As the state of California and others move to phase out the sale of internal-combustion-powered passenger vehicles, the state of Wyoming has announced it’s moving a different direction with plans to phase out EV sales by the 2035 calendar year.
The new state senate joint resolution (no. SJ0004) is titled “Phasing Out New Electric Vehicle Sales by 2035,” and was introduced last Friday with support from members of the Wyoming House of Representatives and Senate.
The resolution lays out a number of justifications for phasing out EV sales, the most prominent of which is Wyoming’s reliance on oil and gas production. Although Wyoming is the least-populace state in the U.S., it’s also one of the biggest producers of crude oil.
“WHEREAS, the United States has consistently invested in the oil and gas industry to sustain gas-powered vehicles, and that investment has resulted in the continued employment of thousands of people in the oil and gas industry in Wyoming and throughout the country,” the resolution states.
The EV sales resolution goes on to state that Wyoming’s “vast stretches of highway” and lack of EV charging infrastructure make electric vehicles impractical, while adding that widespread EV adoption would necessitate “massive amounts of new power generation in order to sustain the misadventure of electric vehicles.” The resolution states that fossil fuels will be vital for the transportation of goods and people across Wyoming and the U.S. for years to come.
Finally, the resolution states that EV production relies on critical minerals that are vulnerable to disruption, and that EV batteries “are not easily recyclable or disposable,” and thus landfills will require development to safely dispose of a supposed influx of EV battery waste.
Critically, the resolution isn’t an outright ban on EV sales. Rather, it “encourages” Wyoming industry and citizens limit EV sales, with the eventual goal of phasing out new EV sales by 2035.
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good, the ev revolution is nothing more than a fad
A pointless virtue-signaling exercise on Wyoming’s part that will only be repealed by the time ICE vehicles get phased out by the automakers in the rest of the nation and residents have no other options.
It’s foolish to assume a tiny market like Wyoming will have any impact on the industry.
So is the internet.
@Afi K. James
So let me get this straight.
The Worlds Auto Sector collectively have already committed in contacts to spend 1.2 Trillion (Yeah Trillion) by 2026 and you think that the Switch to EV’s is a Fad?
Am I understanding you correctly?
It is so comical to me that some People are seriously not understanding what is happening in the World simply because they hold certain beliefs which might be personal vehicle preferences or Political preferences.
There is no Stopping this Switch. Keep buying used in the Future I guess.
I am a GM fan and want them to be the Best at BEV’s as that is the Future.
In my opinion being anti BEV’s is basically the same as saying you are not a GM fan (Not Specifically you just a General Statement) and are not rooting for them to be successful for another Century and also you would be ok with people losing their GM Jobs just as long as you can keep getting your ICE vehicles.
I’m so glad some state is getting with the DUMP the EV’s. The green people are worse than the US government. Since when do we have to copy California. With all the stupid laws anyway. Now if the Dokota’s jump on and the rest of the mid-west will do the same. Il. is too stupid to try to get on board with the Gov. we have.
while i’m all for protecting the planet, this is not the way to do it.
Need a history lesson. Conservatives tried to stop the adoption of electricity to save the kerosene industry. Everything moves forward eventually and the economy will change and adapt. Maybe fossil fuels can be made from dinosaur conservatives.
Tell that to the people who lost their ev’s in a fire.
I’m still waiting for comment from the Buggy Whip Manufacturers Association.
This state has only a population of half a million, most of the population owes their jobs to Oil, so this is more a cry for help to diversify, more vehicle plants or mines. I don’t see this actually passing, only to signal they need assistance.
plus over 65% of americans think this nation is on the wrong track.
I guess w Wyoming’s lack of charging infrastructure their tourism attractions will dry up and shrivel. Nothing like marching backwards at full speed.
I wish Canadian Provinces could make their own rules that work for them. 50% of the population of Canada live in Toronto and surrounding Area, Montreal and surrounding area, and Vancouver and surrounding area. As a result, all of the rest of the country has rules created for them by the big city. (worse now than ever)
Trying to install adequate charging infrastructure in northern Saskatchewan to force the rural farming community to go EV is ridiculous…but the feds and big cities don’t care.
plus the poor and middle class can’t afford it and we are also in almost 32 trillion dollars in debt, how can we afford it?
thank you for giving it a thumbs up.
