GM has released a new proposal in the ongoing labor contract negotiations with the United Auto Workers (UAW). Highlights include a 16-percent wage increase, additional paid time off, and other benefits. In response, however, UAW President Shawn Fain called the proposal “insulting.” The current labor contract is set to expire September 14th.
GM released the latest labor contract proposal on its website dedicated to detailing progress in the ongoing contract negotiations. The proposal announcement included a brief video presented by GM Executive Vice President, Global Manufacturing, Gerald Johnson, as well as GM President Mark Reuss.
Highlights of the proposal include are as follows:
For All Employees:
- Recognition of Juneteenth as a paid holiday (16 to 18 paid holidays annually)
- $5,500 ratification bonus
For Temporary And In-Progress Employees:
- 56-percent wage rate increase for current entry-level in-progress employees
- 20-percent wage increase ($20 per hour) for current temporary employees
- Elimination of two progression steps, reducing time to max wage by 25 percent, provides double-digit wage increase for in-progression employees at beginning of contract
For Most Employees (at max wage rate):
- 10-percent increase in wages, with two additional 3-percent lump sum payments for a total increase of 16 percent
- $6,000 one-time inflation-recognition payment
- $5,000 in inflation-protection bonuses over the life of the agreement
“I’d like to say this to our team members in closing – we want this offer and the dialogue that follows with our UAW bargaining committee to send a clear signal that the goal remains the same – an agreement that moves us all forward as a unified, motivated, and competitive team,” Johnson states in the most-recent proposal video.
In response to GM’s proposal, UAW President Shawn Fain issued a statement published to the UAW website.
“After refusing to bargain in good faith for the past six weeks, only after having federal labor board charges filed against them, GM has come to the table with an insulting proposal that doesn’t come close to an equitable agreement for America’s autoworkers,” the statement reads.
The UAW filed an unfair labor practice charge against GM last week.
Fain added that “GM either doesn’t care or isn’t listening when we say we need economic justice at GM by 11:59 p.m. on September 14th. The clock is ticking. Stop wasting our members’ time. Tick tock.”
UAW members voted overwhelmingly in favor of strike authorization last month.
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Wow, what a horse$hit attitude Fain has. Isn’t it up to the union members to decide if what GM proposed is a carp table or not?
Seems like some pretty good numbers put forth to start.
Agreed. I think thats actually an insanely good package to start with. Sounds like Fain is dead set on a strike. Maybe he wants to play the hero???
FYI Fain, in negotiations, its not unheard of for one party to pull their first offer, follow up with a crappy second offer to create a sense of urgency and desperation. Fain, considering GM workers are the best paid in the industry, your goal should be to maintain that, not make your constituents millionaires.
Fain was worthless
At Kokomo casting
GM Fan and Steve
I think that’s a good offer coming from GM. If that’s what the Union members want, then take it!
Sounds like a good offer to me, I’d take and tell Fain to fly a kite.
I wish all the news media would quit saying it’s a 16% pay increase it’s a 10% increase with two 3% bonuses
Biden is pumping up the Unions, and trying to destroy Right to work States and this is the result we get.
I would be willing to bet very few or none of us who read these pages has ever seen raises and bonuses equal to this nonsense.
And on top of that the Union leadership calls it insulting?
Like trump did anything for unions. Get real!
Well Danno,
I never mentioned Trump you did, guessing you got the TDS going on. What I stated is that Biden is pro Union, and he and his cronies in Blue states are trying to end Right to work laws.
Those are the facts.
and another typical Democrat answer. Instead of having an answer for their parties mess they make, they just turn things around and say Well, look at what this person did. Like a bunch of 5 year olds.
You’ll feel better when you get out one of our re-education camps. You seem to have a severe case of BDS. Best of luck to you!
RFK jr is crazier than you. If it comes down to him or trump I won’t vote. I refuse to be responsible for putting certifiable nut jobs in office.
Absolutely 100% He’s old school Democrat like his father and uncle. Not the Communist running the Democrat Party today.
