Officially debuting for the 2024 model year, the Cadillac Celestiq serves as the luxury marque’s ultra-high-end halo vehicle, packing top-shelf luxury and features, all with a cutting-edge all-electric drivetrain under the skin. Offered as one of the most advanced production Cadillac models ever made, the Celestiq matches its status with an eye-catching exterior design. Now, it looks as though one Celestiq owner is upping the ante with a bright lime green finish.
Recently making the rounds on social media, this custom Cadillac Celestiq was reportedly seen on Woodward Avenue in Michigan, showing off a green exterior color bright enough to glow in the dark. Details on the custom Celestiq are few and far between, but one thing is for certain – this four-door is dressed for attention.
The bright green finish is seen front to back, covering the hood, the front fascia surround, the fenders, the doors, and the rear end. The roof is done in black, as are the door mirrors, most of the pillars, and the lower body pieces. The rest of this all-electric sedan looks like it was run through a nuclear reactor.
It’s unclear if the bright green finish is painted on, or if it’s a wrap. As GM Authority covered previously, the Cadillac Celestiq offers an extreme level of customization, with each customer provided with a design consultation process at the Cadillac House at GM’s Global Technical campus in Michigan, where each example of the Cadillac Celestiq is assembled by hand. The design process provides customers with access to a huge list of options, which, presumably, includes the opportunity to paint their new luxury sedan in a shade of green so loud you’ll need ear plugs if you stare too long.
Of course, whoever doled out the $340,000-plus required to get a Cadillac Celestiq of their own should be allowed to paint it whatever color they desire. Still, we can’t help but think this color will be somewhat, uh, divisive among fans.
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Looks like a lawn fertilizer truck.
When a John Deere ain’t fancy enough for you
So why the pics so grainy? I understood that the customer won’t take delivery of this till late spring next year now.
So this must be a preproduction model.
Many online believe that this is a poor Photoshop. The color certainly makes a hideously ugly vehicle even uglier. What was GM thinking in even approving this? I’d fire Mary over this ridiculous decision.
Umm, the customer is ALWAYS right at this price point. ALWAYS. You do not tell someone dropping 400k+ you can’t have a color after you touted you can have ANY color you want. I think ugly, but I am not the dropping the serious chunk of change on it. I see lots of gawdy ugly stuff the rich buy and would never own myself but it was not my money. And I am pretty sure I have seen that color on some Porsche’s. And I thought ugly on a Porsche too.
Ferrari doesn’t agree. They are notorious for issuing customers cease and desist letters if they see any of their cars on social media that are not in keeping with the brand. I certainly don’t agree with them; if someone spends hundreds of thousands of dollars they should be able to do whatever they want. However, there are some companies that don’t agree the customer is always right.
I don’t recall Ferrari saying you can customize your car any way you want either. Caddy did. And as to Ferrari telling a customer in possession of a bought car they can’t get a paint job, well good luck with that. I’ve not seen a sales contract for a ferrari, but I doubt it contains such language. It is hard enough to enforce a resale limitation. After a customer has done such a thing, I could see Ferrari not selling a future car to the customer. They have sufficient demand they could do that. And as I said, I am pretty sure I have seen a high end Porsche in that color.
i dont think gm painted it.they said its un clear if its painted on or a wrap.
Looks like a DIY wrap. Look at the edges and contours, pretty friggin rough. Possibly a hack photochop
Wrap. Paint. Doesn’t matter. It’s an eye sore.
They are probably making a fleet of these for press evaluation in eye popping colors so they get noticed, we’ve already seen the bright blue and the bright red/orange color, why not green next? there will probably be a yellow or pink one or both maybe.
OMG. What in the world are they doing at Cadillac? That thing is an atrocity from every angle.
Hopefully they ordered the tufted leather seats from the 1980’s Fleetwood. Can a vinyl roof, coach lamps and opera windows be far behind? Bespoke means I can drop a V-8 in this? Cadillac says they will honor all requests for individuality so I guess i can order one with the V-8.
You’ll also need a V8-6-4 or an Oldsmobile Diesel engine for a complete collection of bad ideas from the past, since that seems to be what you’re after.
The pictures look like they were taken with an early 2000’s flip phone.
No way that car is ever going to be lost in a Costco parking lot.
