GM Authority

Cadillac Debuts Speedy Velocity Au Naturel No-Paint Color

Cadillac just unveiled a new body finish infused with cutting-edge drag reduction technology that will considerably increase not only vehicle speed, but will also increase electric vehicle range. Dubbed Speedy Velocity Au Naturel, the new body finish will only be available on select Cadillac models and in unspecified limited quantities.

GM Authority exclusively obtained the photos seen here.

In a lengthy technical release published earlier today, Cadillac detailed the proprietary Speedy Velocity Au Naturel body finish, highlighting its “nano-no-stick” properties and “baked-in greasing agents” that enable dramatically reduced drag coefficients. This essentially provides the vehicle equipped with the Speedy Velocity Au Naturel body finish to more easily cut through the air and enhance overall performance.

Not only does this new technology provide performance benefits, but it also allows vehicles to return greater efficiency – particularly important for the driving range per charge on electric vehicles – compared to conventional paint finishes thanks to the aero drag reduction. In addition, the Speedy Velocity Au Naturel body finish provides the added convenience of “no-wash maintenance.” According to Cadillac, any dust, dirt, mud, or bird droppings that touch the body panels will be instantly repelled, leaving the vehicle with a fresh appearance in any and all conditions.

Due to the slickness of this new hue, each Cadillac model finished in the color ships as standard with two pairs of gloves, required to open the vehicle’s doors.

“Cadillac’s new Speedy Velocity Au Naturel body finish is the perfect nexus of Cadillac style, technology, luxury, and performance,” said Cadillac global vice president Benny Rovey. “Like the vehicles upon which it is applied, the Cadillac Speedy Velocity Au Naturel body finish will go fast, with an extremely limited quantity of models available to customers.”

Rovey declined to provide exact figures on how many units of the Cadillac Speedy Velocity Au Naturel will be available, or if it will be offered some time after the initial run is satisfied. When pressed for details, Rovey simply replied, “I’m rubber, you’re glue, whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you.” He then stuck out his tongue and proceeded to blow raspberries at reporters.

By the way, in case you haven’t realized it yet, we were just pulling your leg a bit 😉 Happy April Fools Day! And remember to subscribe to GM Authority for more Cadillac news and around-the-clock GM news coverage.

Jonathan is an automotive journalist based out of Southern California. He loves anything and everything on four wheels.

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  1. Great, more dealer markups. I mean, I’m glad they’re bringing back the black bumper look of the old base model Cavaliers and Saturn SL, but the world is different now.

    1. You win today’s “not the sharpest tool in the shed” award.

      1. Except, the award is yours. It’s April Fool’s Day and I was playing in to the joke. Sarcasm. Look it up. All these downvotes make me laugh because it’s obvious none of them got the joke either.

        1. ocnblue Strange… nothing in your original comment makes it seem like you got the joke. Seems like you’re just backtracking with your reply.

          1. ? So… you think the black bumper look of an old Cavalier is appropriate for a 2023 Cadillac? You can detect no sarcasm in that reply? Oy vey.

            1. This really isn’t funny because technology like this could actually destroy Tesla.

  2. Strange 👀

  3. Happy April fools!!!

  4. When every headline you read every day is already crazy………..April Fools loses its impact.

  5. Got me ! 👍🏻✅

  6. As funny as it sounds there is some truth to reduced fiction coatings.
    It’s used on boats all the time
    Something like no stick pans!

  7. Lol, had to chuckle. Forgot today was the 1st.
    I thought to myself, wouldn’t a weekly waxing with good wax do the same on regular paint for the most part?
    Anyhow…., nice, you got me.

  8. How about offering a “Stealth” paint job that will elude police radar. Even better, offer a cloaking device.

  9. I was very excited to read that technology now existed to repel dust dirt and bird poo! I bought this hook line and sinker till reading the “I’m rubber, you’re glue” quote. It’s April 1st…..and I’m your fool! Well played!!

    1. Actually guys, there IS such a Air Friction Co Efficient available. It is called Air Craft Wax available at your local Pvt Airport supply shop.

  10. For the buyer that misses the look of the Cavalier VL base price leader models all yours for a huge extra cost on your already overpriced Caddy. LOL

  11. Gee, I thought the last ten years have been April fools day at GM.

    1. No friggin’ kidding

      1. 2020-2023 has surely been an April Fools day joke on us all. Nothing else can describe it!

  12. Folks rarely see ANY Cadillacs anymore, so this is yet one more no one will see… pathetic… just pathetic…

    1. Hey, genius, it was an April Fool’s joke.


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