GM Authority

GM Releases Final Fix For Chevy Bolt EV, Bolt EUV Battery Recall

General Motors has released a final fix for the Chevy Bolt EV and Chevy Bolt EUV battery recall.

The problem: affected vehicles may have a condition where the high-voltage batteries pose a risk of fire after a complete, or very close to complete, charge.

Front-three-quarter of 2023 Chevy Bolt EV Premier.

The hazards: if the affected vehicle is charged to full capacity, a fire could erupt. In fact, GM has advised owners to park outside and away from structures until the defective battery modules are replaced.

The fix: certified GM technicians will be instructed to inspect affected vehicles, and install an advanced diagnostic software that will monitor battery performance and identify defective battery modules that require replacement. Notably, it should take techs roughly an hour to perform this safety recall. In short, not all Bolt units initially rounded up in previous battery replacement recalls will need a battery replacement.

Affected components: high-voltage batteries.

Affected vehicles:

Number of affected vehicles: GM did not specify the exact number of vehicles affected by this recall. However, GM Authority previously reported that The General extended the original recall to include all 2019-2022 Bolt EV and 2022 Bolt EUV units.

Owners should: Any owners that are unsure whether or not their vehicle is affected by this recall can visit and type in their VIN to see any open recalls or other actions that may be active on it. Owners can also reach out to Chevy or the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) directly with any questions or concerns they may have using the recall number and contact information included below.

Notably, General Motors released two safety recall numbers for this fix.


  • GM recall number: N212345944
  • GM recall number: N212345945
  • Chevy Customer Service: 1-800-222-1020

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As a typical Florida Man, Trey is a certified GM nutjob who's obsessed with anything and everything Corvette-related.

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  1. I’ve a 2017 Bolt which had the new replacement battery installed three months ago. From what I can tell, my Bolt is not affected by this recall.

  2. Does this potential overheating of a fully charged battery pose any problem for a 2023 Chevy Bolt 2LT ???…. I have one on order…

    1. No, this does not affect your 2023.

      This is a regurgitated article based on the original recall. 2017-2019 Bolts are still getting new batteries. 2020-2022 Bolts that have not had their batteries replaced are getting a software update.

      The newer batteries produced after the recall should no longer have the flaw(s) that resulted in the fires.

      1. Thanks for your input

  3. I’m really not happy with this fix. I bought a brand new car to be able to use 100% of it’s capacities not 80%. I drive 5000 to 6000 km a year and it will probably take me 2 more years to do 10000 km. In total, i will have driven my bolt euv for 4 years total at 80% capacity. Not ok GM.

    1. I am in the same situation. Our 2020 Bolt has 11000 miles on the odometer. It will take us 1.5 -2 years to drive the additional 6200 miles to start getting 100% use of the battery. We have not been able to visit family or friends who live in nearby cities because of the battery being set at 80%. I have spoken with the GM concierge representative Bridgette who was absolutely no help. Said she was “sorry” that we are having to borrow and rent cars to visit family and friends but there is not anything anyone can do. Then in 6,200 miles I will still have an EV that might catch fire. This is NOT A FIX! This is NOT ACCEPTABLE!

      1. I got a 2020 Bolt. I bought it when I saw how well my wife’s 2017 Bolt worked out for her. So now I have just over 16k miles on my car. Not as bad as s baker above, but bad enough. I have decided to not complain to the GM corporate behemoth. Bad for my blood pressure. It won’t stop me from bad-mouthing them, though. When it comes time to look at another new car, it will not be a GM. I still will not look at a Tesla, either.

        1. Smoldering:

          Yeah no point in calling either the GM Concierge (I think they have been replaced mainly with CHAT BOTS since their IQ level is about 30), but even if you speak with a human they will at this point do nothing. Calling the NTSB is USELESS as I indicated in my other comment, since GM’s legal dept has obviously told them exactly what to say… They will not even log complaints, so there will be no history or even the numbers of complaints.

          I earlier had a 2017 BOLT ev – I SHOULD have demanded it be recalled, back when the GM policy was unbelievably LIBERAL.

          So I still have a JUNE, 2021 (’22 model) Bolt EUV (totally paid for out of my own pocket) that still does not have its promised replacement battery…. I HAVE NOT done any recalls since the 80% limitation I cannot survive with… I broached the subject and they say I’m on my own, therefore, I charge to 100% and take my chances. Of course If the garage and house burn down GM will be held harmless since I SHOULD HAVE DONE the safety recall, or that is what GM will say, no doubt.