Free money rappers will eat that up!
Looking forward to a test-drive video soon.
Probably ordered by the head weather guesser at the Weather Channel or some other on air personality who is most comfortable working in front of a green screen.
This is one of the ugliest cars GM has produced in years. Especially at the cost.
This may be an old time worn saying but here goes…”a pig in a wedding dress is still a pig”! Sorry GM/Cadillac but this is a real looser in my book, not just in the over the top “bloated” styling, not just in the over wrought color (yuck!) but in the “in your face” cost of a Luxury EV that Americans now have already purchased over the last few years and managed to saturate the desirability factor of a vehicle like this! Seriously GM, how many of these “Moby Dick” (beached whale) impersonators do you expect to sell to a failing market place (at this time) anyway! GM needs to rethink their future game plans, and in my humble opinion, “Fire the Coach” (uh, guess who that is) and regroup, and hire someone more in tune with today’s market place!
The EV market is at best “stagnate” and losing ground to the ever popular “ICE” vehicle, and so GM feels the need to produce a 340K EV, thinking that it’s going to once again help to create a Cadillac that’s “The Standard of The World”? My gawd, wake up GM/Cadillac and smell the coffee brewing…America (and probably The World itself!) is going to reject this behemoth to the point where GM is going to take a huge financil loss and to make matters worse, it’ll be embarrassing and thats when the finger pointing will go on for years within the company for a really poor decision made on so many levels!
Okay, ‘Nuff said…good luck Cadillac, you’re going to need it!
Yeah a Yuchy color on a way overpriced sedan kinda sums it up doesn’t it?
I wonder if Mary B is going to be around when their Sino-Partnerships are terminated far sooner than she thinks.
I know,she will say that although they sold more cars in China, it was north American sales that made the most profit, which will be the first truthful statement from Miss Mary in a long time.
Ugly car, color, name.
Saw same color on new Camaro. Agree with other posters, it’s hideous color on a bloated overpriced, hideous vehicle. Cadillac can do better than building this monstrosity.
Also agree Bara is pushing GM in wrong direction, trying to force consumers into buying EV’s they don’t want. Tide hasn’t turned from ICE vehicles to EV and won’t anytime soon.
Pretty sure this is a company-owned car decorated this way and driven up and down the main drag of Motor City to attract attention to the Celestiq introduction, especially to that segment that has money but no taste. Doubt very much if it will stay this way when offered for sale to any traditional Cadillac buyer who wants one. The color will be easily converted because…
As they say in show biz, “it’s a wrap.”
GM only had suggested colors, the colors for these vehicles will be 100% original on every one built.
Someone bought that? Well all I can say is, You can take them out of the trailer park but you can’t take the trailer park out of them. Toyota Century limo is available in about 6 tones of grey or black. Toyota does not take chances
No one has bought anything because this car isn’t on sale yet, like the other bright oddly colored Celestiqs, this is probably a car that will be either a press car or displayed somewhere to garner interest in the car.
“….this car isn’t on sale yet…”
FYI….They’ve sold-old orders for the next 18 months.
Orders….reservations actually since you can’t really “order” one yet either.
Sucker born every minute.
When the sheer ugliness isn’t enough, let’s color it with a Hi-Liter marker so that no one misses it.
Patterned after the Chevy Citation. Market: Mature Citation aficionados.
Today’s 6000 SUX.
My guess … even Detroit pimps won’t touch it .
Poorly executed photoshop executed to get people talking. It worked!
The images are apparently screenshots from a Facebook page, hence the low res. As for the color, plenty of high end Porsches, Bentleys , Lambos and even Rollers in that exact shade. Not my thing but I’m not the one with the moneybags. Doubt it’s a wrap, more Cadillac showing off the diversity of what they can do. I would love to see a Celestiq in a British racing green or a dark blue with contrasting aluminium trim and wheels. I think it has a nice shape and would have some real presence in the right color.
Krypton Green. Was a color for the Camaro in 2016, and, in Canada at least, of all things the Aveo for the same year.
Only Dark Colors will work for a design like this, Silver might be the brightest color that they need to go with.
Needs a restyle by Pininfarina.
And I didn’t think the Celestiq could get any uglier!
Saw this car going west bound on i94 near Albion, MI last week. Caught my eye immediately.