Corvette Museum Announces $2.4M Investment To Improve NCM Motorsports Park
The renovation work will be complete in 2024.
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The renovation work will be complete in 2024.
It will be used as a demonstration car at the NCM Motorsports Park.
Learn how to drive fast from Corvette Racing legends like Johnny O’Connell and Jan Magnussen.
All you need is a driver’s license.
Bookings are open now.
Students will learn the handling limits of their vehicle and how to better control it.
Farming will continue on the property in the interim.
Push the Corvette to its limits in a safe environment.
The ultimate experience for the Corvette fan.
The Time Trials Nationals will be held there for the next 10 years.
The perfect opportunity to trash that 20-year-old Camaro rusting in the garage.
That’s September 27th through the 30th in Kentucky.
The Corvette ZR1 pulled off a 2:05.59.
More and more people are flocking to Kentucky’s National Corvette Museum.
The National Corvette Museum Motorsports Park now has its own go-kart track. Awesome.
It even offers track day insurance.
RideTech will now offer parts onsite, as well as installation.
Legal battles continue.
The three-day event starts on September 9.
As well as the Winding Road Race Store.