Cadillac Racing Reflects On A Successful 2014 Season: Video
Drivers Johnny O’Connell and Andy Pilgrim won a championship for Cadillac for the third consecutive year.
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Drivers Johnny O’Connell and Andy Pilgrim won a championship for Cadillac for the third consecutive year.
August 22-24 marks the 13th of 16 races for the Cadillac Racing team.
Will Cadillac develop an FIA GT3 car, or stick with the current CTS-V.R?
The team has managed to hold on to their overall points lead in the series.
The team still keeps a commanding lead in the points standings.
Driver: Andy Pilgrim. Occupant: Steven Pham.
They could have also taken 1-2 for the loudest race cars by far.
The next race is tomorrow morning.
Cadillac Racing is now second in GT class.
The race will take place this Sunday.
“Being a race car driver is pretty cool.” — Johnny O’Connell.
The team also clinches another manufacturer’s championship.
Black, Blue, Red or White.
CTS-V times three.
Cadillac Racing is racking up the points after a chain of strong performances.
One-two punch!
The results break Johnny O’Connell’s winning streak of three-straight wins at Belle Isle.