I wish Albert and Saskatchewan would apply for USA statehood. We could use you common sense hard working guys.
You could always move Steve! Canada has no interest in joining the states since we are progressing a lot quicker with being green. Aside from the two provinces you mentioned, most of the electricity generated in Canada is green coming from hydro or nuclear. The states on the other hand are mostly on gas or coal… So archaic and old, they have a long way to go but feel free to leave friend if you don’t like it.
I’m already in the free country of the south. We need more people like us to join. You can keep Montreal
Each province can actually make their own rules in this regard. I think the laws are good for the initial push for a greener future, whether that is BEV’s or another source of energy such as hydrogen, only time will tell. Your province won’t make a law that doesn’t work for it’s constituants because they are the ones that elect them. We have been talking about going green for too long and little action on it and now we need a push… That’s all. They will amend these as we get closer to the dates and since Saskatchewan gets it’s electricity from natural gas mostly… I think that needs to be changed first.
Prove it. Your statement is nonsense.
I get a headache when I roll my eyes as hard as I just did reading this.
Poor you, should we cry for you too?
By context I’d assume you live in a big city
Good. Kick ’em in the teeth.
Who? Customers who want more choice? So much for freedom I guess.
You want freedom? Go to Russia, North Korea etc. You have tons of freedom in the US. Read a little.
Talk about politicians that are stuck in the past. Maybe they should ban all transportation except for by horse or by train.
It’s time these politicians got off their butts and figure out ways to move their state forward toward a prosperous future versus stuck in the past.
then focus on oil here in america
oil is the past for transportation, sure oil will still be needed for rubber or plastics, but there are better technologies out there now and into the future for transportation and energy generation that Oil no longer good for.
couldn’t disagree more, there is more oil in alaska, texas and some other states, face it, we don’t have the infrastructure here in america for ev’s and others.
I’m sure blacksmiths said the same thing 120 years ago.
Problem is, OPEC will continue to undercut our oil industry in order to keep strict control of market share. They are all nationalized. We aren’t. We are catalytic crack addicts, and they are the dealers. Maybe Nat Gas can be our methadone. 75% of every gallon of gas or diesel burned is p!ssed away out the tailpipe or in the block……90% of the energy in a battery us used for propulsion.
2035 is a $hit ton of years away. The technology turnover in that time period will render how many products sold today as obsolete…..unless you have a way to squeeze more than 124,000 btu’s out of a gallon of gas, crude oil will become obsolete as a fuel.
Let technology do it’s thing.
The Infrastructure is there and expanding at a rapid pace, the grid only needs to grow about 30% and that is completely doable over the following decades, EVs aren’t going to replace ICE over night either… and as for charging EVs will be charging at multiple points of the day not all at once so the grid won’t be as taxed as people think.
EVs also provide the opportunity for micro grids, people can plug their cars in and EVs charging can help stabilize the grid during peek times by providing excess power back into the grid and people can get paid for it.
And EV’S aren’t going to be charged every day, either. No gas station in the country could handle a neighborhood full of cars needing fuel all at once…..which, THEY DON’T
Thank you, we need to stop spending money to ukraine and focus on here in america.
and i’m sick of people giving it a thumbs down, we should stop spending to ukraine period, i support the people of ukraine, but let them have their chance of destiny, we need to focus on here in america.
So you want Communism. Go to Russia and fight.
No we don’t, the poor and middle class still can’t afford it, so sorry.
The infrastructure needs to exspand 300%, not 30%.
I don’t think many people realize what kind of bubble they are in. Only a small percentage of America lives in a townhouse 15 miles from their job, clocks into work every day, shuffles some files and comes home.
America is a vibrant mobile economy with trucks, tractors, mining equipment, everything! The average commute time in America is 30 minutes, so half of America is driving 60+ miles per day with many over 100 miles, especially on errands day. Even for commuter vehicles that would be a stretch, doubling the housing power load.
Now if they want to replace the physical trucks that run everything, no dice. We’re talking 6-800% increase. 70% of the actual energy in the state of Iowa isn’t not gas, nor coal, nor wind power…. It’s diesel fuel. That’s the breadbasket of the world, and the John Deere and Steigers there alone could power an independent substation. Go west to the dakotas or wyoming. That’s ranchland. Many houses run off the grid on independent generators already. Cattle are moved by ATV and truck. Gas outnumbers the grid in terms of BTU’s by leaps and bounds.
