GM Authority

Chevrolet Crossover Sales Numbers

Here you will find Chevrolet Crossover sales numbers for the United States and Canada.

Chevrolet officially categorizes the following vehicles as crossovers:

  • Chevrolet Trax subcompact crossover
  • Chevrolet Equinox compact crossover
  • Chevrolet Traverse full-size crossover

Combined Chevrolet Crossover Sales Numbers

Sales Results - USA - Trax, Equinox, Traverse

YearJanFebMar AprMayJunJul AugSepOctNov DecTotal
202436,416 36,41636,416 43,04443,044 43,04441,586 41,58641,586 50,37250,372 50,372514,254
202330,300 30,30030,300 37,00637,006 37,00639,493 39,49339,493 41,74741,747 41,747445,638
202228,434 28,43428,434 30,41230,412 30,41226,121 26,12126,121 26,91126,911 26,911335,634
202139,403 39,40339,403 39,64539,645 39,64516,490 16,49016,490 12,51612,516 12,516324,163
202043,930 43,93043,930 31,85931,859 31,85942,855 42,85542,855 48,96948,969 48,969502,839
201949,101 49,10149,101 48,53348,533 48,53352,774 52,77452,774 52,92152,921 52,921609,986
201844,138 41,77055,170 45,45645,456 45,45443,824 43,82443,824 53,38453,384 53,384569,068
201731,049 39,54739,826 36,60134,471 45,84938,702 47,75347,878 42,42437,493 51,660493,253
201629,334 33,79737,394 37,30333,584 33,67546,521 30,68531,709 39,32639,001 45,583437,912
201531,545 35,24939,464 43,78245,438 36,45240,324 41,26836,534 39,41634,799 36,293460,564
201419,915 29,16029,360 29,30632,803 32,34034,854 31,54025,087 25,49626,372 30,691346,924
201323,993 29,34731,941 29,37031,100 33,94026,123 34,18520,832 23,52825,286 25,014334,659
201220,302 25,81727,149 26,03430,091 30,36325,652 26,97421,522 20,82422,518 26,981304,227
201121,452 24,96723,179 26,73324,793 24,74131,377 27,88723,370 22,30522,080 27,521300,405
201015,237 13,94321,438 21,00724,775 22,86119,846 18,38819,572 21,02825,341 33,287256,723
*** This manufacturer is now publishing only quarterly numbers for this market. Monthly figures may be averages.

Sales Results - Canada - Trax, Equinox, Traverse

YearJanFebMar AprMayJunJul AugSepOctNov DecTotal
20242,715 2,7152,715 2,7652,765 2,7652,895 2,8952,895 2,7052,705 2,70533,243
20231,571 1,5711,571 1,5401,540 1,5402,483 2,4832,483 2,8712,871 2,87125,393
20221,291 1,2911,291 1,5381,538 1,5381,617 1,6171,617 1,5251,525 1,52517,917
20211,721 1,7211,721 1,7031,703 1,7031,258 1,2581,258 576576 57615,774
20201,901 1,9011,901 1,4571,457 1,4572,238 2,2382,238 1,6391,639 1,63921,706
20192,292 2,2922,292 2,8262,826 2,8262,817 2,8172,817 1,7601,760 1,76029,088
20182,134 2,2353,365 3,4263,760 2,8942,693 2,6822,870 2,2352,398 2,09532,787
20171,922 2,0613,928 4,0513,623 3,0072,511 2,6533,173 2,8382,964 2,39035,121
20161,446 1,7172,857 3,2333,104 3,5432,635 2,5832,762 2,7473,732 2,39632,755
20151,249 1,5372,358 3,3263,235 2,9572,657 3,1803,265 2,9952,788 2,37331,920
20141,644 1,8533,329 3,8223,160 2,3523,129 2,8442,968 2,5662,228 2,08331,978
*** This manufacturer is now publishing only quarterly numbers for this market. Monthly figures may be averages.

