9037,119 6,1928,297 8,2216,119 6,6247,217 9,77388,342
20143,514 4,9617,228 9,7599,229 11,14710,783 8,2165,691 7,9128,027 11,25997,726
20133,619 5,3167,837 9,0529,243 5,7907,119 6,8185,332 7,4587,272 8,64683,502
20123,995 4,2125,626 5,8457,169 6,4276,053 5,4584,696 4,9265,895 8,60268,904
20115,281 5,0686,844 5,4585,886 5,4765,741 8,0698,813 7,0608,401 8,43080,527
20104,556 3,3256,294 6,3099,397 6,8096,912 6,1195,422 6,7256,325 7,48275,675
*** This manufacturer is now publishing only quarterly numbers for this market. Monthly figures may be averages.

Sales Results - Canada - Tahoe

YearJanFebMar AprMayJunJul AugSepOctNov DecTotal
2024342 342342 293293 293399 399399 422422 4224,366
2023368 368368 477477 477332 332332 414414 4144,776
2022374 374374 321321 321462 462462 400400 4004,674
2021381 381381 392392 392353 353353 405405 4054,593
2020233 233233 167167 167207 207207 269269 2692,627
2019256 256256 380380 380477 477477 269269 2694,147
2018205 264303 308354 299277 532309 322231 2383,642
2017108 172294 229230 225338 260287 489252 2263,110
2016128 208277 223196 376164 188321 196647 1383,062
2015104 172266 180199 190208 215232 191159 2482,364
201462 2376 94168 161199 314261 149111 1611,779
*** This manufacturer is now publishing only quarterly numbers for this market. Monthly figures may be averages.

For more about the Chevrolet Tahoe, browse our Chevy Tahoe news section.

Chevrolet Suburban Sales Numbers

Sales Results - USA - Suburban

YearJanFebMar AprMayJunJul AugSepOctNov DecTotal
20243,228 3,2283,228 3,9263,926 3,9263,016 3,0163,016 4,6294,629 4,62944,398
20234,644 4,6444,644 5,5545,554 5,5544,028 4,0284,028 3,3813,381 3,38152,820
20224,141 4,1414,141 2,9662,966 2,9664,528 4,5284,528 5,3485,348 5,34850,951
20213,714 3,7143,714 4,4584,458 4,4583,222 3,2223,222 4,6774,677 4,67748,214
20203,165 3,1653,165 2,3392,339 2,3392,516 2,5162,516 4,5264,526 4,52637,636
20193,676 3,6763,676 6,0896,089 6,0894,130 4,1304,130 3,4143,414 3,41451,928
20185,288 5,0044,433 5,0455,045 5,0465,191 5,1915,191 5,0675,067 5,06760,633
20175,634 3,9223,889 3,2283,946 4,2843,392 4,7775,887 6,2465,523 5,78856,516
20163,270 3,5843,825 4,2693,997 3,9705,055 5,7375,575 6,6506,577 7,57360,082
20154,130 4,4363,310 4,1394,375 2,9964,309 4,4993,521 3,5855,216 6,35050,866
20141,705 2,0352,984 4,8405,423 6,5845,168 5,7484,101 4,6155,045 6,76155,009
20132,292 3,7453,378 3,6824,753 3,8136,181 4,0032,733 5,6485,212 5,82051,260
20122,935 3,3043,653 3,4634,577 5,1364,445 3,0933,254 3,5954,705 5,95648,116
20112,343 2,3832,959 3,6133,954 3,3544,265 4,9385,246 4,6555,787 5,93049,427
20102,315 1,6803,885 5,0875,279 3,9113,708 3,0802,863 4,3544,726 4,26445,152
*** This manufacturer is now publishing only quarterly numbers for this market. Monthly figures may be averages.

Sales Results - Canada - Suburban

YearJanFebMar AprMayJunJul AugSepOctNov DecTotal
2024225 225225 219219 219187 187187 166166 1662,393
2023288 288288 276276 276196 196196 188188 1882,846
2022157 157157 179179 179233 233233 242242 2422,433
2021182 182182 218218 218220 220220 173173 1732,381
2020157 157157 6565 6566 6666 6060 601,046
2019235 235235 220220 220168 168168 125125 1252,244
2018129 320406 238278 227250 335143 158171 1652,820
201754 69102 165273 149197 175139 393226 1542,096
2016146 123151 171159 265113 96146 147456 2002,173
201548 7157 122137 7462 149206 148145 1351,354
201430 612 76213 6795 10764 8099 117966
*** This manufacturer is now publishing only quarterly numbers for this market. Monthly figures may be averages.

