The United Auto Workers or UAW is taking steps to strengthen its position in contract negotiations with GM and the other Detroit Three automakers, now including an attempt to enlist the government on its side to apply more pressure in its favor.
The latest move, reported by Reuters, comes as the UAW pursues several significant negotiating goals as it works to hammer out a new four-year contract with the big car companies.
Under the aggressive leadership of the recently elected UAW president Shawn Fain and with a tightening labor market buttressing its position, the union is looking to win the current administration’s support by withholding its endorsement from President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign until it gets more government support for its demands.
Shawn Fain spent much of last week in Washington meeting with various representatives, including a brief sit-down with Biden, in an effort to drum up support for the UAW. Meanwhile, both Joe Biden and likely challenger Donald Trump are jockeying for UAW backing in their campaigns.
Trump zeroed in on a current sore spot for the UAW by calling recent EV mandates “crippling” and claiming Biden is “waging war on the U.S. auto industry.” The Biden campaign retorted with claims that the administration’s policies have led to the creation of over 120,000 new jobs in the auto sector and that Trump is “the most anti-union president in modern history.”
Beyond the Beltway wrangling, the UAW says strikes are still a possibility if the Detroit Three – GM, Ford, and Stellantis – fail to respond in a satisfactory manner. Shawn Fain asserts the position of workers has “regressed” and that auto sector employees currently face “a very uneven playing field right now.”
The UAW wants restoration of retiree benefits, cost-of-living pay adjustments, an end to the current seniority-based two-tier pay system, and unionization of GM’s Ultium battery plants. Retirement and COLA benefits were eliminated during the Great Recession of 2007 to 2009, while the new EV battery plants are mostly non-unionized.
The UAW recently signaled its willingness to strike if the Detroit Three reject the union’s demands. The last major strike by the United Auto Workers took place in 2019 when 48,000 GM employees stopped work for six weeks to get better wages and healthcare for temporary workers, among other demands. GM eventually conceded to many of the demands.
Meanwhile, the Biden White House has signaled that the President will not intervene directly in a UAW strike.
A much smaller UAW strike at the Clarios 12-volt battery plant in Ohio ended recently with the workers winning “a wage increase, a modern, flexible work schedule, and a significant ratification bonus.” Clarios supplies batteries to GM and other automakers.
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Seems everything is political. Even the cars we drive.
Support from the same administration which forced the rail workers to settle?
Problem with the UAW is that they endorse anybody with a “D” after their names. Thus you have pieces of excrement like Rashida Tlaib and her idiot colleague Shri Thanedar who signed a letter urging the EPA to impose even more draconian tailpipe standards than the ones than proposed in April. This is despite the fact that twns of thousands of autoworkers are employed in their district and thousands of auto jobs would be lost. The UAW must make it clear endorsements are earned, not bestowed.
Agree, but Bidum is already involved by pushing so hard for EV’s.
You got no argument from me there.
True for UAW leadership but around here lots of frontline union guys voted for Trump.
You are soooo right!
You’re right, same in my plant. But many of my brothers and sisters in the UAW, like Trump, are not pushing for unity. But for separate and not equal. I have a question, what decade, year in time was America “great for all its citizens “?
Check the documented facts. When union wages rose, wages across most working sectors rose. My wages have declined and not kept pace with the rise in the “cost of living”. So it is with other non union paychecks. And the is directly related to the politicians that have given “big business”leverage against the common workers.
The UAW leadership might endorse Biden, l but the rank and file do not. This is true in other unions, so it’s not a given that any interference from the political side will result in votes. Blue collar workers heartily endorsed Trump in ’16, and beyond. And from those I spoke to recently, Biden doesn’t have any advantage from the members.
As a young UAW member I supported who was Suggested as candidates for labor. But there has been a shift in many aspects of our society, some positive and negative. Which has affected labor in the US. Several years back unions have been able to endorse candidates on both sides of the isle.
Currently UAW is in support of candidates that have all American labor at the forefront of their actions. Not just talk. It is time our politicians in government to stand with the good for all. Not just for those that stroke egos and self serving agendas that divide.
In addition, there isn’t Anyone that has the proper take on every issue. I ask you, where is your tolerance for others unlike yourself??
No one person has all the correct answers. Reading your comments confirms this fact.
Too many people who don’t work forcthe big 3 and not in the uaw always have something to say if you’re not a dues paying member please keep your comments to yourself because nobody cares what you think or where you work.
God bless the UAW.
SLOW Joe and company should stay out of it and let businessmen take care of business.
Agree, but Bidum is already involved by pushing so hard for EV’s.
Good morning
I am glad that The UAW went to bat for the autoworkers. I like my Chevrolet and I want to keep driving it for as long as possible. After that I will purchase another GM automobile. let the autoworkers keep working and be happy working without having to stress about taking care of themselves and their families.
My Question to The Energy department is how can you give taxpayer money to two foreign companies with no strings attached?
Lets face it , Unions are past their expiration date . There was a time when they were needed 100 years ago, now they are just a drag on the economy and promote unproductivity . I worked for GM in the 80s and saw it first hand especially blacks making $17 hr then ,that would go hide all shift . People may not like this and it may not get posted but the truth is the truth
I plant in the 80’s compared to a plant in 2023 is night and day. The equipmemt and jobs are not comparable. I work for one of the Big 3 right now and I can tell you nobody is hiding and being unproductive.
The need for unions is definitely still around however the priorties for them have changed. 30 years ago safety and health of workers were to the top priority….now the top priority is wage and benefits. Someone has to put their foot down on the race to the bottom that corporations have placed on American labor.
I agree. The top priority is wage and benefits. I am 65 and still working. I have received retirement benefits from the government when I worked for the government but I love to eat and I got a nice GM Ride. It takes gasoline, food, utilities, clothes, medical supplies etc. Those items ain’t cheap. Thirty years ago, a burger was a nickel, now a burger at Hardee’s cost $6. You darn right I still work at 65!
We can tell you’re old and stupid!! Hopefully no reproduction came from you.
The UAW and Biden are in bed together; in the end, they will get what they want. Two groups will suffer, the UAW workers and the consumer. Who do you think will pay for your increase in benefits and pay? Not the corporation, but the taxpayer. As James noted the Unions are past their expiration date. I know employees (some former UAW) working at a non-union Kia plant that is very pleased with their pay, and benefits package and well taken care of. Good luck UAW.
when is GM gonna reward the retirees, for they are the ones that built this dynasty ?
Can’t do that. Mary needs her bonus money.
The UAW has taken quite a few concessions over the years, and now it’s time for us to receive our just due. It’s easy for people on the outside to leave negative comments about how the unions are selfish and should just be grateful for what they have. Unions are what helped build this modern day pay scale, safe work environments etc. Employers only pay the wages they pay because of the unions members that has fought to make things better for the generations to follow. Companies doesn’t give employees the benefits they have because they like them, they give those benefits because of the foundation laid by Unions years ago.
I retired in 2006 and have not received a raise of any kind since. No contact raise, no cola, and no profit sharing either. Inflation has eaten up my pension. Will the union fight for me? Does GM care? Why doesn’t the media discuss this?
Secret meetings with Hunter and the big guy?
A good % of uaw will vote for Trump even if told to vote for the big guy as his policies have been going after their jobs since the first day he took office.
You really are a complete fool.
Is your real screen name crack head or big guy.
The Union is week .Biden is useless.It should be about The workers.Incress Pension Benefits .No Alternative Work hours and a hourly pay raise.cola formula.No Job cuts if there has been reinforce workers that were Cut.
6 months later
You’re a complete idiot.