A high-speed pursuit between law enforcement and a fleeing vehicle is already an intense and highly volatile situation that could end any number of ways. To help hasten the termination of the pursuit, police will sometime elect to perform a PIT (Precision Immobilization Technique) maneuver, wherein the police vehicle purposefully spins the fleeing vehicle to hopefully bring it to a stop. However, this tactic isn’t without its own risks, especially when performed at high speeds in traffic, as seen in the following Chevy Silverado chase video.
The video is a little over 17 minutes long, showing how the chase begins and how it ends, including the suspects’ arrest. The video was captured by Florida Highway Patrol on Florida’s Turnpike on January 25th, 2024.
According to the video description, the chase began around 5:00 p.m. local time after law enforcement attempted to initiate a traffic stop on a Chevy Silverado for suspected drug possession. After signaling to pull over, the driver opts to gun it, weaving around traffic on the crowded freeway. Police offers give chase, weaving around traffic in turn.
Around the two-minute, 15-second mark, we see a police vehicle slam into the side of the Chevy Silverado an apparent attempt to spin the pickup. The move is incredibly dangerous given all the surrounding traffic and high speeds, and ends up unsuccessful as the driver behind the wheel of the Chevy Silverado maintains control of the vehicle and continues to flee.
Officers attempt another PIT maneuver around the four-minute, 51-second mark. The second attempt successfully spins the truck, while also ricocheting the police vehicle into an adjacent motorist. Police officers swarm the vehicle and pull the passengers out.
The description indicates that the three passengers were booked and are now facing charges of armed cocaine trafficking.
Check out the full video below:
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Thank God, no one got hurt. And the Chevy handled pretty well.
They should just follow at a distance or have a sky unit follow them. Putting that many people at risk and tearing up a couple of cars is ridiculous.
Keep a distance and air coverage is a rare option in most communities.
Granted the chased is not a good thing but not chasing is even worse. If criminals know they will get away if they just step on it they will and no one will be caught and more crime will be committed.
Chasing is the lesser of two evils. One you win at most of the time one you always lose at.
That was bad. I am all for chases as letting them go is worse (it usually isn’t easy finding them after as air support is rare and many times they are stolen or have fake plates) but this was a poor choice in A, location and B, which way to do it. They should have pit them towards the wall instead of into traffic. Lucky it worked out with anyone getting hurt but this could have been done in a different/better way.
I can’t believe they would do that maneuver on a crowded freeway. The cop should be fired. Easily could have killed innocent civilians. Stupid beyond belief.
Without knowing what the local police regs are for such chases, it’s speculative to assume it shouldn’t have been done. The officer who did the PIT appears to have been quite skilled as adjacent lanes were free at the time of the 2nd PIT and the police vehicle impact on the civilian was not much more than a hard tap.
He gets caught. Crying why did you do this? then said “we were smoking”. The he tried to pull ” I can’t Breathe” then “oh I’m on antibiotics, what does that have to do with anything? Then he says he’s on steroids, for asthma. Really??? He’s trying to throw anything out that will get the cop to get some leniency from the cop!
Nothing was wrong with him…He just got caught!!!
Book em Danno!!!!
Druggies? … Florida? ….
I’m shocked …… SHOCKED !
I was thinking : “Does he have a programmer?” Must be a 6.2. If not, he was only running 100 mph. Programmer would get him to 130+. Nice spot where he took him out. I kept wondering if he hits him into the cement wall, will the truck ricochet and bounce left, taking out more cars? It would have been better if they had “Bad-Boys” playing in the background! lol
Live in Fl. We dont let perps loose. By tge way the Turnpike is not a freeway by definition
This was a circle-jerk from the get-go – the circumstances of which were dictated by adrenaline and testosterone. I’m a 32yr retired LEO. I always wanted to get the bad guy. However, if you go to YouTube and read the description – though these guys were convicted felons – real bad guys – the initial PC/attempt to stop was listed as “drug investigation.” The pursuit and especially the pit was unsafe, unnecessary, unreasonable, and reckless. Yeah – the bad guys caused it but it’s not worth endangering the public like they (all) did. They’re all blessed that no innocent was injured or killed.
Oh, and BTW…the perp asking “What happened? Why did you do that?” and asking for water and complaining that his head hurt = “Really? Ya think? Too bad. Ask them for water when you get to the jail.”
Oh – and there at the end – was the oft proclaimed and misused claim of, “I can’t breath.” Ha, if you’re talking and sitting upright – you can breath just fine.”
Police put their lights and siren on for a reason, to pull over, you run, means you are guilty of some thing. FANTASTIC pit maneuver, great work boys in blue, all the bone heads in the Silverado all showed off their minus IQ ability. Don, his writing above is the best way to deal with these bone heads.
2.7 activities.
Old saying holds true, especially in this instance…”with great power comes great responsibility”, and by that I mean the police have the choice and the options usually at their disposal, to take the bad guys out when they feel it’s best for themselves, for it’s the Law Officer that has to decide what to do next and with that decision, comes the responsibilty knowing that his or her decision could either make them a hero, or if something goes terribly wrong, could lead to their dismisal or worse!
Would I have done what was done here if I were given the responsibility…seriously, not at this time as it would have proved too risky in all of that traffic and as a side point, they were not chasing “murder suspects or terorrist”, and it might have been better to simply keep these “Perp’s” in sight and if the time and place were right, to go ahead and use the “Pit” to take these clowns out! Chasing a “Perp”at high speeds through heavy (but moving at speed) traffic is always risky, and so it might have been prudent to wait until the option to safely take the bad guys out presented itself…and in a perfect world, that would be “right now”, but we don’t live in a perfect world and it is the decision of the Law Enforcement Officer (or his up-line boss) to make that decision. I don’t know who could be held responsible for this Officers decision to use the “Pit” at this time and place, but my guess is that the officers decision just might be scrutinized later in a court of law, which I’d hate to see happen because that can end in the Officers decision being seriously questioned and who knows, maybe later a cash award given out to those who were innocently involved and sustained some sort of body injury. It’s happened before, and luckly no one was killed or seriously injured (we believe so far) but the police officer pulled a very risky manuver at a very risky time, hopefully everything goes according to the law and the bad guys are jailed, the police officer moves are not questioned and whomever’s vehicles got hit gets their vehicle fixed or replaced and everything comes out okay for all innocent parties involved in this particular instance. There is a lesson to be learned here…”think before you act”!