For more about the Chevrolet Suburban, browse our Chevy Suburban news section.

Chevrolet Express Sales Numbers

Sales Results - USA - Express

YearJanFebMar AprMayJunJul AugSepOctNov DecTotal
20242,501 2,5012,501 3,1373,137 3,1374,446 4,4464,446 4,6574,657 4,65744,221
20232,865 2,8652,865 3,0763,076 3,0764,241 4,2414,241 3,3713,371 3,37140,660
20222,953 2,9532,953 4,2294,229 4,2294,994 4,9944,994 5,4535,453 5,45352,888
20215,626 5,6265,626 4,1844,184 4,1842,387 2,3872,387 2,5892,589 2,58944,355
20204,436 4,4364,436 3,0023,002 3,0024,958 4,9584,958 5,9805,980 5,98055,131
20195,738 5,7385,738 7,1767,176 7,1767,354 7,3547,354 5,5515,551 5,55177,457
20186,236 6,1117,427 7,1387,138 7,1375,836 5,8365,836 7,5147,514 7,51481,239
20174,322 5,2585,819 6,8716,815 6,0635,226 6,9406,514 4,7244,316 6,29669,164
20162,913 4,3116,291 6,6596,588 5,7874,880 6,6595,663 5,4595,034 7,76368,007
20153,582 3,2223,709 4,9525,994 5,2385,323 5,5226,666 6,4425,371 7,36163,382
20143,892 4,7765,517 7,3719,822 8,1367,873 10,1466,142 5,5884,478 5,61179,352
20133,962 5,5046,065 7,8508,353 8,8685,569 8,2185,235 6,5255,779 7,15979,087
20124,532 5,2575,878 6,5997,447 8,1049,327 6,8613,881 5,5286,007 7,38776,808
20115,273 4,0215,851 5,8856,128 5,7985,343 5,8197,556 6,4215,387 8,46171,943
20102,762 3,8994,010 4,8066,247 6,5355,524 4,4595,233 5,0444,760 6,47459,753
*** This manufacturer is now publishing only quarterly numbers for this market. Monthly figures may be averages.

Sales Results - Canada - Express

YearJanFebMar AprMayJunJul AugSepOctNov DecTotal
2024258 258258 334334 334545 545545 724724 7245,586
2023162 162162 289289 289508 508508 327327 3273,856
2022107 107107 188188 188337 337337 188188 1882,459
2021266 266266 9898 9892 9292 148148 1481,814
2020305 305305 150150 150206 206206 263263 2632,769
2019429 429429 452452 452200 200200 322322 3224,208
2018378 360512 381520 315337 343429 348556 4524,931
2017213 241298 387406 418476 403567 488427 3724,696
2016263 165296 381341 332313 280354 418559 4624,164
2015162 207222 269198 288269 150433 276348 5153,337
2014186 213266 355576 566547 366555 451263 3324,676
*** This manufacturer is now publishing only quarterly numbers for this market. Monthly figures may be averages.

For more about the Chevrolet Express, browse our Chevy Express news section.

Chevrolet City Express Sales Numbers

Sales Results - USA - City Express

YearJanFebMar AprMayJunJul AugSepOctNov DecTotal
2016710 7341,170 1,769174 241297 359 5,454
2015585 605675 574772 1,0731,004 1,0921,024 958833 1,08810,283
2014 24 506530

Sales Results - Canada - City Express

YearJanFebMar AprMayJunJul AugSepOctNov DecTotal
20191 11 11 10 00 00 07
2018 8 88 22 228
201713 1630 2728 3749 29 229
201666 52114 9125 4864 5347 3018 28636
201550 3178 8148 56110 10097 74105 127957
2014 2121
*** This manufacturer is now publishing only quarterly numbers for this market. Monthly figures may be averages.

For more about the Chevrolet City Express, browse our City Express news section.


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