Now the current grid is stable at its current level, but if you remove gas heaters from any of the Northwest Territories states, even that 30% increase your claiming won’t be able to compensate for that load increase alone.
LA county California is far from being you standard American household.
Afi K. James: And with people like you doing everything you can to keep us in the past, and with moron politicians who make bills like this when they don’t fully understand what they are even talking about, the US would never have the infrastructure needed. So thank god we have forward thinking companies and a hand full of politicians that do understand that we can’t keep doing what we have been for the past 100 years.
I’m not for banning ICE 100% or even 75%, and I agree that the world must figure out a cleaner way for future EV’s, but staying stuck in the past like you suggest is a really bad idea. What Wyoming should be doing is embracing the EV move and looking at how they can become a big player there to replace the oil industry they have. That would be proactive and smart.
then you better off going back in the past, because take my advice, we don’t have the infrastructure period, plus the poor and middle class they can’t afford it, how can we afford it damn it when we are over 31 trillion dollars in debt.
Afi: I would turn your question around on you. How can we afford to NOT take action? Again, I’m not pushing everyone to EV. There are many people and businesses that may not be ready for EV for another 20 to 30 years. And no matter, the world needs to create a sustainable system for making and powering EV’s while we continue to work at making ICE cleaner and better MPG’s.
So maybe your contribution to help the earth reverse the damages we are causing would be to make an effort to drive less. Maybe slow down. Maybe buy a newer more efficient ice vehicle. Maybe reinvest more into older cars to make them pollute less. My point is that we can all do things to help without buying an EV.
Then make it 32 billion in debt, or get yourself an ox cart and some haystacks. You want cheap India or China made ICE cars? Who do you think is foolish enough to destroy their grandkids world?
Yes….. like Florida
Yeah, livery stables and hay barns will be making a comeback if that happens.
EVs are not feasible for a large area state with the population of a mid-size city.
Heavy government EV welfare required for people passing through
plus we don’t have the infrastructure here in america.
Mr. James, do you use oil lamps for illumination? Or hand crank your gas engines? You are so STUPID to ignore electric power!
BTW, most EV owners get their charge at their homes for free from solar power, like I do. We don’t need your stinking oil to move ourselves anymore! Put your oil up your @$$ like an enema!
Troll. I’ve never read such gibberish. What are are you? ChatGPT? Oh, no then there would be some logic and common sense in what you say. Get a grip man. This is coming and fast.
Finally a state with balls!!!
hopefully, florida, texas and others states will follow suit.
The only good thing to come out of Wyoming is I-80.
Biden has nothing to do with this. Go read the article elsewhere. GM authority doesn’t have the whole story.
Unless federal laws are repealed this changes nothing.
I like the symbolic stand but sadly they sell too few cars in Wyoming bot make this really matter.
At best even if ICE remains we will continue to see EV more in play.
I think it’s more of a shot over detroits bow. If Wyoming does it, then Florida, Texas may follow suit. Next thing you know automakers are going to half to plan on keeping ICE in circulation if they want to stay compeditive. After all the Great Reset is all about corporations taking up the bully pulpit. I think Wyoming is sending a message of “2 can play at this game if you want. Don’t play it, seriously back down.” After all, tea party conservatives are all about freedom of choice, so this is a violation of their principles.
Ha, you think FL and TX will ban EVs? Talk about inability to think logically. Reality is, in FL, EVs will soon make up 10% of the market and growing quickly. In TX, they have allowed Musk to build a huge EV production facility and move Tesla HQ to Austin. Neither state will be banning EV sales. Additionally, as more and more manufacturers build out EV production facilities in the SE, EV adoption will skyrocket in that part of the country.
Go ahead and keep burying your head in the sand. You’ll still get to buy ICE if you want but if you think they’re expensive now, you haven’t seen anything yet.
You are kinda right about Texas with all of musks investment, but you forget, Florida has just for the first time ever gotten a filibuster proof majority in its general assembly. Desantis has had in all reality, very little success changing the laws there because of it. Florida is just getting started.
More than likely Louisiana, Tennessee, Missouri and Oklahoma will lead the charge on this, Florida will follow, and Texas will in all honesty be last for 1 reason…… Texans HATE being outdone.
I’m a little shocked at some of these comments.