          I Follow the same policy with my April Obtained ’23 LYRIQ. Fortunately, I have not had any UNEXPECTED troubles like Infotainment, or, as many other LYRIQ owners have experienced, dead 12 volt batteries WHILE DRIVING and 30 miles from nowhere when it occurs, and the dead 12 volt battery I had while camping I found an easy work around, which GM is unaware of the issue, nor my totally usable solution to it. Mainly due to REFUSING all Over-The-Air updates. The expected troubles with this car (mainly lousy dashboard), are at least unchanging ones.

          So for the moment I’m in a stable situation but anyone who refuses to be a GM customer in the future I can totally understand where they are coming from.

      2. I have a 2022 bolt and it was recalled 2 weeks after I purchased. I never got to see my full range potential except for 2 weeks. I agree 100% I am hiring a lawyer and going to ask for a buy back. No amount of software can detect a physical defect in the battery. So after 6200 miles I still have a battery that will catch fire. That is absolutely unacceptable

  4. ok now i am confused ?!?!?!….is this recall even for those who got a new battery replacement?? this seems like a duplicate of past “safety recalls” BEFORE the old batteries were replaced …this is a sure sign that the Bolt has had way too many recalls and “safety” notices…..

    1. It is a duplicate.

      My 2020 Bolt has 3 completed recalls. Compared to other cars, this is not excessive.

      The problem is slow news cycles and regurgitated articles. There’s nothing new of substance in this article and it’s very low effort; mostly pointing to recall numbers.

      There’s more information on the Bolt FB group than news sites these days. News of the updated software fix appeared there first from what I can tell.

      Many unhappy owners that wanted to run out the clock and get new batteries. Well, a few patient ones waiting for their recall numbers to flip for a new battery also were screwed too. No reset warranties for them.

  5. No its not for bolts ev or euv who have received their new battery but it is a new software update similar to the last one that still limits the 80% full charge and monitors for defects on a long period of 10k km.

    1. The recall came down July 13, and I had the new software downloaded the next day, Thursday. My 2020 Bolt with over 15k miles was able to charge to the 80% limit on Sunday. So today, Monday, it does not charge past 50%. I have had no problems charging my car up to this point. Did GM forget to test their software update?

  6. If GM still is having recalls with the Bolt why would I buy an electric future vehicle?

    1. Its my last GM vehicle that’s for sure!

  7. To be clear everyone, the future EVs from GM are a completely redesigned battery platform called Ultium. It is “flexible” meaning cells can be arranged or stacked in different ways to accommodate different capacities, shapes, and sizes. Also, the new recall for the Bolts ending in 44 and 45 gradually adjusts the 80% charge rate BACK UP to %100 as you go the 6200 miles, whole monitoring individual cell performance. Some will still end up needing the new battery, but engineers need to determine that on a case by case basis. Remember folks, as the industry evolves to be EV centric, the research and development changes the way new designs are implemented, and allows future generations of EVs to go farther, safely. Folks can talk about how disappointed they are all they like, but the reality is, all the programming updates and recalls that have been done are just a precursor to the future of this tech, and those who truly understand it, understand why it was done, and how it benefits drivers, and the industry.

    1. I get that the technology will get better and all in the near future but still doesn’t account for how bad GM is at this battery replacement and the amount of time one has to endure the lack of transparency and empathy to it’s current customers. 2 to 4 years to get access to the full capacity of one’s vehicle is way too much. We should get some of our money back for this issue.

  8. Moi j’attends le remplacement de ma batterie pour ma Bolt EV Premier depuis l’avertissement par lettre de GM en août 2021.
    Ça fait donc 22 mois que j’attends, que je téléphone et que j’écris à GM pour leur demander quand ils vont remplacer ma batterie qui me limite à 80 % dans mon autonomie. J’ai changé ma BOLT 2017 pour une BOLT 2020 pour avoir une plus grande autonomie et après un an où tout allait bien, j’ai été forcé de réduire à une autonomie moindre que ce que j’avais avec ma BOLT 2017. Maintenant on me dit que peut être que la batterie n’a pas besoin d’être changée, c’est une véritable foutaise. Honte à GM pour son mauvais service à la clientèle.GM SE MOQUE DE SA CLIENTÈLE BOLT EV PREMIER de 2020
    GM NOUS AVAIT PROMIS UNE BATTERIE NEUVE et ils avaient obtenus un dédommagement de la compagnie LG pour nos batteries supposément défectueuses. Puis ils ont reçu les nouvelles batteries et ils les ont utilisées dans la nouvelle production des BOLT EV 2023 et 2024 au lieu de remplacer nos batteries à autonomie réduite.
    Maintenant ils nous disent qu’ils ne les remplaceront pas, sachant très bien qu’ils nous laissent à risque d’incendie et qu’ils se disent que nous avons des assurances sur nos voitures et que si le feu prend, tant pis pour nous, nos assureurs devront en payer le prix et les assureurs tiendront compte de la dépréciation, surtout pour un véhicule en fin de vie. Alors, après avoir payé 53,000$ on recevra combien si la voiture prend feu ???? Une belle saloperie de GM.

