ExxonMobil Hires Former GM President Dan Ammann
Ammann also served as the CEO of Cruise.
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Ammann also served as the CEO of Cruise.
Cruise founder Kyle Vogt is serving as interim CEO currently.
An upcoming presentation will shed light on expectations for the robotaxi service.
Testing phase set to ramp up soon.
It’s time to leave gas-powered, single occupancy cars in the past, Cruise believes.
Ammann will be awarded hundreds of thousands in shares as part of his incentives plan, per a new filing.
It’s unclear if the shuffling is permanent, or if GM Financial will become a long-term part of Barra’s oversight.
Ammann was pivotal in GM acquiring Cruise, and will now be its CEO.
Ammann will be one of 25 speakers.
GM and Lyft once imagined a close relationship in the future.
Straight from GM President Dan Ammann.
He said GM Korea can be a sustainable business, but every party has to partake in “shared sacrifice.”
Including topics about safety, infrastructure and how people will react to a car sans steering wheel.
The property features a 19-stall barn for horses.
Ammann paints GM as a very future-forward company and sees a big opportunity for GM.
Reversing an earlier decision to treat South America as its own department.
GM President Dan Ammann made the comments ahead of Holden’s manufacturing shutdown.
The move is being described as strengthening global business performance.