GM North America President Marissa West Leaving GM After 8-Month Tenure
Harvey will take over day-to-day management immediately.
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Harvey will take over day-to-day management immediately.
Former Google exec joins the ranks.
Melody Lee will assume the role in July.
Big executive shuffle, effective June 1st.
Promotion underlines GM’s emphasis on design in EV transformation.
The appointment follows the conclusion of Series C funding.
Hoffman joins GM from Cruise.
Fletcher helped develop both Super Cruise and the Chevy Bolt EV.
Kewley is a former Army officer and brings 27 years of GM engineering experience.
Dane Parker will retire in May.
Aquilina was the former managing director of Holden in Australia and New Zealand.
Gil West was previously in charge of Delta’s international operations.
Jacobson joins the team in December.
Marc Ebolo will now lead GM operations in Australia and New Zealand.
GM is set to open its new racing and technical development center in North Carolina.
The Corvette team is staffed by GM’s best and brightest engineers.
Sbeih is a 16-year veteran of GM.
He will be replaced by former Maven Australia boss, Joanne Stogiannis.