  9. I just turned 10K miles on my 2020 Bolt.  I have owned it for over 21/2 years, almost the entire time with the charge restriction.  I recently was informed that I will NOT be getting a new battery, and will have to drive it another 6,200 miles with the charging restrictions. I will have owned the car for nearly 5 years! I bought my Bolt based on its range, which would have allowed my wife and I to drive to several relatives’ and friends’ homes both up and down the coast, without having to charge at a public charging station.  The limited charging prohibits this as it gives us less than 200 miles.  The reason I currently have so little mileage is because we have to use our gas-powered Genesis instead, obviously much more costly to operate.
    My car is now fairly worthless with the recall hanging over it.  No prospective buyer would want to have to wait 6,000 miles before getting the full range. This is so unfair, and a complete rip off. I can understand why there are so many law firms texting me to join them in a class action lawsuit. I’d rather not, but If GM doesn’t come up with an appropriate remedy…

    1. Class actions do nothing but line the lawyers pockets.

  10. I can’t argue that!

  11. GM MOCKS ITS 2020 BOLT EV PREMIER customer base
    I have been waiting for the replacement of my battery for my Bolt EV Premier since the warning by letter from GM in August 2021.
    So I’ve been waiting for 22 months, calling and writing to GM to ask them when they are going to replace my battery that limits me to 80% in my autonomy.
    I changed my BOLT EV 2017 to a BOLT EV 2020 to have a greater autonomy and after a year where everything was going well, I was forced to reduce to a lesser autonomy than what I had with my 2017.
    Now I’m told that maybe the battery doesn’t need to be changed, it’s rubbish. Shame on GM for poor customer service.
    GM HAD PROMISED US A NEW BATTERY and they had obtained compensation from the LG company for our supposedly defective batteries. Then they received the new batteries and used them in the new production of the 2023 and 2024 BOLT EVs instead of replacing our short-range batteries.
    Now they tell us that they will not replace them, knowing full well that they leave us at risk of fire and that they may think that we have insurance on our cars and that if the car takes fire and go up in smoke, it will be just too bad for us, our insurers will declare the vehicle a total loss, and impossible to offer a new vehicle at replacement cost because the vehicle is discontinued. And insurers will take depreciation into account, especially for an end-of-life vehicle. So, after paying $53,000 you will receive how much if the car catches fire???? A nice GM crap.


    1. Agreed that this rather sucks..

      We were all told to not garage the vehicle, and don’t park it near anything else for years…. Promised a NEW totally replaced battery. Don’t charge past 80%. Finally dealership tells me they have a battery, but GM is not allowing them to change out the battery…

      Then the official release comes out. GM got the $Billion from LG in Korea but now they are just keeping the money. Another 6200 miles at 80% – except one commenter states the car now does only 50%…. Time to Buy Back GM.

      But GM’s lawyers this time have all their Ducks in a Row. Dealer COULD NOT BELIEVE GM’s new policy. Called GM Concierge – told that if I was dissatisfied to call US NHTSB agency. So I called them.

      GM’s lawyers told them what to say exactly. I wanted them to file an official report. They wouldn’t even take a complaint – so they can say, (if asked later) we never got any complaints!

  12. OK, if I can’t have the car I paid for, how about refunding me the purchase price and GM keeps the car? It’s not ok for a company to just take the value of the car I paid for with no compensation. I plan to tell this story to everyone I know.

    Refund the purchase price, and I’ll go elsewhere and you won’t hear from me again.

    What a piece of crap company GM is.

  13. I am currently looking for a Bolt. Good car. Good LG battery. The problems were rare, and the remedy was simple. Monitor to determine WHICH battery contained damaged cell(s).
    A dentist doesn’t replace ALL of your teeth if you only have one cavity. Get real folks.

  14. What I was promised was a new battery with a new warranty. Not a computer program to cheat me out of what was promised. I had just purchased the EUV and did not make a big deal about it because of said promise. And now they think me not being able to park it in my garage for two years, not being able to fully charge and discharge it for two years and giving me a program which will allow me to fully charge it after another year of driving is fair. This company is no better than scammers. I love my euv but hate this company and will never buy from them again and will makes sure everyone I meet know what kind of company GM is. Your word should mean something their word means nothing. I would be surprised if this program did nothing but count miles. Run don’t walk from this company.


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