Unfortunately it is rarely up to the Union membership what is acceptable.
I worked at a facility many years ago and talked to several members over the 26 week strike period, many of them said they did not even know what the Union was trying to get out of the Company.
Do you think those workers ever recovered from a 26 week strike without pay?
Why do you say that? Do you have personal experience with a right to work state? I learned from the unions in the 60’s (western Pa) when my father had to join a union and change political party just to work. Then when they got raises the union boss came around and he had to “donate” money to the political candidate that the union supported. I’m sure all those strong arm tactics disappeared with Hoffa, but still your comment just makes no sense. How much of a current workers salary goes to support the union bosses today? In a right to work state 100% of the salary stays with the worker. Don’t flame the comment here, serious questions I would like answers to. Intelligent men can have intelligent conversations and still disagree without devolving into 3$@^^ m.
Its a good package deal my opinion for the union workers I take it since my raise on my job so low and benefits are worthless. Most people on these jobs barely get raises.
A lump sum is not a wage increase it’s a one time payment please state your facts correctly 10% wage increases and two 3% bonus payments of gross yearly earnings.
Just curios, anybody else out there ever get a 10% raise and two 3% bonus gifts? I bet that is a pretty rare occurrence.
Well most people have had more than 2-1$ raise since 2008.
The UAW (and other unions across the country) will eventually turn their respective businesses into nothing but razed slabs of concrete where factories once stood. Where will the union bosses collect their union dues in order to build their third or fourth beach houses when the companies close and the employees are no longer funding their extravagant lifestyles?
Corporate CEOs have been doing this since business began. The rich get richer.
There’s already precedent for that all over the Midwest. Lots of closed factories in Indiana where GM owed plants once stood, but were spun off to save money. Like Delco Remey, Fisher Body, Guide Lamp, Muncie Transmission, and similar Ford and Chrysler plants. The list is long and includes Firestone who closed and razed a plant that workers struck for an extended period. The company warned them that the demands were too much and the plant would close. The strike didn’t end and the locals got to watch the bulldozers level it. I drive by that slab daily. Fair is fair but there’s a limit too.
It’s disgusting, GM fire them all!!
Sounds like a very good bump for employees. UAW is just slime being slimy.
If this is how they deal, it’s no wonder more and more vehicles are made somewhere else.
Very good bump. Who on earth gets 16 to 18 paid holidays? That’s nearly 1 paid holiday every third week! I can’t even think of 18 holidays…
Not a damned thing for the retires since 2008 the ones that bought GMs.Most employees today drive Hyundai
Good choice!
…you know, the one they got when they were hired (lol)
That is Union control of the workforce, disgusting.
I worked for a major Manufacturing Company and we had 10 holidays a year, never saw a 10% raise, unless it was with a promotion.
The unions are out of touch with the real world, and that is destroying the workforce.
Why r u fighting for members who have imports in parking lot? Retirees had GM vehicle in parking lots sounds like pushing them under the RUG.
UAW in mental. Truly mental.
What about retirees. Most of us still drive GM products and we’re not mentioned.
Waiting for financial impact is not as effective as immediate impact. There should be a substantial lump sum up front. How about the 20 percent lump sum paid at signing plus signing bonus, then raises in remaining years of contract. The big three has stagnated our income long enough. Immediate impact is the only way forward.
The 16% “raise” comes out to be around $5 over 4 years. So $1.25 an hour a year for 4 years, they love to throw these percentages around making them seem a lot better than they are, and the media loves to run with it to get people fired up. Ask yourself this, with inflation the past few years being 10-20% would you be enthused with a buck and a quarter?
considering many are getting no increases, maybe?
Thats neither here nor there smart guy.
Read closer 10% raise over 4 years the 3% are just lump sum bonuses not added to your wage
China controls Afghanistan, where the minerals are mined ,thanks to Obiden,you think Hunter got all that money for nothing.The electric vehicles will be made overseas and shipped back here
Who at GM is only making $10 a hour?
