It’s crazy how quickly things can change on the road when traveling at speed, even when you’re simply cruising on the highway. Unfortunately, the driver of this particular Chevy Tahoe had to learn that lesson the hard way after locking their SUV’s brakes and slamming into the concrete barrier, as seen in the following viral video.
Recently making the rounds on social media, the video is just over 10 seconds long, and appears as though it was captured by the dash cam of an adjacent motorist. According to the video post, the incident occurred in Houston, Texas on U.S. Route 290 last week, although the dash cam readout indicates an earlier date.
As the video gets under way, we see traffic moving along at 55 mph on a six-lane highway. The traffic isn’t heavy, but there are a few cars in each of the lanes. The conditions are bright and sunny, with clear visibility, and the time appears to be early in the afternoon.
A few seconds into the video, we see a white Chevy Tahoe pop into frame on the left-hand side of the screen. The SUV is moving more quickly than the rest of the vehicles, and rapidly approaches the rear end of a van directly in front of it in the same lane. The van applies the brakes to slow down for some slow-moving traffic in the left lane, and unfortunately, it appears as though the Chevy Tahoe driver isn’t paying attention.
At the last moment, the Chevy Tahoe slams on the brakes, the front end of the SUV diving down in the process. We see blueish clouds of smoke appear behind the rear tires, indicating that the rear wheels are locked up. The front end of the Chevy Tahoe drifts to the left, slamming into the concrete barrier before ricocheting to the right back into traffic.
Luckily, the SUV misses the rest of the vehicles on the road, including the car with the dash cam. It’s unclear why the Chevy Tahoe wheels locked up, but it’s possible there may have been an ABS failure, or the failure could be related to the mismatched wheels and tires.
Check out the full video right here:
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Looks like it was in pretty bad shape before the crash. Probably all kinds of warning lights on the dash, that I’m sure they ignored, just like they ignore watching the road.
Sadly similar to what Mary Barra is doing to GM.
Distracted, confused and driving GM into danger.
Mary Barra is doing a masterful job of playing politics. If she had tried to not meet the government mandates there would have been a huge fight which GM would have lost to the crazies who were in power. Now, when those policies fail, GM is covered. Since the mandates are largely executive orders, they can be instantly erased, and the Dems can’t hide behind Congress.