GM Authority

Chevy Silverado HD Destroys Crossover In Intersection Crash: Video

Stop signs and stop lights are implemented to help keep all drivers safe while still maintaining normal traffic flow. However, to some drivers, they seem like merely a suggestion. One Toyota RAV4 driver recently was reminded the hard way the importance of adhering to stop signs with a recent lesson in physics involving a Chevy Silverado HD pickup truck.

In a post to social media, we find ourselves a few cars behind an intersection, with a RAV4 waiting for its turn to cross. However, when the driver reaches the stop sign, they decided to not come to a complete stop and continue to pull forward.

Chevy Silverado HD owns a Toyota RAV4.

Whether or not the RAV4 driver was aware of the incoming Silverado HD, or decided that they could cross the intersection before the heavy-duty pickup truck got there, is unknown. However, the Silverado HD seemingly couldn’t avoit the RAV4, and ended up t-boning the Japanese crossover. In fact, the Bow Tie truck was moving at such speeds that it ended up pushing the RAV4 down the road roughly 20 yards and into a ditch on the opposite side of the road.

The video doesn’t state how the occupants of either the Chevy Silverado HD or RAV4 fared. However, you can just make out the crumpled doors of the Toyota crossover, as well as the curtain of airbags that went off as a result of the violent impact. Damages to the pickup truck are unknown.

This should go without being said, but even so, GM Authority would like to urge our readers to pay attention on the road and abide by all traffic laws. They’re put in place for a reason.

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As a typical Florida Man, Trey is a certified GM nutjob who's obsessed with anything and everything Corvette-related.

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  1. Don’t know what’s wrong with people. Don’t stop at stop signs, run red lights and go any speed they want. The world has gone mad, so drive defensive!

    1. Lack of enforcement.

      Which can, in large part, be attributed to the vilification of law enforcement.

    2. I live in central PA and must use the very congested, north/south artery, Rt. 11 & 15. Since the “pandemic” there has been very little to no coverage by the PA State Police and drivers have taken full advantage. The speed limit is posted as 40 but it’s become do what ever you can get away with. Red lights and stop signs are optional. Since I work and must sue this section of highway I’ve become very cautious especially when I witness 18-wheelers fly through the red lights daily. Prior to the “pandemic” when we had regular police enforcement and presence on this highway, running red lights was extremely uncommon and so were accidents!

  2. That’s exactly how many of the Karens in these little CUVs drive here.

  3. That’s the worst kind of crash, I doubt the Toy driver walked away.

  4. Toyotas are weak bodied. The truck is better made.

  5. Fact check:
    The Toyota DID in fact come to a complete stop.
    Thanks to the Silverado.
    It does not seem to be moving when these pictures were taken.

  6. Never assume a four way intersection. Too many fly through intersections at crazy speeds and claim they had the right of way. I’m sure the truck had plenty of space to slow down or stop when the Toyota entered his space.

  7. Wow what awful accident! It’s hard to tell who’s really at fault it does kind of looks like the Toyota driver stopped or they decided to try and beat the truck to the other side of the road which ended in failure for both drivers! I will also say that the pickup truck was moving like a freight train and we don’t know what the speed limit is on this road so who’s right and who’s wrong is up to the authorities. I do know this though always come to a complete stop and look both ways at intersections… Also and this goes for both drivers why are people nowadays always in such a hurry? Slow down.

  8. Hard to make a judgment with the given story. Odds are the truck was speeding ( since most people do speed ) and it is difficult to estimate speeds from a cross street. Also, odds are at least one of the drivers was distracted, say by their phone.

  9. I pressed play and watched it. I reloaded this page to watch it again, since I’m not an Instagram user.

    1. Nice, I was replying to Silverado HC and it just shoved my reply to the bottom, losing context.

  10. It’s all about defensive driving. Consider all other drivers on the road to be idiots. About 20% of motorists are dangerous. Have your awareness thinking cap on at all times.

  11. Overcast, raining so poor visibility. Black and white vehicles hard to see. Wipers and lights on? All add up to accident conditions. Probably both totaled?

    1. I’m pretty sure that taking off like the stop sign turned green is the major factor here.

  12. Better that truck than a motorcycle, I stopped riding years ago for this reason, too many distracted drivers.

  13. Maybe next time the Toy yoda driver will figure out that STOP doesn’t mean speed to other places.

  14. The Silverado is nose down and on the brakes at impact, you can see its brake lights. One less Toy on the road. I got rear ended in my Silverado last summer by a lady in a Camry who said she was adjusting her radio. My Silverado got a new step bumper and the Camry went to the junk yard.


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