Chevrolet Trax Sales Numbers

Sales Results - USA - Trax

YearJanFebMar AprMayJunJul AugSepOctNov DecTotal
202412,529 12,52912,529 17,62517,625 17,62519,766 19,76619,766 16,97616,976 16,976200,689
20232,155 2,1552,155 6,9746,974 6,97412,623 12,62312,623 14,70914,709 14,709109,382
20221,934 1,9341,934 3,2513,251 3,2512,110 2,1102,110 1,5721,572 1,57226,597
20215,652 5,6525,652 6,0316,031 6,0312,086 2,0862,086 428428 42842,590
20209,414 9,4149,414 7,4897,489 7,4899,828 9,8289,828 8,7028,702 8,702106,299
20198,193 8,1938,193 7,2637,263 7,26312,469 12,46912,469 11,01311,013 11,013116,816
20186,106 6,1698,207 8,8368,836 8,8356,850 6,8506,850 7,4597,459 7,45989,916
20175,257 6,6066,498 6,5096,174 5,8876,552 8,1718,423 6,0546,595 6,56379,289
20163,746 4,8145,167 4,5105,102 5,7969,466 6,9978,526 8,6788,207 8,00779,016
20151,839 3,8214,026 3,4515,707 5,9716,111 5,9856,140 8,1756,481 5,32363,030
2014 739739
*** This manufacturer is now publishing only quarterly numbers for this market. Monthly figures may be averages.

Sales Results - Canada - Trax

YearJanFebMar AprMayJunJul AugSepOctNov DecTotal
20241,243 1,2431,243 1,4131,413 1,4131,755 1,7551,755 1,1141,114 1,11416,575
20238 88 11 1908 908908 1,2391,239 1,2396,469
202247 4747 7373 7364 6464 3333 33651
2021297 297297 280280 280172 172172 4848 482,395
2020260 260260 322322 322435 435435 279279 2793,888
2019188 188188 337337 337718 718718 452452 4525,085
2018265 327384 460643 420356 427454 277237 2214,471
2017381 477978 487464 415423 463589 704369 2155,965
2016377 4271,019 954821 899713 790779 868936 4899,072
2015267 269448 813806 702693 861986 904817 5908,156
2014345 374729 855840 638776 9901,054 851611 4708,533
*** This manufacturer is now publishing only quarterly numbers for this market. Monthly figures may be averages.

For more about the Chevrolet Trax, browse our Chevy Trax news section.

Chevrolet Equinox Sales Numbers

Sales Results - USA - Equinox

YearJanFebMar AprMayJunJul AugSepOctNov DecTotal
202418,062 18,06218,062 17,42317,423 17,42312,356 12,35612,356 21,40221,402 21,402207,730
202317,634 17,63417,634 17,65017,650 17,65016,097 16,09716,097 19,52019,520 19,520212,701
202218,679 18,67918,679 20,21420,214 20,21415,549 15,54915,549 16,24916,249 16,249212,072
202121,073 21,07321,073 18,48318,483 18,48310,815 10,81510,815 4,7384,738 4,738165,323
202024,484 24,48424,484 16,93316,933 16,93322,492 22,49222,492 26,42226,422 26,422270,994
201929,500 29,50029,500 28,55228,552 28,55226,600 26,60026,600 30,69730,697 30,697346,048
201826,405 24,05331,940 24,65624,656 24,65526,005 26,00526,005 32,74632,746 32,746332,618
201717,574 22,46422,671 20,65520,908 29,18223,524 28,24527,512 25,27219,667 32,784290,458
201618,574 19,82521,480 20,60721,252 19,58221,882 15,27315,261 19,66421,600 27,195242,195
201519,555 21,72324,335 28,85629,456 21,76021,609 25,21121,537 22,08619,634 21,827277,589
201414,547 21,58719,939 20,31522,695 21,74825,321 21,38717,266 17,60318,536 21,298242,242
201317,223 20,64920,997 20,96522,918 23,64518,507 25,07315,443 17,16318,397 17,212238,192
201213,662 17,85120,064 18,28220,238 20,79319,906 20,23115,835 15,38716,821 19,551218,621
201112,847 15,43414,949 17,06717,587 17,95417,094 16,60615,497 15,10814,936 18,195193,274
20109,513 8,06112,805 11,98713,134 11,4909,869 10,53811,658 12,77315,387 22,764149,979
*** This manufacturer is now publishing only quarterly numbers for this market. Monthly figures may be averages.

