According to the GM 2021 Social Impact Report, General Motors provided a grant to the Gay Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), a pro-transgender organization, to supply children’s books to kindergarten and elementary classrooms.
In a report from The Epoch Times, GM provided $86.7 million in all types of donations to nonprofits encouraging inclusivity around the globe. GLSEN’s Rainbow Library falls in this category, which seeks to provide supportive literature that is LGBTQ+ centered, as well as racially diverse and multicultural.
“This innovative program also provides ongoing support and professional guidance for educators to create inclusive, supportive and identity-safe classrooms nationwide,” GM’s 2021 Social Impact Report read.
“In recent years, GM and Chevrolet have provided grants to GLSEN to support their work to create safe, supportive and LGBTQ-inclusive learning environments for students,” a GM and Chevy spokeswoman was quoted as saying. “This is just one of the many initiatives and causes that GM has supported as the company provides philanthropic grants to hundreds of nonprofits each year.”
However, GLSEN has been criticized for allegedly trying to add “trans and non-binary” gender theory into schools. Notably, a parent’s rights advocate recently accused the organization of using its Rainbow Library program to “covertly groom children and influence educational policy” on social media.
GM has been working to become a more inclusive company in the past several years, and these donations follow suit in the Detroit-based automakers efforts. In fact, The General was graded as a top performer in the 2022 Rainbow PUSH Coalition Automotive Diversity Scorecard, which measures an automaker’s diversity in employment, advertising, marketing, procurement, dealers and philanthropy. In addition, GM joined the Gender and Diversity KPI Alliance (GDKA), a coalition that allows companies to measure their gender and diversity, and how to improve upon them.
Due the sensitive nature of the subject matter, everyone here at GM Authority invites you to remain respectful in the comments section, if you choose to comment.
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Before you spew/comment any hate or express your displeasure in this. Critically think and ask yourself – What kind of satisfaction will I get from doing so ? Will my online comment really change the outcome of this ? Why do I feel the need to make be opinion on this be known ? Is this article really worth my time ?
In other words, everyone knows this is wrong, so to shut down debate or hurtful opinions, you came up with this idiotic diatribe to hide from both.
Just another sheet in the wind.
GM needs new leadership now!
GM needed new leadership yesterday.
This is great.
Posting something like this makes no sense to the mass majority of people. Its the minority who try to make this a major issue, come on people it really has nothing to do with selling vehicles
Exactly, that’s why GM shouldn’t be making the donation.
I have really considered never buying another GM car because trying to shove the EV down our throats. So this makes my decision a no brainer.
Finally we know why so many of you are not getting those Trucks that you ordered so long ago . GM has lost their sense of priority.
So GM has 86.7M to throw at a non-automotive effort but has been delivering $70k Silverados to customers without features like wireless charging, steering wheel locks, etc.
This has been occurring for two years.
The priority is obviously not on vehicle production and making customers happy.
You nailed it, Dave. PC/woke > happy customers.
Mary should be ashamed. As late as 2 years agoe we were telling young girls they aren’t defined by their bodies, but what they aspired to be. Now all that matters is their orientation. All that matters is what’s inside their pants.
There is nothing more loathing not disgusting
“Put some respeck on her name”, Mary Barra is the greatest CEO of all time. I think anyone in her position would also make the same move, considering the social pressures we all live under these days.
That being said I think children should be left alone, if they choose to identify with LGBTQ in their adult life thats fine, but do not confuse the youth at a young age. Sexuality is not black/white, its shades of grey. There are straight women who have acted in homosexual ways (i.e. kissing other girls at college parties), doesn’t mean they have to be gay or transgender. Do not confuse children to make permanent changes that they might regret.
Those children are just as impaired as those college girls kissing at the party you referenced.
So anyone in a CEO’s position would make the same move because of “social pressures”?
That makes no sense, moreover capitulating to social pressures is the antithesis to leadership. You make decisions because it’s in the best interest in your company and for your shareholders.
gm just lost a long time customer, 40+ years. Nuff said.
