GM Authority

GMC Envoy Driver Tries To Flee Police, Fails: Video

A two-minute video has surfaced of an attempt by the driver of a GMC Envoy to escape the police, an attempt thwarted both by the quick thinking of an officer and the seemingly total incompetence or inebriation of the attempted escapee.

Driving a bright gold GMC Envoy, a mid-size SUV last produced by Big Red in 2009, the perp is described by one commentator as the “worst getaway driver ever,” with another Facebook user noting that the driver’s “30-point turn” didn’t help their chance of escape.

Front three quarters view of the GMC Envoy.

Backing Onto Police Cars

The clip opens with a police officer attempting to smash the passenger window of the GMC Envoy with his baton, dropping the implement in the process. The SUV backs into the front of the squad car immediately behind it, leading to a shouted F-word from the policeman, who draws a knife and stabs the front and rear tires several times, followed by an audible hiss of escaping air.

One poster remarked that “going for the tires like that was a brilliant move,” while the man filming the incident claims that the SUV’s axle is also broken. He indicates that the driver is female, saying that she was “going crazy” shortly before the video began.

Side view of the GMC Envoy.

Trying the Window

The police shout for the driver to “get out of the car,” and one puts a hand on his sidearm, while other police cars begin to arrive on the scene, lights flashing. The GMC Envoy backs onto one of the police cars again, with a loud crunch of metal on metal, then continues moving back and forth in an extremely slow multi-point turn.

Police surround the vehicle, hitting the windows in an effort to break them. The Envoy surges forward once more, then becomes totally immobilized, its wheels spinning uselessly on the now completely deflated tires. A final shot shows the police kneeling atop the suspect and applying handcuffs beside the vehicle.

There isn’t much context for this vehicle besides the rare sight of a gold GMC Envoy being involved in the world’s slowest and shortest-distance police chase, but as one Facebook poster commented wryly, those involved appear to be “living the American dream.”

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  1. Stupid is what stupid does.

  2. Amazing cops don’t carry the spring-loaded center punches that shatter an auto window with a light push .

    1. Electro24: They mostly do. Problem is that if you don’t have it on your duty belt and it’s inside the squad, it’s of little good. When stuff like this happens, things are moving so fast and you have so much going on in your head that you just don’t have time to grab things. Many times you just have to use the tools in your belt.

      Been there, done that.

  3. But, most importantly…
    Is that a Blue SS in the background? I’d be going nuts if that was my beauty that close to a destruction derby


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