Sales Results - Canada - Equinox

YearJanFebMar AprMayJunJul AugSepOctNov DecTotal
20241,082 1,0821,082 964964 964700 700700 1,0911,091 1,09111,510
20231,068 1,0681,068 1,0491,049 1,0491,097 1,0971,097 1,2011,201 1,20113,248
20221,056 1,0561,056 1,0881,088 1,0881,221 1,2211,221 1,2201,220 1,22013,756
2021871 871871 771771 771856 856856 393393 3938,675
20201,261 1,2611,261 797797 7971,152 1,1521,152 956956 95612,499
20191,543 1,5431,543 1,9501,950 1,9501,517 1,5171,517 938938 93817,846
20181,463 1,4762,364 2,3012,316 1,7991,866 1,7371,854 1,5131,624 1,41921,732
20171,291 1,3942,493 3,0722,877 2,3051,706 1,8182,079 1,6222,067 1,72224,446
2016908 1,1511,544 1,7752,032 2,0721,266 1,3631,637 1,6572,133 1,65919,197
2015802 1,0771,658 2,1562,051 1,9661,432 1,7741,876 1,7821,634 1,55819,766
20141,130 1,2522,310 2,5071,994 1,4551,734 1,4451,575 1,4251,346 1,38619,559
*** This manufacturer is now publishing only quarterly numbers for this market. Monthly figures may be averages.

For more about the Chevrolet Equinox, browse our Chevy Equinox news section.

Chevrolet Traverse Sales Numbers

Sales Results - USA - Traverse

YearJanFebMar AprMayJunJul AugSepOctNov DecTotal
20245,825 5,8255,825 7,9967,996 7,9969,463 9,4639,463 11,99411,994 11,994105,835
202310,511 10,51110,511 12,38312,383 12,38310,773 10,77310,773 7,5197,519 7,519123,555
20227,821 7,8217,821 6,9476,947 6,9478,463 8,4638,463 9,0909,090 9,09096,965
202112,679 12,67912,679 15,13115,131 15,1313,589 3,5893,589 7,3517,351 7,351116,250
202010,032 10,03210,032 7,4387,438 7,43810,534 10,53410,534 13,84513,845 13,845125,546
201911,408 11,40811,408 12,71712,717 12,71713,705 13,70513,705 11,21011,210 11,210147,122
201811,627 11,54815,023 11,96411,964 11,96410,969 10,96910,969 13,17913,179 13,179146,534
20178,218 10,47710,657 9,4377,389 10,7808,626 11,33711,943 11,09811,231 12,313123,506
20167,014 9,15810,747 12,1867,230 8,29715,173 8,4157,922 10,9849,194 10,381116,701
201510,151 9,70511,103 11,47510,275 8,72112,604 10,0728,857 9,1558,684 9,143119,945
20145,368 7,5739,421 8,99110,108 10,5929,533 10,1537,821 7,8937,836 8,654103,943
20136,770 8,69810,944 8,4058,182 10,2957,616 9,1125,389 6,3656,889 7,80296,467
20126,640 7,9667,085 7,7529,853 9,5705,746 6,7435,687 5,4375,697 7,43085,606
20118,605 9,5338,230 9,6667,206 6,78714,283 11,2817,873 7,1977,144 9,326107,131
20105,724 5,8828,633 9,02011,641 11,3719,977 7,8507,914 8,2559,954 10,523106,744
*** This manufacturer is now publishing only quarterly numbers for this market. Monthly figures may be averages.

Sales Results - Canada - Traverse

YearJanFebMar AprMayJunJul AugSepOctNov DecTotal
2024390 390390 388388 388440 440440 501501 5015,158
2023494 494494 489489 489477 477477 431431 4315,676
2022189 189189 377377 377333 333333 272272 2723,510
2021552 552552 652652 652229 229229 135135 1354,704
2020380 380380 338338 338651 651651 404404 4045,319
2019561 561561 540540 540582 582582 370370 3706,157
2018406 432617 665801 675471 518562 445537 4566,585
2017250 190457 492282 287382 372505 512528 4534,710
2016161 139294 504251 572656 430346 222663 2484,486
2015180 191252 357378 289532 545403 309337 2253,998
2014169 227290 460326 259619 409339 290271 2273,886
*** This manufacturer is now publishing only quarterly numbers for this market. Monthly figures may be averages.

For more about the Chevrolet Traverse, browse our Chevy Traverse news section.


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