GM has submitted a new contract proposal to the United Auto Workers (UAW) labor union amid the ongoing labor strike. Details on the new agreement include a 20-percent wage increase for most employees, a cut to in-progression wage steps to two years, reinstatement of cost of living adjustment (COLA), and more. The UAW opted not to expand its strike last week following GM’s concession to include workers at the Ultium Cells battery plants in the national UAW labor agreement.
The new GM contract proposal, submitted to the UAW on Monday, includes the following for most employees:
- 20-percent wage increase over the life of the agreement, including a 10-percent increase in the first year. Nearly all UAW members working at GM will make $39.24 per hour in base wages by the end of the agreement
- Reinstatement of COLA for team members at max wages, starting the second year
- No change to healthcare premiums
- Juneteenth, up to five weeks vacation, two weeks of paid parental leave
Temporary and in-progression employees will receive:
- In-progression steps reduced to two years
- All active full-time temp employees with one year of employment converted to Step 1 in-progress employees upon ratification
- Temp team members earn $20 per hour
Retirement was also addressed:
- Company contribution up to 8 percent of wages (previously 6.4 percent) for active in-progress employees
- Company contribution for healthcare in retirement increased to $1.25 per hour worked (previously $1 per hour worked) for active in-progress employees
The UAW announced its initial round of walkouts last month following the expiration of the previous labor contracts on September 14th. The union is implementing a targeted strike strategy, calling on workers at specific facilities to walk out, rather than all UAW union members all at once. The union has opted to expand its strike twice since the initial round of walkouts.
Last week, GM agreed to include workers at the GM Ultium plant under the national UAW labor agreement, and as a result, the UAW opted not to expand strikes to include the GM Arlington plant in Texas.
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20-percent wage increase over the life of the agreement, including a 10-percent increase in the first year. Nearly all UAW members working at GM will make $39.24 per hour in base wages by the end of the agreement
Reinstatement of COLA for team members at max wages, starting the second year
No change to healthcare premiums
Juneteenth, up to five weeks vacation, two weeks of paid parental leave
Looks like a good deal for folks just sitting around and smoking a joint.
That’s my thought. Better pay than engineers, nurses, chemists and other secondary education professionals. Guess it’s time to join a mob cause honest work doesn’t cut it these days.
If SE workers aren’t getting $40/hr, they’re getting screwed.
I get $50/hr to install switch and router equipment. Using ONLY my HS diploma……comparable wage to the $5/hr people in my department got 55 yrs ago, installing far more labor intensive yet less sophisticated equipment.
This confederate mindset needs to go
This war on workers needs to end. I see no comment from them when executives make millions for getting fired.
Plus lots of “F and O” time paid at $40.00 for putting Lugnuts on Caddies.
20% wage increase over the four year contract will not be acceptable.
It will be far higher than 20% with the COLA if there is any inflation to speak of. I hope IRA Terrorist Shawn Fain overplays his hand and the Detroit 3 end up breaking this horrible, belligerent, corrupt union.
$80K a year and EU style time off to screw together cars! Why go to college?
I got an engineering degree and department seniority, and I don’t get paid that much. Course I’m also in the south where our houses are 3X as big as up north and we can only afford used cars. Our gas is half price as well. All the unions do is drive up the price of everything till if turns the cities into $h!th@@ls. That’s why Toyota workers down south make more with less.
Always Bums And Crooks With Comments 😭😂
Fain wants the original deal or nothing. Even these latest offers are a big improvement (to the UAW), but TBH, totally disgusting and over-luxurious. Can them all and replace the crappy workers with folks that need a job.
You wouldn’t last a day on the line and most won’t past the drug test.
Congrats! You just proved to the world that you’re a childish IMBECILE, ENJOY !!!
He probably would last a day on the line but NOBODY that doesn’t pass a drug test should get a job. ANY JOB!
Think GM would have submitted that better offer if the UAW had not gone on strike? Workers are not chattel. And although I’m a big supporter of Mary Barra, she and other senior executives, not just at GM, lost the moral authority to tell workers what compensation increase they were willing to give them while getting a 40% increase in executive compensation.
Auto company executives must walk the talk to be credible.
What about the all ready retired worker and widows. I these are the worker that should get just kind of raises
If Mary Barra can have a 40 percent raise, the people who actually BUILD the vehicles should get the 36 percent they’re asking for.
Like Beachy29579 said, get those union bums out of there and put some hard working people in their place. At least they won’t mind actually working for a living and still be grateful to have a good paying job.
Have you seen the job market lately? Plenty of jobs out there. Good luck finding clowns who will do crappy work for less money while the executives rake in the profits!
Twenty percent increase in pay, cost of living increase, 8 percent 401k matching, 25 percent increase in retirement health care benefits.
If they don’t ratify the offer they are just greedy.
I have been thinking about buying a new GM product but I am rethinking that with the unions demands.
Do you work on an auto assembly line? I don’t think you do just by your comment so you have no idea what you are talking about and have no idea how hard the job is on your body. Oh by the way i have seen over the last 6 months (before the strike) where we have hired 30 people in a group twice a month, in the first week we lose half and by the end of the month we are lucky to keep 5 people out of every group. When asked why they are leaving the normal reply is ‘I can make more money at Mcdonalds and not work as hard.’ Remember everyone hired in starts as a temp at 17.70 ish an hour with few benefits and they might stay a temp for years.
My comments are in SUPPORT of the UAW. My point is that if people with secondary education (degrees) aren’t making $40/hr, THEY’RE doing something wrong.
They’re just jealous of the bargained for wages and bennies we get as bargained for employees.
And those with BS or MS degrees up north make North of 100K……so their confederate mentality is to settle and complain, as if they have no control over their wages
UAW has got to be the dumbest bunch of people on the planet. Who the heck endorses a man who has been in politics over FIFTY PLUS YEARS and is STILL making promises next time you vote for him? Good God you people are stupid.