GM Authority

President Biden To Join UAW Picket Lines This Week

President Biden will join UAW picket lines on Tuesday in a show of support for striking workers. Biden’s forthcoming visit is set to take place as the UAW’s strike against GM, Ford, and Stellantis progresses into its second week. Biden voiced support for workers at the launch of the UAW strike earlier this month, indicating that record profits for automakers should equate to record contracts for workers.

The Biden administration announced the visit in a post to social media:

The Biden administration previously announced it would dispatch two White House representatives, Acting Labor Secretary Julie Su and White House Senior Advisor Gene Sperling, to Detroit in order to assist in negotiations. Travel plans for the two White House representatives were later put on hold, and the two representatives were asked to sit in on negotiations virtually instead.

UAW President Shawn Fain has downplayed the role the White House could play in brokering a deal between the UAW and automakers, saying that “the battle is not about the president,” but rather that the “battle is about the workers standing up for economic and social justice and getting their fair share because they’re fed up with going backwards.”

President Biden delivers a speech in 2022.

President Biden has voiced support for the UAW strike, citing “record profits” realized by automakers over the past decade.

“But those record profits have not been shared fairly, in my view, with those workers,” Biden said immediately following the UAW’s initial call to strike.

“No one wants a strike. But I respect workers’ right to use their options under a collective bargaining system,” Biden added.

Former president Trump will also visit Michigan this week, and is scheduled to deliver a speech to union members. Trump will hold the rally in lieu of attending the second Republican presidential primary debate. Trump has publicly criticized union leadership, including UAW President Fain.

The UAW expanded its strike against GM and Stellantis last week, targeting automakers’ distribution centers. The UAW opted not to expand its strike against Ford, citing substantial progress in negotiations with the Blue Oval brand. It’s estimated that roughly 18,300 UAW members are currently on strike, or roughly 12 percent of its membership.

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Jonathan is an automotive journalist based out of Southern California. He loves anything and everything on four wheels.

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  1. should be some good quotes & people smelling from this

    1. There aren’t any kids there, so who is he gonna sniff?

  2. Get the sand bags out.

  3. C’mon man!! The “Big Guy” is beyond useless and there’s no way he’d be joining the picket line if it weren’t for an election year coming up. His “busy schedule” prevents him from going to the border OR East Palestine, OH….but somehow he’s able to fit this in?!?!?

    1. have you gone to the border or ohio?

      1. TriSt8Z is not the “president”, what are you talking about.

      2. @lol. I’ve actually been to the border…,,twice over the past two years….but ya got me on East Palestine, Oh
        So what about you tough guy….what have you done other than run your mouth from your parents basement

      3. Slow Joe started his career as an auto worker in a Detroit Ford plant back in the 20’s. He may have even invented an improved lug nut and legend says he was at Henry’s retirement dinner too!

      4. Dumb comment, lol.

  4. Stinking carpet bagger

  5. GM is dead and Isis is alive. C’mon man, you know the thing!!! When I was a young man, I worked on the GM assemble line in Scranton. Lies, lies, lies.

  6. The picket lines just grew 5000% from all the security that will be there. glorious.

  7. All political parties just need to stay away from corporate and union issues. Government can’t even run its self or a brothel.

    1. Truthranfree – all parties? More like one party.

      1. As to quote a TV personality Biden is the “DONKEY OF THE DAY”.

        1. I concur. A realjackals.

  8. I can hear it now.

    “I remember walking the picket line when I was building Packards with corn pop in Warren Ohio.”

    1. Haha…..CornPop is a bad dude! 😂

  9. Cmon man, President Xi just dropped 10 million smackaroonies into my CHina shell companies. He wants to bankrupt the US domestic automakers so the CCP can sell us green and clean automobiles! I don’t care, I just want money and votes. Cmon man, I’m down 10 points to TRUMP.

  10. Is it a possibility that he could stay on the picket line permanently? Asking for 330,000,000+ concerned friends.

  11. So Joe is siding with the unions against corporate greed. What about the millions of us that are stockholders that invested in these companies for a return. Joe says SCREW us. Well, I say SCREW you Joe.

    1. “Joe is siding with the unions”
      He’s a Democrat. His party is literally funded by the unions, so you can’t really expect him to do anything else.
      Which is unfortunate. In this situation he should be acting as a mediator.

  12. Hope the UAW doesn’t take some kind of pride in having this buffoon show up. Gubment and labor should not mix in this fashion. There’s no national peril involved, just let them hash it out. The UAW wants too much, and the Big Three don’t want to give up too much. Isn’t that the way it always is?

  13. Mary might be upset, she thought Joe was her buddy.

    1. He can still give her a good sniff..

      1. She’s too old but maybe her granddaughters might be available for the pedo perv hair sniffer.

  14. Strike or not, the fewer iCE cars they build, the fewer used ones will be around when the gov’t shoves us into EV’s.

  15. Why would anyone be upset that the President is going?
    If Trump was President (or any other person as President) I would hope they would go and stand with the Workers as well. They deserve (Maybe not everything they are asking for) a huge raise as they saved the Big Three in 2008
    72% of Americans that were polled stand with the Strikers so of course Biden and Trump will be going.

    1. “Why would anyone be upset that the President is going?”
      Hopefully they put him in a red shirt, and take his picture for the cover of Solidarity while he’s walking the picket line.
      That will give the CCP and any old people in Russia still thinking about the good old days something to consider.

    2. Look up the word “pandering”. It’s all Democrats do for votes since they never have any real solutions or never really solve America’s problems. That’s “pandering”.

  16. Hi Thank You ”Mary”& GM’ Smile>DDK”

  17. Makes it hard to support the union when they’re getting FJB involved.
    I’d like to see the autoworkers get a fair contract. I’d also feel better about the unions if the top power structure wasn’t an arm of the D party.

  18. Joe’s just showing up to make sure he gets his “Big Guy” cut of whatever agreement gets hashed out. No way are the manufactures going to agree to pay the workers 46% more and have them produce 20% less. But then again Biden “won” from campaigning from his basement, so anything is possible.

  19. The only reason Roomba Joe is going is because President Trump said he was. This current president doesn’t care about the workers just their votes. But nothing new here just more political bs.
    But really 32 hour work week and 40% pay increase. Dam my next C8 is going to have a base price of 90k. Not good

  20. Here’s the irony here. The Big Guy is actively destroying the UAW worker’s job with his whole EV push.
    The Big Guy and the administration are destroying the ICE business, yet here he is purportedly “supporting” the very people whose jobs he is actively trying to destroy.

    1. This is the downside of our two party system. The voters would be far better served if there were a Labor and Green party instead of trying to combine those two things that oppose each other.
      The same could be said of having an actual Conservative party that isn’t tied to big business or the defense industry.

    2. Don’t forget to sprinkle in unabated illegal immigration for votes. A sure-fire way to boost American wages…/sarc-off.

  21. joe is the joke of America’s ass.

  22. I’ve never up-voted so many comments in one story on this website before. Suddenly I feel hope again for our country!

  23. Joe Brandon – the big guy. Almost 4 years of build back better – Nothing is built, nothing is back and nothing is better. Maybe the millions of illegal foreigners crossing our open borders will become voters so the Brandon crime family can continue ad infinitum…….what a disaster, turning this proud country into a 3rd world joke


  25. GMA showing the old grifter looking like he’s authoritative and able to fight fights. A more representative picture if Biden would reveal the old, feeble, forgetful man that he really is. Can’t show that though…

    Nice try, GMA.


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