GM Authority

Chevy Equinox Taken Out By Speeding Dodge Charger: Video

Racing on crowded public streets has to be one of the dumbest things you can do in a car. Nevertheless, some folks always insist on learning that lesson the hard way. And unfortunately for the driver behind the wheel of the Chevy Equinox featured in the following viral video, they were unwittingly forced to participate in the lesson by a speeding Dodge Charger.

The video was captured on what appears to be the dash cam of another motorist, and opens with a clear and sunny day on a highway. The sky is blue and the pavement is dry, while some traffic is seen up ahead across all three lanes.

As the video gets under way, we see a blue Dodge Charger muscle its way into the center lane, obviously spooking the driver with the dash cam as the muscle car speeds by and swerves between the lanes, exhaust blaring. The driver in the blue Charger slams on the brakes as they approach the line of cars up ahead.

Suddenly, we hear squealing tires approaching the dash cam car. As we watch, another Dodge Charger, this time a green one, slides into view. The four-door is already sideways, and the driver is clearly struggling to get the machine under control. As the rear end of the car pendulums back and forth, we see it collide heavily with a white Chevy Equinox.

At this point, there’s really not much either driver can do other than hang on. The green Charger slides off the road and up an embankment, as the Chevy Equinox is pitched into a 180. Amazingly, the driver behind the wheel of the Chevy Equinox has the good sense to swing the crossover back around in a well-executed J-turn and get over to the side of the road.

It’s unknown if anyone was hurt in the collision, but either way, the lesson is more than obvious – don’t race on crowded public streets.

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Jonathan is an automotive journalist based out of Southern California. He loves anything and everything on four wheels.

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  1. The Chevy Equinox may not be a performance vehicle but it is much better than the two idiot Dodges.

    1. Three Dodges

  2. I94 in Detroit. Anything and everything can happen on that road.

  3. We all know who was driving the stolen Chargers.

    1. By the 6 thumbs downers, I did not know we had this many stupids on here

    2. Yep probably some rich white kid

      1. Yup probably some black kid in stolen charger

  4. I94 is a dangerous road! Drivers there tend to speed, even in snowy weather, and few drivers keep a proper following distance behind the vehicle in front.

    1. Yea, Chandler Park is over on the East Side near Chalmers Blvd which is especially crazy.

      Maybe these guys are a couple of characters that work at the Chrysler Mack Ave or Jefferson North Assembly plants just off the freeway near there.

  5. More stupidity and hopefully reckless driving charges.

  6. Don’t race on ‘crowded public streets’?!? How about DON’T RACE ON ANY STREETS!!!!

  7. They need to get that Equinox driver off the street before he kills someone…

    1. Nice sarcasm there! 😂🤣

  8. Idiot driver,they didn’t get to where they were going any faster.

  9. Those two idiots in the Chargers are going to screw with the wrong person some day and end up dead. Their mommy’s will be crying he was such a good boy.

  10. Raise the speed limit. Lol.

  11. Another idiot with his “fastest car in the world”…

  12. So does that mean the blue Dodge win the race??

  13. Let’s give credit to the composure of that Chevy Equinox driver. That’s how you maintain control. Luckily, this didn’t end worse. I wish Chargers and Challengers would just get banned because I see (and hear) too many times how terrible and fast the operators of these vehicles drive. It’s utterly ridiculous and I’m kind of over it.

  14. Does every douche bag own a Dodge?

    1. You mean steel a Dodge it’s Detroit

      1. Pretty sure Dodges are steel. 🙄

  15. Everyone whose bashing the dodge drivers need to realize those were two stollen chargers. That Equinox happened to be one of my close friends. No one in the Equinox was hurt in the crash. The blue Charger picked up his theft buddy and they took off.

  16. Can’t blame the vehicles just because there were idiots behind the wheel.

  17. Auto manufacturers need to stop this horsepower race. If McDonald’s can be sued for making hot coffee,then car manufacturers should be sued for making cars that can far exceed traffic speed laws.

  18. Boy that comment is going to open a can of worms. Don’t know of many vehicles on the road that can’t exceed speed limits. Some are just capable of doing it quicker than others. EV vehicles included.

  19. Cars are just tools to get from point A to point B. If cars were manufactured with enough horsepower to provide passing speed, which is 10mph over the car being passed, prices would be reduced, more people would buy models like mustangs, Challenger s, etc. Currently those cars are being sold with capacity to far exceed speed limits, and some people needlessly spend money on something they can’t lawfully use. Since the wonderful invention of the automobile over 4 million people have been killed in auto accidents and statistics show that 60 percent of those are because of reckless driving. What percent of those were because of speeding I don’t know. Again, if McDonalds had to put disclaimers on their hot coffee that it’s hot, auto manufacturers should put disclaimers on the odometers. Reckless driving Kills, in Red. Why tempt with a loaded weapon.

    1. Your coffee analogy doesn’t work here.

      Drivers have to follow the laws and rules of the road. Speeding is already illegal. Cars don’t need to warn you of that. You were already warned when you read the drivers manual and took your exam.

      1. The disclaimer would only add an additional tiny bit of protection to the company, and I was only being facesious.

        Everyone knows coffee is hot, to label that on the coffee cups is nonsense, but exempts from future idiots from suing for the same thing. One day a clever lawyer will do the same to auto manufacturers that manufacture needlessly high powered cars that’s like putting a loaded gun in fools hand.

  20. The disclaimer wouldn’t stop anyone from driving fast and certainty wouldn’t stop anyone from drinking coffee.

  21. Correct, but a judge may order it one day just because. So the solution would be stopp building cars that go faster than 10 mph faster than the fastest speed limit in the country. After being hit and injured 10 times by irresponsible motorists I suppose I am just more concerned than others.

  22. Yea, I’m sure you are. No matter what you do today there will always be a way for people to abuse it

  23. If that “slow” moving Equinox was driving faster in the “fast” lane, he/she would not have wrecked the “helpless” Charger!

  24. And they live among us and breed.

  25. People must share the road. That goes for the people that want to get in your way and not let you pass them. If your a slow driver stay in the 1 an 2 lanes. And for fast cars the 3 rd lane and the road can’t handle fast speed all the time. Know your road.

  26. Boy, there sure is a lot of thinly veiled racism in these comments😂 😂
    “We all know who’s driving the stolen chargers”?
    “They’re gonna end up dead and mommy will cry he was a good boy”?? 😂😂😂😂😂
    You fkrs hop on every opportunity to let it show and likely are never gonna change. Can’t imagine living with that kinda hate in my heart.

  27. Pretty quick to cry racism here, aren’t you?
    The Detroit area is known for bad drivers, but that does not necessarily mean they are automatically minorities. Detroit is severely congested, and I-94 is one of the worst roads in the country for aggressive driving. By its status as a widely travelled interstate, I-94 has a wide variety of drivers of all complexions. It should be possible to criticize drivers of a particular area without being accused of racism. Large cities tend to be more hazardous for drivers due to congestion and driver frustration. One time while driving through the Chicago area, my wife & I saw three accidents in fifteen miles.


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