Yea this move is good for the company and shareholders. There are a lot of rich and powerful people in the LGBTQ society, why not include them?
I am generally conservative in my views, and I think children should be left alone until they are mature enough to make rational decisions, like I said above. But why is everyone always talking doo doo about Mary Barra. When GM does good things like the C8 Corvette, nobody gives appreciation to her. When GM does questionable things like this, everyone puts all the blame on her.
Mary Barra became CEO of GM in 2014. Look at the kind of products we have now compared to the 2000-2014 era, the company is in a much better place now. I’m going to stand on my opinion that Mary Barra is a great CEO and keep up the good job.
It’s not social pressure, LuvGM. Most people are happy to abide by “live and let live” in their daily lives.
It’s the financial and cancellation threats from government, lawyers, and political PACs causing this….and the threats of being paraded around in front of endless Congressional investigative panels and their compliant & eager media puppets.
You do know that charity donations gives tax returns right?
GM isn’t spending money, they are allocating where their tax dollars go.
Respeck ? You don’t even know English and think you have an important opinion.
You clearly didn’t get the joke.
“Put some respeck on my name” is a quote.
My opinion is not important, I am only one person. But clearly my opinion had enough weight to make you spend time out of your day that you can’t get back to read my opion and then reply to my opinion.
Mary is dead wrong to support harming children, coaching kinder gardeners to question their sex and grooming them for trans operations is disgusting. Why is this desirable? I’m lifetime GM owner but, I’m done with GM now.
Makes me want to look at Ford and Ram next time I buy a truck. This is a disgrace.
Not defending GM, but look up the Ford Foundation when you have a chance….
And Dodge is part of Stellantis, a European conglomerate that I’m sure follows all the party lines and narratives as well…..
There is nowhere to escape it.
Exactly. This is the world we live in today. Don’t blame Mary Barra, blame society.
Mary Barra is the greatest CEO in human history.
Corporate America needs to stay out of politics. Whether it’s building cars and trucks or selling soft drinks! Just do the job they were founded to do. This is absolutely wrong! Instead of spending money on gender identity, why not pay all of the salary workers the pension that they were promised!
What are you talking about? Pension is something you have contribute to out of your pay cheque. Nobody gets pension for for free. And if you work for a company that refuses to give you the pension that you paid for, then you can easily take them to court.
This is the time we live in, social justice this and that, GM doing this is the same thing as spending money on marketing.
Mary Barra is the greatest of all time, “put some respeck on her name”.
Gromming is such a stupid term. No one at GM has some diabolical plan. You make them dangerous educational kidnappers coming to steal your children’s minds.
GM gives to many charities because it’s tax deductible and good PR. With this topic they stepped into a controversy where folks exaggerate books they’ve never read much like make believe Critical Race Theory that is only in law schools/post grad programs. People like Tucker exaggerate this for ratings and not to help you.
The American project is building a society in which everyone is treated fairly with respect whether you agree with their choices or not. That, not getting surgery, is what the next generation is being taught to do.
Sorry Steve, the “American Project” starts with protecting gullible, unaware children from confusion, doubt, and twisted mental thinking. THAT is the foundation for their well being and stable futures.
Why go after the young, innocent, underdeveloped minds with sexual matters? What’s to be gained? Easy, impressionable targets, perhaps?
I agree, you should leave the kids alone. Most gender confused children just grow up identifying as gay. It’s better to have that than to make life changing surgeries that they might regret when they grow up. There was an interview from Jordan Peterson of a girl named Chloe Cole, who went through gender change at a young age and ended up regretting it.
But at the same time, you can’t blame GM or Mary Barra for doing this, blame the social justice warrior society we live in.
EXACTLY. I couldn’t have said it any better.
Mary Barra is the greatest of all time. People only know how to complain, but if they were in her shoes they would probably do the same thing.
If you believe the word of God He gives this warning in Mark 9:42 “And if anyone causes one of these little ones to sin, it would be better for him to be thrown into the sea with a large millstone tied around his neck.” Jesus words not mine. Just saying maybe should rethink this.