I can understand not being ready to by an EV yourself (I’m in that position). I can understand not supporting a government ban on ICE cars at this point (there’s not one, but I can understand the policy objections). I can even understand not liking EVs because of some manufactured abstract nostalgia or something (hey, we’re all human and imperfect).
But supporting an *active ban* on EVs? Really? You don’t like them, so no one else is allowed to have them? Please explain how your thought process works. Take us through it step by step.
I see the Wyoming ban as a parody of what is going on in other places with the ICE ban. It looks and sounds ridiculous to you, right? How do you think the ICE ban sounds to others? I think options are what most people want. Are you asking the people and states banning ICE these same questions?
It’s not equivalent because banning ICE cars would yield some good in terms of the environment. From an enthusiast standpoint, they’re also superior on many fronts. There are also enough drawbacks that the choice still needs to be personal at this point.
Thus, even if you feel an ICE ban is misguided or ill-timed, it’s at least designed to effect positive change.
On the other hand an EV ban has no positives other than posturing. If anyone feels the role of elected officials is to engage in petty sniping for show like this, I suppose the legislature’s move makes sense.
EV makers are going to get a real lesson on how stubborn folks can be when pushed towards this EV fantasy. The auto makers who don’t go all in on this EV nonsense will buy up the others.
More thoughtful commentary…. Back under your bridge now little troll
What automakers? They are all building EVs.
mr. james will wake up to the silence of no more gas or diesel cars in the entire world soon. Then what will he do with all that oil? Use it as his own enema?
And they probably don’t want their mineral rich state scrapped raw, down to bedrock, corner to corner, for minerals for EV batteries. Ever been there? I don’t blame them..
Used to live there. That is exactly what they want. The just don’t have the right minerals for this industry. Go to Gillette and the surrounding area if you want to see a raped landscape or try Pinedale where the gas fields extend for miles and miles driving sage grouse, prong horn and thousands of desert flora to the edge of extinction… Oh yes, marty. They willing scrape their land from corner. Now they’re pissed we don’t need what they got.
i would guess it gets pretty cold there in the winter and EVs don’t do well in cold weather so they are doing their voters a favor.
Lithium batteries are easily recyclable. And is a great economic opportunity. They are already doing it in Nevada.
I like it…although given enough time EV will fail anyway.
Why will they fail? Explain yourself.
I’m glad that a small market like Wyoming will adopt such a resolution. The infrastructure for electric vehicles requires a huge huge investment and given the technology batteries have a limited life cycle and hopefully will last longer in the future. Disposal of the batteries is very detrimental to the environment. Additionally, mining of lithium and cobalt requires huge machines which emit huge amounts of carbon monoxide. Whether we have EVs or ICE vehicles in the future, technology is going to take us to a place where each of them are more environmentally friendly. CO is a product of man, however, we need to understand whether is cyclical and within each cycle there are raised temperatures or lower temperatures. I’m no scientist, however I have read several journals to explain the fact of where the world is today. And to be quite honest, the United States is a clean country compared to India or China.
thank you.
Mr. Lopez, it’s “least-populous.”
They are batterys not electic . The truth is nobody wants them pushed on us. If you want a golf cart with all the bells and whistles OK then. The true classics and modern cars and trucks the craftsmanship is hear to stay. Thank your forefathers hard work. Love one another my brothers and sisters. We can accomplish great things together .We can have both !!
I’m thanking all four of my fathers….
thank you.
To quote Margaret Mead…. “Change Happens One Funeral at a Time”.
Let us not forget that people screamed bloody murder about the advent of the horseless carriage and many other technological marvels along the way. All we’re seeing with all this noise from the ICE Trolls is the Luddite’s (look it up I Afi) amongst us coming to the fore as they always do. A large percentage of the naysayers will adopt the new technology once their tiny brains see through the smoke screen that they have laid down themselves clears. There will be the remaining few who will persist, wanting to wallow in the past. They will pay a fortune for that “precious” fuel they worship and will be reduced to a small group struggling to maintain their dinosaurs with parts mined from the scrap heap of history. Until of course their funeral comes along which it inevitably will for all of us. Then the grand kids scrap the junker and society moves forward, as it should be…
For me…. I’m enjoying my waning years driving my hot, fast, smart, ultra efficient EV’s that I charge with my solar panels and which has yet to fail to get me to and from any destination in the rural western USA that I have chosen to go. Even in the dead of winter. I spent $512 charging on the road last year for trips from NM to AZ, CO and SD and saved nearly $3000 in fuel costs charging from my solar array for local driving. No oil changes, no filters, ZERO Maintenance (okay, I’ll admit to tire rotation). It’s a great transportation solution and our family feels great not to be a slave to an industry that has been knowingly killing the planet since the `50’s. We dumped our last ICE vehicle at the top of the used car market and aren’t looking back. I know other can’t do all of that but that’s changing…
Still some work to do on the work truck front with towing range. Once solved, it’s over. None of this will happen over night but it will happen…
RIP Small Block Chevy…. I loved you!
