The UAW has invited President Biden to join the picket lines in the labor union’s ongoing strike against the Big Three Detroit automakers. The UAW recently expanded its strike against GM and Stellantis in a strategy intended to give UAW negotiators greater flexibility in contract talks. Biden voiced support for the UAW immediately following the announcement of the strike.
Per a report from The Hill, UAW President Fain announced that the UAW would expand its strike against GM and Stellantis in a livestream address. During the announcement, Fain asked supporters to joint striking UAW members on the picket line, including President Biden.
“We invite and encourage everyone who supports our case to join us on the picket line, from our friends and families all the way up to the president of the United States,” Fain said. “We invite you to join us in our fight.”
President Biden voiced support for the UAW immediately following the announcement of the initial walkouts, stating that while “no one wants a strike,” he “[respects] workers’ right to use their options under the collective bargaining system. Biden also echoed the union’s call for record contracts on the back of automakers’ record profits.
“Over the past decade, auto companies have seen record profits, including the last few years, because of the extraordinary skill and sacrifices of the UAW workers. But those record profits have not been shared fairly, in my view, with those workers,” Biden said.
Labor leaders criticized Biden last year for signing a bill that blocked U.S. rail workers from striking. In addition, the Inflation Reduction Act has been criticized for not providing adequate protection for autoworkers in the industry-wide shift to EVs.
Biden initially announced that he would send Acting Labor Secretary Julie Su and White House Senior Adviser Gene Sperling to Detroit in order to assist in negotiations between the UAW and automakers. However, officials later stated that Su and Sperling would sit in on negotiations virtually, instead.
The UAW announced initial walkouts at three facilities following the expiration of the previous contract on Thursday, September 14th, including the GM Wentzville plant in Missouri. The union later expanded the strike to include additional facilities at GM and Stellantis, including nearly 20 GM parts distribution centers. GM has also idled production at its Fairfax assembly plant as a result of the strike. The UAW opted not to expand its strike against Ford, citing significant progress towards a new contract.
The UAW represents 146,000 autoworkers across all three of the Big Detroit automakers.
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A hefty campaign contribution will certainly entice him..but who will feed the teleprompter what fumbling speech the content …he will spew…UAW Prez??
It isn’t any worse than good ole Mitch. But yes none of them should run and the 4 oldies need to go but Mitch will remain cause its a dem governor there simply.
He’ll be tripping on his own feet walking in circles or maybe he’ll walk into traffic or in front of a semi trying to make a plant delivery splattering him all over the road. Secret service will take one for him, MAYBE.
you better hope that doesn’t happen. Kamala Harris, president, oh my.
Government must stay out of private business.
But if that is so, how is Hunter going to get the new Corvette????????????
I was thinking the same thing….dont go!
Biden is only there as a propaganda stint, he will play both sides only to benefit himself. He could care less about the true outcome, he only cares about what he can get for his own. Plain and simple. So don’t be taken in by the lies and deceit from this man who claims to care, he doesn’t. Be careful, while you are looking at his right hand his left hand is somewhere you don’t want it to be, stabbing you in the back or in your pockets.
Calling UAW workers “skilled” is a stretch. They bolt and glue cars together. If my 2023 Corvette is an indicator of their quality work, gm is in trouble. My left front fender, drivers door and rear engine hatch look like a toddler assembled them.
If the Idiot-in-Chief is going to make a speech, he should bring an interpreter. If the Idiot-in-Chief is going to walk the picket line well good luck with that.
He will probably say how proud he is to stand in solidarity with you Toyota workers.
budlar, lol
If these strikers don’t watch it, their jobs will all be shifted to China and AI robots. But be aware! I belong to Buick Club of America and am the local Chapter Director. Most members including myself will NOT buy a foreign tin can with an American nameplate slapped on it such as the Buick Envision! My Dad is a WW2 veteran, and won’t tolerate foreign cars in his driveway! American all the way! My Buick Electra was built in Flint, Michigan by real Americans.
UAW members are short sighted…like sheep going to slaughter…Invite the 2 faced absent minded PREZ to support you when his EV policies and legislation will put an end to MANY UAW MEMBERS…SMARTEN UP!! You all swallowed that hook baited with BU%$ SH$# !!
There are still many idiots in the UAW that support the geriatric puppet and the dummycrats, but those numbers are dwindling fast. With the big EV push by the Bribe’em administration, most UAW members that have any level of common sense and intellect refused
to support Biden in 2020, and wont in much bigger numbers at the polls in 2024
I can see it now he will go off his written script. He will tell you how he used to bust his a** building cars. He used to pick up the motors all by himself and throw them into the car.
Union Joe & Confusion Ho have Got To Go
GM = Government Motors