GM Authority

Chevrolet Tahoe And Suburban Sales Numbers

Here you will find Chevrolet Tahoe and Chevrolet Suburban sales numbers for the United States and Canada. The Tahoe and Suburban are part of the same vehicle family, with the Suburban being a longer variant of the Tahoe.

Combined Chevrolet Tahoe And Suburban Sales Numbers

Sales Results - USA - Tahoe, Suburban

YearJanFebMar AprMayJunJul AugSepOctNov DecTotal
202411,003 11,00311,003 12,29912,299 12,29910,795 10,79510,795 15,75115,751 15,751149,545
202313,730 13,73013,730 15,30615,306 15,30613,220 13,22013,220 12,12612,126 12,126163,148
202212,134 12,13412,134 9,9899,989 9,98914,390 14,39014,390 15,72315,723 15,723156,707
202111,394 11,39411,394 13,76013,760 13,76011,290 11,29011,290 14,97114,971 14,971154,244
20209,966 9,9669,966 7,6777,677 7,67710,223 10,22310,223 14,09214,092 14,092125,874
201910,627 10,62710,627 17,06917,069 17,06912,900 12,90012,900 10,44310,443 10,443153,117
201812,435 11,95213,981 14,00514,005 14,00614,841 14,84114,841 13,29313,293 13,293164,786
201711,515 11,58213,001 10,63910,513 12,66210,216 12,65615,284 15,86115,489 16,059155,477
20169,469 10,07811,483 11,81811,427 11,86113,486 14,03415,626 18,62616,010 19,470163,388
201510,737 11,84610,170 12,04211,494 9,18812,606 12,7209,640 10,20912,433 16,123139,208
20145,219 6,99610,212 14,59914,652 17,73115,951 13,9649,792 12,52713,072 18,020152,735
20135,911 9,06111,215 12,73413,996 9,60313,300 10,8218,065 13,10612,484 14,466134,762
20126,930 7,5169,279 9,30811,746 11,56310,498 8,5517,950 8,52110,600 14,558117,020
20117,624 7,4519,803 9,0719,840 8,83010,006 13,00714,059 11,71514,188 14,360129,954
20106,871 5,00510,179 11,39614,676 10,72010,620 9,1998,285 11,07911,051 11,746120,827
*** This manufacturer is now publishing only quarterly numbers for this market. Monthly figures may be averages.

Sales Results - Canada - Tahoe, Suburban

YearJanFebMar AprMayJunJul AugSepOctNov DecTotal
2024567 567567 512512 512586 586586 588588 5886,759
2023657 657657 753753 753529 529529 602602 6027,622
2022532 532532 500500 500695 695695 643643 6437,107
2021562 562562 611611 611573 573573 578578 5786,974
2020390 390390 232232 232273 273273 329329 3293,673
2019491 491491 600600 600645 645645 394394 3946,391
2018334 584709 546632 526527 867452 480402 4036,462
2017162 241396 394503 374535 435426 882478 3805,206
2016274 331428 394355 641277 284467 3431,103 3385,235
2015152 243323 302336 264270 364438 339304 3833,718
201492 2988 170381 228294 421325 229210 2782,745
*** This manufacturer is now publishing only quarterly numbers for this market. Monthly figures may be averages.

Chevrolet Tahoe Sales Numbers

Sales Results - USA - Tahoe

YearJanFebMar AprMayJunJul AugSepOctNov DecTotal
20247,775 7,7757,775 8,3738,373 8,3737,779 7,7797,779 11,12211,122 11,122105,147
20239,086 9,0869,086 9,7539,753 9,7539,193 9,1939,193 8,7458,745 8,745110,328
20227,993 7,9937,993 7,0237,023 7,0239,862 9,8629,862 10,37410,374 10,374105,756
20217,679 7,6797,679 9,3039,303 9,3038,067 8,0678,067 10,29410,294 10,294106,030
20206,801 6,8016,801 5,3395,339 5,3397,707 7,7077,707 9,5669,566 9,56688,238
20196,951 6,9516,951 10,98110,981 10,9818,769 8,7698,769 7,0297,029 7,029101,189
20187,147 6,9489,548 8,9608,960 8,9609,650 9,6509,650 8,2268,226 8,226104,153
20175,881 7,6609,112 7,4116,567 8,3786,824 7,8799,397 9,6159,966 10,27198,961
20166,199 6,4947,658 7,5497,430 7,8918,431 8,29710,051 11,9769,433 11,897103,306
20156,607 7,4106,860 7,9037,119 6,1928,297 8,2216,119 6,6247,217 9,77388,342
20143,514 4,9617,228 9,7599,229 11,14710,783 8,2165,691 7,9128,027 11,25997,726
20133,619 5,3167,837 9,0529,243 5,7907,119 6,8185,332 7,4587,272 8,64683,502
20123,995 4,2125,626 5,8457,169 6,4276,053 5,4584,696 4,9265,895 8,60268,904
20115,281 5,0686,844 5,4585,886 5,4765,741 8,0698,813 7,0608,401 8,43080,527
20104,556 3,3256,294 6,3099,397 6,8096,912 6,1195,422 6,7256,325 7,48275,675
*** This manufacturer is now publishing only quarterly numbers for this market. Monthly figures may be averages.