I am all for renewable energy powered vehicles of any kind: planes, trains, automobiles and trucks.
However…. Our current generation is the guinea pig for technology development.
And thus, should DEMAND that ANY type of vehicle power performs as good as (not only distance-wise, but also refueling / recharging) as our current norm of ICEs. Before any 100% mandates by governments. After all, “time is money”, as the saying goes. And people have better things to do than waiting in line for 3 hours to locate and charge an EV.
Sadly, EVs would be far more useful for the masses, had all manufactures agreed to one standard of battery size/shape. Allowing battery “recharging stations” to instead be battery “replacement stations”. Where you lease the battery, much like your grill’s propane tank you switch out when empty.
Years ago, a company in the good old USA developed a robotic system which allowed an EV to drive into a parking spot where a mechanism positioned underneath the vehicle actually swapped out the depleted battery with a fully charged one. In less than 10 minutes.
But of course the EV developers all began their “proprietary rights battery wars”. Thus refusing to adopt any universal battery standard to allow such battery-swap mass production, which sadly would have resolved the range limiting issue.
They were all insisting that competition would influence better battery range. A decade later….we have not moved much beyond the 300 mile range. And these same companies are all bragging about THEIR model is getting (only a measly) 25 more miles than their competitors’.
In many cases such as this, “competition” only leads to dramatically advanced corporate profits, not dramatically advanced product performance.
Who remembers VHS vs Beta? Or HD vs BluRay? Or Apple iOS vs Android?
At least the EU had the balls to demand a universal USB size as a first step down the path of “whats best for society” instead of “what’s best for a monopolistic company’s bottom line”.
Hydrogen anyone? Just pleeeease don’t anyone name the first mass produced hydrogen fuel cell vehicle the Hindenburg.
thank you, people go woke, they go broke.
Simply they are batterys not electric , and the truth is nobody wants them pushed on us . If you want a golf cart with all the bells and whistles OK then . The true classics and modern cars , the craftsmanship is hear to stay .So appreciate your forefathers hard work .Love one another my brothers and sisters we can have both . It is all from this earth .Together we can accomplish get things
I resent being pushed by government….in either direction. The common market will eventually decide which is best for the individual. I resent the government deciding for me what I should have and what I need. I’m not going to destroy the world with my gas powered truck and I’m not going to save the world if I buy an EV and I can see advantages and disadvantages of each. STOP with the stupid laws that restrict my own good judgement about what I need or want and stop spending my tax money on what the free market is much better at doing than the government. Let the market roll where it rolls and leave me and the market the hell alone.
that’s why the dems lost the house 2 months ago, they are the woke crowd, the rino neocons are just as bad, at least they don’t push wokeness on us.
I don’t think EV will have an impactful or effective presence in the automotive industry or in the environment. With that said, ya gotta love Wyoming. Neither the citizens nor their elected leaders subscribe to the whims, FADs, and emotion-based decision-making that other government leaders and their constituents do. They did the same thing with gun control when they enacted the Wyoming Firearm Freedoms Act. Wyoming basically flips the bird to those that want to dictate a different lifestyle and standard of living to them. They are an independent-minded state…and I love that. It’s just too bad that the environment and landscape are so inhospitable. Go Wyoming!
It will be dictated them…. They’ll kick and scream but their little resolution on EV’s has no binding impact on anyone. And with the 500k people they are a minuscule market whose wishes will be ignored. You can love ‘em and even root for `em but it’s a losing play on their part to think that they can hold sway over this. And frankly, they know that they can’t. Hence the fact this is a non binding resolution, not a law. They are stubborn but they ain’t stupid.