I don’t think anyone in the UAW is making $10.00 an hour. According to a quick search it is more like $20.00 to $30.00 and hour. Depending on what job you do, and what plant you work in.
Don’t forget the other perks spelled out in this story:
Recognition of Juneteenth as a paid holiday (16 to 18 paid holidays annually)
$5,500 ratification bonus
56-percent wage rate increase for current entry-level in-progress employees
20-percent wage increase ($20 per hour) for current temporary employees
$6,000 one-time inflation-recognition payment
$5,000 in inflation-protection bonuses over the life of the agreement
Nothing for the retires since 2008
Several comments about “nothing for retirees”. Why would retired workers for any company in any industry be getting something in a new contract? They are retired, no longer on the payroll, why would they expect anything? What am I missing?
everybody wants free money thats why.
the retirees retired according to their contract at the time, on those terms. there is nothing for them nor will there be. i think its the same person typing it over and over because reasons…
They gave concessions, when they became Government Motors
How many retirees get anything after they retire? The majority do not because they retired! The greed in unions will destroy their livelihood eventually and then the poor me kicks in! As a union supporter I am starting to lose my support toward the greedy ones! This new union president is going to destroy what is left of the big three! No doubt about it!
Never will be either. My dad was on a GM salary retirement which was sold off to an annuity company after the bankruptcy and they lost their retirement healthcare benefits. Unfortunately, he didn’t live long enough to see if and my mom was old enough for Medicare so she was ok but everything else was frozen forever. One good piece is she still gets the employee discount on new vehicles which we use regularly.
I think your inflation percentages you’re throwing around are inflated. 20% lmao. 16% wage hike is an absurdly high amount for the work being done, which they applied for and agreed to do.
Plus they get their profit sharing. UAW claims manufacturers are making record profits, yea so the workers get record sharing bonuses
16% raise is 116% generous and behind closed doors the UAW president has a golden grin
Chained inflation averaged 4.15% per year between 2019 and 2023, a total inflation amount of 17.67%.
The only thing insulting is Fain. GM is not profiting on that money like he thinks they are. He just wants to make a name for himself. I bet he doesn’t give a rat’s patootie about the workers.
Greed will result in these jobs being sent outside of the United States. Just remember what happened to the steel mills. Also remember what happened to the rubber capital of the world Akron Ohio. Lock stock and barrel gone.
If they stopped paying those CEO and other parasitic employees millions in bonuses they would be able to pay the actual workers fairly. There’s nothing any individual does that’s worth a $10 million bonus. Most CEO aren’t even worth their base salary.
I thought all employees are getting bonuses (profit sharing) is that not true?
No. I know retired employees have not had a raise of any kind since 2006 when I retired. No cola, no profit sharing, and no pension raise of any sort.
I retired to take care of my Dad the last 3 years of his life and to take care of my wife who was diagnosed with MS.
You need to check your math. While I agree that bonuses to management are excessive, when divided out amongst the tens of thousands of union employees, will not amount to very much per person. Everyone would be better served if contract negotiations were conducted with “realistic” expectations from both sides of the bargaining table. GM is going to need a rather large capital accumulation in order to make the transition from ICE to EV. As that occurs, UAW members will succumb to attrition, as fewer are needed to make EVs.
They will be built in China where the raw material is for the batteries
Last year 59M in bonuses.
Retirees ALWAYS cry about “nothing for them”.
YOU are retired, not working.
That sow has 14 teats & you are SOL!
What a slap in the face to the Fain if the members accepted way less than what Fain is demanding.
WOW UAW wants the tail wagging the dog.
The cost of new vehicles is already out of reach for most families. UAW demands will certainly Impact the consumer. No sales = no jobs.
What a misleading article.
The wage increase is only 10% over 4 years. If any of you ‘hard working managers’ who never got their hands dirty, revived a 2.5% raise (in this job market) you would be smart to look for another job.