Sales Results - Canada - Tahoe

YearJanFebMar AprMayJunJul AugSepOctNov DecTotal
2024342 342342 293293 293399 399399 422422 4224,366
2023368 368368 477477 477332 332332 414414 4144,776
2022374 374374 321321 321462 462462 400400 4004,674
2021381 381381 392392 392353 353353 405405 4054,593
2020233 233233 167167 167207 207207 269269 2692,627
2019256 256256 380380 380477 477477 269269 2694,147
2018205 264303 308354 299277 532309 322231 2383,642
2017108 172294 229230 225338 260287 489252 2263,110
2016128 208277 223196 376164 188321 196647 1383,062
2015104 172266 180199 190208 215232 191159 2482,364
201462 2376 94168 161199 314261 149111 1611,779
*** This manufacturer is now publishing only quarterly numbers for this market. Monthly figures may be averages.

For more about the Chevrolet Tahoe, browse our Chevy Tahoe news section.

Chevrolet Suburban Sales Numbers

Sales Results - USA - Suburban

YearJanFebMar AprMayJunJul AugSepOctNov DecTotal
20243,228 3,2283,228 3,9263,926 3,9263,016 3,0163,016 4,6294,629 4,62944,398
20234,644 4,6444,644 5,5545,554 5,5544,028 4,0284,028 3,3813,381 3,38152,820
20224,141 4,1414,141 2,9662,966 2,9664,528 4,5284,528 5,3485,348 5,34850,951
20213,714 3,7143,714 4,4584,458 4,4583,222 3,2223,222 4,6774,677 4,67748,214
20203,165 3,1653,165 2,3392,339 2,3392,516 2,5162,516 4,5264,526 4,52637,636
20193,676 3,6763,676 6,0896,089 6,0894,130 4,1304,130 3,4143,414 3,41451,928
20185,288 5,0044,433 5,0455,045 5,0465,191 5,1915,191 5,0675,067 5,06760,633
20175,634 3,9223,889 3,2283,946 4,2843,392 4,7775,887 6,2465,523 5,78856,516
20163,270 3,5843,825 4,2693,997 3,9705,055 5,7375,575 6,6506,577 7,57360,082
20154,130 4,4363,310 4,1394,375 2,9964,309 4,4993,521 3,5855,216 6,35050,866
20141,705 2,0352,984 4,8405,423 6,5845,168 5,7484,101 4,6155,045 6,76155,009
20132,292 3,7453,378 3,6824,753 3,8136,181 4,0032,733 5,6485,212 5,82051,260
20122,935 3,3043,653 3,4634,577 5,1364,445 3,0933,254 3,5954,705 5,95648,116
20112,343 2,3832,959 3,6133,954 3,3544,265 4,9385,246 4,6555,787 5,93049,427
20102,315 1,6803,885 5,0875,279 3,9113,708 3,0802,863 4,3544,726 4,26445,152
*** This manufacturer is now publishing only quarterly numbers for this market. Monthly figures may be averages.

Sales Results - Canada - Suburban

YearJanFebMar AprMayJunJul AugSepOctNov DecTotal
2024225 225225 219219 219187 187187 166166 1662,393
2023288 288288 276276 276196 196196 188188 1882,846
2022157 157157 179179 179233 233233 242242 2422,433
2021182 182182 218218 218220 220220 173173 1732,381
2020157 157157 6565 6566 6666 6060 601,046
2019235 235235 220220 220168 168168 125125 1252,244
2018129 320406 238278 227250 335143 158171 1652,820
201754 69102 165273 149197 175139 393226 1542,096
2016146 123151 171159 265113 96146 147456 2002,173
201548 7157 122137 7462 149206 148145 1351,354
201430 612 76213 6795 10764 8099 117966
*** This manufacturer is now publishing only quarterly numbers for this market. Monthly figures may be averages.

For more about the Chevrolet Suburban, browse our Chevy Suburban news section.


  • Information for market (country) specified
  • Sales information provided by manufacturer
  • If you notice any inaccuracies, please let us know here

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