The Alliance for Automotive Innovation, a Washington, D.C.-based trade association and lobbying group, is criticizing new fuel economy standards proposed by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). The updated fuel economy standards were proposed under direction from the Biden administration following an executive order signed in April of 2022. The Alliance for Automotive Innovation includes representatives from nearly every major automaker, including GM.
Per a report from Reuters, the Alliance for Automotive Innovation characterized the NHTSA’s proposed Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards as unreasonable, saying that they would result in an increase to average vehicle prices of more than $3,000 by 2032 due to penalties incurred for companies not in compliance, adding that the standards “[exceed] reason and will increase costs to the American consumer with absolutely no environmental or fuel savings benefits.”
This past July, the NHTSA proposed revised fuel economy standards that include a 2-percent annual increase to average fuel economy for passenger vehicles, and a 4-percent annual increase to average fuel economy for trucks, starting in 2027. The standards would bring average fleet fuel economy to 58 mpg by 2032, and according to the NHTSA, will “strengthen energy security” and “save Americans hundreds of dollars at the gas pump,” with a total estimated savings of $18 billion. The new NHTSA fuel economy standards build on previous changes put in place by the U.S. Department of Transportation.
The American Automotive Policy council, which represents the Big Three Detroit automakers (GM, Ford, and Stellantis) urged the NHTSA to lower its proposed fuel economy standards for trucks to 2 percent per year, arguing that the current proposal “disproportionately [impacts] the truck fleet.” The group added that 83 percent of the vehicles produced by GM, Ford, and Stellantis are trucks.
The American Automotive Policy council previously stated that the proposed fuel economy standards could result in $6.5 billion in penalties against GM by 2033. Stellantis is estimated to pay $3 billion in penalties, while Ford is estimated to pay $1 billion in penalties.
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Just say NO! We don’t have to be dictated to by unelected bureaucrats! Call your senators and congress members. The auto companies need to sue the EPA and make a big fuss that will turn public opinion against them. Better yet, vote GOP every time.
The GOP are just D’s that ride the brake a little, VOTE THEM ALL OUT.
Popeye Doyle – There are two types or GOP. Bush Republicans (Establishment, Endless Wars, Global Interests) and then there are Trump Republicans (Anti Establishment, No Wars, America First). Don’t generalize all Republicans as D’s. That label would go under the Bushy Republicans.
Really? The guy with his clothes line that was made anywhere around Asia but in America is deemed “America First”?
Gulping that Kool Aid like there’s no tomorrow i see.
His policies as president was pro America. Maybe you should pay attention to current events. Usually adults with an IQ over 70 will vote for a president for their policies, not what they did as a private citizen or what they tweet. Got it Corky?
So live by as a lie rather than live by as an example? Got it. Hilarious to see poor folks being used as a convenient idiot for his gain. But keep slurping that Kool-Aid as he needs every fool’s vote in order to get that lustrous presidential immunity.
This is the first chance GM and other can make this a political football.
With a pending election they can attack this at the Federal level.
The trouble is still with the CARB regulation states. 14 of the ac punting for about half the market. They are not likely to cave.
But if enough Americans take this on and force politicians to make a choice this could drive some change.
The difficulty is going to be long term change adding 5 years to the plan will not work.
The American public as a whole just are too ignorant on this topic. Most of them don’t know or care who represents them let alone their position.
Let CA and the other leftist states build their own vehicles of just walk and quit whining.
If it were that easy Stan. The Carb states buy a lot of cars and the automakers need them as bad as the stated need them.
CARB will be the major issue for the automakers.
You get the government that you vote for, good luck.
You forgot to add Trump Republicans (treasonous, anti-law enforcement, alternative facts….)
Nonsense. This is exactly what Karen Motors has spent MILLIONS upon MILLIONS lobbying for, to push EVs as fast as possible.
So if we really want energy security we should be drilling in the US and not buying from the rest of the world. Seems no one in the government is talking to others in the government. We are killing are energy security because we have to rely on others for our oil, which is so stupid. We could make Americans richer than anyone in the world but we have to many brained wash people in government and brained wash people voting them in.
Re-elect Trump, he had it right.
“Drill baby drill”, right?
In 2020, the United States became a net exporter of petroleum for the first time since at least 1949. In 2022, total petroleum exports were about 9.52 million barrels per day (b/d) and total petroleum imports were about 8.33 million b/d, making the United States an annual net total petroleum exporter for the third year in a row.
This administration need to be booted out of office. The auto manufacturers caved in to the Biden green new deal initiative, now look what’s happening.
The Green New Deal isn’t a thing, at least in actuality.
I am not a Biden fan but this is bigger than just one senile old man.
Departments have people imbedded in them that are full of the green agenda. The EPA for example has leadership that does not change with the elections where these people are reinterpreting the laws to fit their agenda.
Read up on the RPM act.
Also CARB is now looking to limit cars pre 1978. They have passed out surveys that ask some personal questions of collectors. It a worry they could be working on limitations on these cars.
Glad I live in a free red state!
They sold their soul to the DEVIL (JOE)by taking the cash to promote EV’s ,now they have to pay the consequences.
Really Phil? “like a June Pride Parade…..” What the hell does that mean you “PHOBE”? At least you seem to know when to watch one, and I hope you have the balls to appreciate diversity in these United States!! Even my 90 year old father get’s it, so get over it or quit wasting our oxygen. Now go get your training wheels ready for next June and don’t let the Parade pass you by!
The end of democracy is happening under Biden’s rule. Authoritarian, dictator or executive action on everything Congress won’t approve! He is using the EPA, CAFE & NHTSA to twist every regulation to squeeze more money from consumers, it’s not about the environment! Just another form of tax to punish the fossil fuel industry. Ultimately consumers pay, corporations must charge more for their products to cover the costs of regulation. I’m tired of the heavy handed tactics, we don’t need the government to tell us what’s best for us. These environmental issues are unachievable in such a short time frame, it’s bankrupting the transportation industry. Suppliers must be monitored by the larger corporations they contract with, it’s a never ending regulatory nightmare! So many companies are involved it will take time, the government has no business telling companies how to run their business when politicians can’t even manage to do their job. The government’s footprint is trampling individual rights.