The Cadillac Lyriq serves as Caddy’s very first all-electric production model, offering up a long list of high-tech features. That said, one glaring omission from the Lyriq’s feature list is a head-up display (HUD), something which the Lyriq’s platform-mate, the all-new Chevy Blazer EV, does offer. With that in mind, we think it’s high time that GM offers a HUD for the Cadillac Lyriq.
For those readers who may be unaware, a HUD is typically a digital readout that projects useful information onto the windshield. The information is displayed just within the driver’s line of sight so as not to block their view of the road, while still providing information closer to their view than the gauge cluster behind the wheel. This technology is particularly useful for things like navigation directions, vehicle speed, or safety system warnings, as it allows the driver to view the information without taking their eyes off the road.
The Chevy Blazer EV offers a HUD (RPO code UV6) as part of the RS Convenience and Driver Confidence Package (RPO code ZL5), which is bundled together with several other safety and convenience features, including Adaptive Cruise Control (RPO code KSG), Enhanced Automatic Emergency Braking (RPO code UGN), a Rear Camera Mirror (RPO code DRZ), and more.
Critically, the Cadillac Lyriq does not offer a HUD, despite riding on the same GM BEV3 platform as the Chevy Blazer EV. As GM Authority covered back in March, it was originally believed that the 2024 Cadillac Lyriq would offer a HUD, specifically a display with augmented reality technology developed in collaboration with U.K.-based tech startup Envisics. Now, however, it turns out this is not the case, and the Lyriq still does not offer a HUD, nor has Cadillac set a date for the introduction of a HUD for the Lyriq in the future.
Of course, all this begs the question – does the Cadillac Lyriq really need a HUD? Let us know your thoughts by voting in the poll below, and remember to subscribe to GM Authority for more Cadillac Lyriq news, Cadillac news, GM technology news, GM electric vehicle news, and around-the-clock GM news coverage.
It needs a HUD. After driving other Cadillacs with them, it’s VERY useful. Plus, it’s a Cadillac? Shouldn’t be a question.
I have it in my XT5. Its nice but I find myself still habitually looking down at the instrument cluster for the speedo. What I do love is the hockey stick tachometer in the HUD. Reminds me of the tach in the C3 Corvette.
I’ve had several corvettes and all since the one I bought in 2001 have had a HUD. My other cars have not had one. My personal take is they are fantastic. You see all relevant info on the windshield and I almost never need to look at the main display. One of the reasons I don’t use android auto for driving in my current vette is the HUD has a great directions display as well. So again, no need to look down for driving directions. So my vote is yes. It seems like a huge oversight not to have included it. And probably should have made it like the one that I think is in the Yukon’s, the super wide one. Maybe the plan was to offer one that was the width of the windshield and it wasn’t ready. Don’t know, but it should have the best one they make.
I can’t believe HUD is not standard on the Lyriq. It’s a great car…I drove one earlier this week and was so impressed with the way it drove I didn’t notice that it didn’t have HUD. BUT IT SHOULD.
I don’t have HUD in my car so it is not a dealbreaker but for a luxury vehicle like the LYRIQ should come standard. Can’t GM just incorporate the standard HUD system until the more far advanced augmented reality version debuts one day?
It’s HIGH TIME GM shows the Crash Test results on this vehicle. I can’t seem to find them anywhere.
Our General Motors (Australia) built and assembled 2017 WN Series II Holden Caprice V, has Head Up Display (HUD) with all the features discussed in your article. It is a feature that I REALLY like and a feature that should be in every car, in 2024.
It amazes me, the General Motors in Australia, started fitting a Head Up Display (HUD) to its top of the passenger car range ‘Holden Caprice V’ as early as 2015! Nine years later its missing from the GMs Cadillac Lyriq which is GM will be offering in Australia in RHD form in 2024. Bottom line, Cadillac, all Cadillacs need the HUD feature.
My Lyriq has been shipped and I am about to take delivery in a dayor two. Reading that it doesn’t have a HUD blows my mind! Cheap shi!r boxes have it and I assume mine would also. All it takes is a transparent panel on the top of the dash and a led duplicating what is being painted on the infotainment panel.
What was going through the minds of the product planners? I love Cadillac, but this unexcusable short coming, reassly pisses me. Since there will not be the necessary hardware inside the dash, they can’t fix it with a software up date. Someone should be listing “Cadillac” in the resume aas a former employer.
HUD in the Lyriq seems “a long time coming”. On a trip to DC about a year ago, we rented a Hyundai mini van which had a HUD. It was basic and very handy. I read about the agreement between GM and Envisions at the start of 2023. My current vehicle is a 2014 SRX, no factory installed HUD, so really, no harm no foul, but if newer GM vehicles have factory installed HUD, why not the current “GM savior vehicle”? A simple internet search revealed various articles associated with HUD (specifically, AR-HUD) dating back to 2020… so here we are, 4 years later and no closer to HUD in the Lyriq while earlier Cadillacs, other manufacturers and even GM itself have installed HD – especially in their flagship line.I know it is not easy to build cars, especially when hot-cutting to a new drive train and power source, but 2024 has been the target. My 2024 Lyriq continues to sit on the lot in Tennessee. I’m pretty sure HUD or AR-HUD won’t be included by the time it ships and that is disappointing. Not disappointing enough to kill the deal, as the main reason for moving from 2023 to 2024 was to add the sunroof and fix the passenger & driver door opening process… HUD could have been there, but it seems Cadillac is holding out for AR-HUD which will great for those who can get it starting in 2025 or 2026… This smells like a big oops though I hope I have to retract this comment whenever my Lyriq arrives…
Just got my new Lyriq Sport 3. The car seems to be awesome in comfort, features, performance etc. Except it does not have HUD. Very disappointed. GM should not only provide an option for the Envisics or other AR HUD supplier, but also extend this option to people who have recently purchased Lyriq 2024.
