GM Ordered To Face Class Action Lawsuit Over Faulty 8-Speed Transmissions
Originally arguing that class members had no standing to sue.
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Originally arguing that class members had no standing to sue.
One of many.
Another lawsuit related to the GM eight-speed.
Alleging that the transmission is defective.
In conjunction with the TurboMax engine.
Paired with the TurboMax engine.
Seeking compensation and GM warranty reform.
Second-gen transmission in third-gen truck – but does it work?
The issue may be the case plugs.
Issue affects 2022 MY vehicles.
Plug may need replacement.
GM fixed everything it could, but within reason.
Instead of the ten-speed.
Does it fix the problems of the old eight-speed?
Only vehicles purchased after March 1, 2019 are involved in this class-action suit.
They will be used for hands-on learning exercises.
Get improved transmission cooler with none of the drawbacks.
GM has sought to have similar lawsuits dismissed in the past.
Why is the highest gear used so sparingly? Let’s find out.
Both 2020 and 2021 model-year vehicles are affected.