At some point the feds will pull highway funds like they did to get the speed limits enforced in Montana when the signs used to read “Safe and Prudent” or states like Wyoming who refused to pull down they’re drive through mixed drink service at liquor stores along federal highways. Or when states refused to implement seatbelt laws. The fed has the $$$ and when the oil and gas industry collapses Wyoming will be in dire need of monies to keep their roads from going back to mud 2 tracks. Their state budget is wholly dependent on the industry.
These people learn but it’s a slow process. When I left there 5 years ago we had fought for the previous 8 years to get a hospital in our small community. Ran the numbers, showed the powers that be politely that they were going to go broke in their current model. They just buried their heads in the sand and said we’ve always done it this way… If it was good enough for grand dad it’s good enough for me. Lo and behold, the financial we disaster predicted hit them hard almost to the day we’d predicted. The pandemic added the force of Thor’s hammer to the death blow and now, they’ve woken up to a broken and broke healthcare system flashing in their face. All of a sudden it’s okay to beg for federal funds and do what should have been done decades before. Did you know that Wyoming is one of the biggest taker states in the union….
Instead of passing silly resolution they should be planning for their states future w/o oil and gas royalties and payrolls. But, they won’t do it until it’s burning down around them. Mark my words. Big state brimming with little minds.
Yes, go Wyoming….
Petrol is a finite ressource, it’s a total lack of judgement to try to keep your economy centered on it for future generations. Estimate of how much reserve of petroleum left is between 54 years to 125 years, they should try to attract new businesses by creating incentive to attract mining industries around rare metal and lithium to provide prosperity and other industries rather than protect an industry that will inevitably die. it definitely reminds me of a picture i saw of a strike in the 1920 from Montreal, around 200 city staff went on strike, their job: shoveling sidewalk, the city was buying these new machine called snow blower and many of them would lose their jobs. Time change, hydrogen may be the better solution but regardless politicians are being influenced by an industry that is making a lot of money at the moment but it’s not the future.
PS stop reading research papers from the 1990’s, ev batteries are now recyclable at 80% and one venture claim 95%.
Apparently Hertz had a “ah hah,” realizing the EVs require 50-60% less maintenance. No more plugs, oil, filters, fluids of various kind, and less labor needed along w that. So they just signed for 100k Teslas, 65k Volvos, and 165k GM EVs. In addition, they are partnering w BP to locate charging stations at their gas stops. Makes sense for BP, especially if it keeps EV owners buying their donuts and candy bars.
Friggin Hilarious !! Way to go Wyoming.
I guess the rest of the EV-driving country will be bypassing Wyoming and its lack of EV charging infrastructure. Good move.
I know you probably don’t care about the facts here but hydrogen can be very dirty. In fact it’s dirtier than fossil gas if it is produced but splitting the molecules using fossil fuel as the energy source to do so. That’s right folks…. It’s cleaner just to burn the methane than to create hydrogen using fossil gas as the source and the energy to complete the conversion which is very energy intensive. The science is in on this so for those that do care about the climate disaster staring us in the face. Don’t let the oil and gas industry or your legislators sell you on “Blue Hydrogen” because it is still a climate disaster. The methane that escapes during extraction and transportation combined with the fact that even the the best of the regulations currently in place on Blue Hydrogen production still let huge amounts of CO2 be release into the atmosphere. This Blue Hydrogen push is yet one more Trojan horse for the O&G companies to reap subsidies for a product that is killing the planet. It is a bad or worse than corn based ethanol which is a giveaway to large agra-business and it’s starving the planet of a valuable food source for millions of hungry people while producing more climate destroying gasses than just burning the fossil fuel straight up because of losses in planting, harvest and production. Back on topic… Even if you capture 100% of the CO2 produced during fossil gas conversion to hydrogen you still have the methane leakage issues in production and transportation which are massive and an immediate impact on the climate and worse than CO2 in the short term.
The only truly green hydrogen would be that produced by splitting water molecules using solar, wind or nuclear power (or other renewable sources) to do the conversion work. Nuclear has its issues but I believe that the climate crisis calls for a rethink on the use of new modular nuclear reactor technology. I know this is controversial but desperate times and all that…
To the dems, you go woke, you go broke, the gop is no better either
Environmental corrosive acid mounds
Hasn’t anyone ever seen a battery explode ,it’s not a good thing .People wake up
Dear Wyoming, hope you enjoy living in the past (for however long it lasts), – as the rest of the world leaves you behind…