ThE STanDaRd oF LUxuRy.
At this price it should be standard. I have it in my $58k XT5 Premium Luxury. I already said I have zero interest in paying a premium for less convenience just because it has a battery pack. It needs to have the features to match and make up for the less range and longer refueling (charge) times.
I find it hard to believe that Cadillac could leave out HUD on the Lyriq. I will be getting my Sport 2 version in a few days and the first thing I will look for is a trasparent panel in the top of the dash. Ever the optimist, I am hoping I can later upgrade it with HUD as I have become used to it in cars that don’t compare to Cadillac.
Not only that Lyriq 2024 is delivered without any kind of HUD – much less the AR based Envisics version, GM/Cadillac maintains deafening silence on whether this would ever be provided. My dealer knows nothing about it. This forum has never categorically stated if HUD would be made available.A year or so ago when the Lyriq/Envisics HUD videos started appearing on YouTube, GM/Cadillac had a chance to categorically reject the likelihood of such a feature being made available for Lyriq.
Did GM/Cadillac release any statement about this HUD? Not that I am aware of. Just silence.
I purchased a CT6 when it first came out because it was the true “tech leader” for various standard and/or optional equipment over ANY model made in the World at that time. Given that I am an older driver, living in a wet and hilly/curvey area, I felt that all of the various “wonders” could really help. Thus, my car has:
1.) 4 Wheel Steering-better cornering, tighter turning radius
2.) Magnetic Ride control-helps for a smoother, more comfortable ride
3.) Heads Up Display-As another writer pointed out, this allows the driver to focus on the road and still get Navigation/warning signals.
4.) Rear Camera Mirror-Unobstructed panoramic rear view; albeit it took me at least 6 months to get comfortable with it.
5.) Night Vision-Extremely helpful after dusk on rainy/curvey roads.
6.) AWD
7.) Full panoply of (what has become) normal safety/convenience features (birdseye view, front rear emercency brake, auto park, blind spot, lane keep, variable cruise etc.)
And much, much more.
Since then, as I have looked at newer models, I have not yet seen any model by any maker that offers that full set of features AND, much to Cadillac’s shame, it has shaved some of them from standard and has even blotted them out as options for many new models. A huge BOO to Cadillac for leaving off HUD, and Kudos to the author for raising the visibility of this gaffe.
It should absolutely be available. I feel that HUD and Magride are the most significant items missing from the Lyriq. I’ve had HUD in many GM cars since my 1994 Cutlass Supreme convertible (W Body GM cars were the first vehicles to get HUD). Even that early iteration was great.
My 2017 XT5 had a HUD. I currently have a 2023 Lyriq, no HUD. Early nfo the Lyriq showed it with a HUD. At its price point, should 100% be part of the car. Kia EV6 has a very nice one. Cadillac needs to put in the technology to be considered luxury. Otherwise they are really just a pricier, more refined, Chevy. Lastly, my 2004 Cadillac XLR has a HUD (monochrome). That’s a 20 year old vehicle.
Interesting new bit of info, I asked for an On Star diagnostic of my 23 Lyriq (all the latest software updates installed) and in the summary, one entry stood out…
HUD – HEAD UP DISPLAY None Failed to Probe Module None
Could this mean GM is getting ready to put a HUD in the Lyriq?
Worth noting, the lower priced little brother Optiq is being shown to have HUD….
WOW! My little 2019 Mazda CX3 has a heads up display. It also has the LED lights that turn with the steering wheel. All for $24K new. This stuff should be standard in a Cadillac.
The Chinese-built Sport Lyriqs in Mexico already have a HUD. The heads-up display is in the owner’s manual for US-built Lyriqs, but I haven’t seen one in the US yet. The chip shortage is over, so there is no excuse now. I have a Sport 3 on order, and personally, I will be disappointed if it doesn’t have a HUD whenever it finally gets built.
Just picked up my sport 3. Can’t believe it does not have a HUD. Anybody taller the stearing wheel is in the way. I have HUD on my other vehicles and use it exclusively. Keeps your eyes on the road plus shows the current speed limit. Big miss on the lyriq.
My Lyriq sport 2 has a window in the top of the dashboard for HUD, but obviously doesn’t have it. The big question is does it have an LED projector inside the dash which can be enabled with a free or paid, software upgrade? Not having it is far beneath the image and reputation of Cadillac and an affront to those who put their trust in Cadillac.
shocking to learn that the Lyriq does not have HUD. I want to order one now but will not get one if it does not have HUD. I had it on my CT6 and now my XT5;
I have a 2024 Lyriq Sport 2, that I will trade in to get a Lyriq with HUD. That is how angry I am over their failure to provide it.
The car is so well thought out in a greatmany details, what was the real reason for this stupid ommission?
Just looked at the ordering guide… the 2025 Lyriq does NOT have a HUD as standard nor part of any package, but the Optiq does have it as aprt of the UV6 equipment group, but only for the higher trim sport/lux… What is Cadillac doing? Why are there more features in the model lower on the chain? At least they’ve put the “magic mirror” on level 2 Sport/Lux… shake my head.
Cadillac has smart people working for them and they cannot be stupid about the fact that the Lyriq should have had HUD from the beginning. I love my 24 Sport 2 Lyriq. As a long agao retired professional race dreiver, I appreciate its handling and its 500 HP. However, it rides like a truck even in the relaxed touring mode. Where are the adjustable shocks it needs? MY passengers cannot believe they are riding in a Cadillac.
If the 2025 Liriq has a HUD, I will trade in my 24 for it and let the second $7500 rebate absorb much of the cost of tranding in a car with a few thousand miles.