The UAW will be the death of itself and the death of American union autoworker jobs. All the big 3 has to do is hire up all of those asylum seekers and pay them less money and have no unions to deal with.
Let them strike and see how long they are willing to hold their strike signs out in the heat and cold! Those demands are outrageous to begin with! Maybe if the manufacturers actually charged what the vehicles cost with a modest profit and stop making the manufacturer management and UAW management millionaires things would settle down! Tomg
Remember UPS contract. You do not blast the other unions and call them names. Teachers unions, police officers unions, firefighters unions, government employees unions, pro ball players unions, airline unions, railroad workers unions, actors unions, engineers unions,etc
Greedy workers wanting way more than they are worth. No wonder half the employees at the Big Three automobile factories are driving cheaper cars from overseas. They can’t afford what they are building! No wonder American manufacturers are moving to Mexico and overseas..
Because we on auto site, why would we talk about other unions on a GM site
Regardless of what the union and automakers settle on the consumers will pay for it.
No they’ll just buy from overseas competitors
Instead of Fain pushing for even higher amounts of what was offered, why don’t they threaten a strike if automakers don’t reduce prices so the average consumer can actually afford a vehicle. The numbers Fain is pushing for is most certainly going to cause the automakers to increase prices to already ridiculous amounts.
I hope GM takes all the production out to the US and build vehicles elsewhere .
Now what will the UAW workers do.
They have paying jobs with health care and pension.
With out a job they will have nothing like most people.
You do realize Auto production is almost 45% of US GDP? Send it to China and the dollar catches the ruble in 2 years
Greedy workers wanting way more than they are worth. No wonder half the employees at the Big Three automobile factories are driving cheaper cars from overseas. They can’t afford what they are building! No wonder American manufacturers are moving to Mexico and overseas.
You do realize Auto production is almost 45% of US GDP? Send it to China and the dollar catches the ruble in 2 years
Which is-it? Pay workers enough to afford the product? Or they should make less than fast food workers? Where your sarcasm ends/begins is ambiguous. Since 2006 UAW workers have bargained for 2-1$/hour raises..FF went from 8$/hr to 18$. #1 value meal from 3$-12$, cars from 15k to 30k low ends—mids from 25 up to 60k$
24k in hard money,11,500 up front-plus 10% in wage increase for the old timers, a bit more for the new hires( who out number the T1 by a bit now.) a vote in this could be the 10% is divvied up is a question. High earners could see close to 50k over the contract – that boils to about 4$/hour or 8% every year if it was evened out. Not keeping with current inflation or making up for the lack of raises since 06. Many would rather see 5-7$/ hour and no bonuses. Bonuses get taxed at 45% fed,15% state and 3% union leaving a sour taste behind.
If you make the same$ year over year but get a “bonus” of x%; at the end of 5 years you are still making the same rate.
Mary doesn’t need a paycheck for 20 some million. I’m in a lawsuit now with GM over some problems they won’t fix (under warranty). I’m done with GM. Go uaw go. Suck’em dry.
I am very pro union. My advise is do not get greedy. Only 4 day work Work on growing your unions as their are plenty of non union plants through out the United States. Yes I agree that they need a raise but remember we consumer’s are the ones who have to pay for these vehicles. Please just do not get greedy and hurt this country coming out of inflation.
how did UAW President Shawn Fain get his position? This guy is a clown. He is going to cause all the workers to lose the money on the table. GM knows Shawn only has about 11 weeks of money to pay the workers if they strike. When he starts to run out of money, his attitude will change and he will have to accept what GM offers. Which at that point will be less of a deal than what this current one is. The UAW biggest problem is not GM, it is their own “Leader”. He does not have the mentality to hold the position he does.
From other financial websites he proposed to do a targeted strike at specific plants to cause supply chain interruptions . Strike pay would only then go to those specific plants.
Go live in a rigjt to work state live in a uion state you could have that pay
Amen! You can say that again! The Hell with the greedy fools!