Former GM Exec Steve Carlisle Appointed To AutoCanada’s Board Of Directors
Bringing 41 years of experience.
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Bringing 41 years of experience.
Including a dedicated account executive.
Big executive shuffle, effective June 1st.
Also fulfilling his current role.
The consumer-facing side of CarBravo will launch shortly.
Barra say her pay swell to $29 million in 2021.
The executive still owns 65,626 shares.
Could this lead to a greater presence for GM in Japan?
Hear what the Lyriq design and engineering team has to say about the crossover.
According to GM North America president Steve Carlisle, interest is running high.
He replaces Barry Engle, who is leaving GM.
New ad campaigns will leverage Caddy’s pop culture success.
Cadillac moved back to Detroit from NYC last year.
According to Cadillac president Steve Carlisle.
Will Cadillac ever build another coupe?
Caddy President Steve Carlisle provides some hope.
… but gas-powered cars are still a possibility.
Say goodbye to the alphabet soup we know today.