Go woke, go broke. Unfortunately I work for GM. Best be looking for another job. Looks like ill need it soon
The hard part is finding a job with a company that isn’t just as politically correct as gm.
If you don’t call out wrong you are just contributing.
So yes we will post
If true, this is absolutely atrocious! GM need to get out of sexual indoctrination of minors! I mean WTF ARE THEY DOING? GM must stop this! Leave minors alone!
You forget gm and Ford for that matter are no longer automakers: they are woke political/social organizations that happen to build autos.
As a member of the LGBT community I would have rather seen this money go towards supporting GM LGBT employees. If they want to support literature for Elementary school libraries I would have wanted some cool books about cars, trucks and technology when I was that age. Something to spark interest in the future generations about vehicles. Kids that young still have a lot to learn and experience before they figure out who they are.
The problem with LBGTQ is that the L the B and the G are is conflict with the T. They shouldn’t be in the same group. If you’re a T, you’re saying that gender doesn’t exist. That’s not what the L the B and the G think by virtue of the fact they the identify with a gender. So lower case gm is actually going against their DEI mission by supporting the T. So maybe the L’s and the G’s in the company should call HR.
How ’bout them apples?
Ouch! That hurts!
If you’re trying to give the appearance of a non-biased look at GM’s extra-curriculars, maybe stop sourcing your info from notoriously hard-right conspiracy rags like Epoch times.
Is there something about it that is not true?
Nevermind your media preference. Is it happening or not, or does your favorite news “bubble-headed bleach blond” not tell you the story by purposeful omission, therefore it’s not true?
Read the first paragraph…this is from a 2021 GM report….good grief, Eh.
Epoch Times tells the truth, unlike these left-wing toilet paper rags that spew lies and indoctrination. I subscribe to both and can’t believe the garbage printed by our local daily trash claiming to be a newspaper.
Notoriously hard right conspiracy rags?
Talking point person entered chat.
What was incorrect about the article?
I will accept that Men can be Women when Penn State gives me back my 80K I spent on my bio degree.
Shameful. Just worry about building cars and stay out of politics and social matters. Mind your own business. It needs more attention.
It is not the school’s job to teach sexual orientation to children. It is common knowledge that schools are doing this without the parent’s knowledge. They know that we will not approve of it so they do it behind our back. As a GM stockholder, I’m certainly not happy.
Guess we can call it Gay Motors now
How about instead of donating money to these organizations, that GM send the funds to US component manufacturers for better products and stop penny pinching on the product ? You don’t see the Japanese, Koreans, and Germans do this stuff. Well, maybe with the exception of Subaru that promotes their animal saving programs in the US. ( That’s good promotion!)
GM DIE committee member: Mary, how are we going to pay for the trans grant?
Mary: Raise the MSRP on the Bolt.
Wish I would have been keeping up with what automakers have been doing in this regard, before I bought a 2023 Traverse. ANY company that promotes this ideology to children should be black-listed. Disney did it for me last year. Guess this is my last GM product
Further speculation on the Big Mouse – the possibility their ceo may be involved in the FTX scandal. Search widely various web sites.
The best thing people can do is when you get survey’s for service or buying a new car write in your that you don’t support these kind of things and neither should any corporation. This should be between the parent and child.
Just took delivery of my Suburban last week. Can’t wait to get that survey.
Want a better option? Take your money elsewhere, because right now, you’re paying for this.
Totally agree, but we needed it for our large family. Couldn’t really avoid it really if I wanted to since the mini van didn’t work out. Not as easy as dumping Disney or comcast.
Once out of warranty I’ll service it at my local shop and do my best to not use OEM parts.
Ford Expedition.
Just as woke, less cargo space. Really liked the Sequoia but also less cargo space.
If you don’t want to support ‘woke’, you’ve got to find a way to make that happen.
Yeah let me build a vehicle in my backyard that can carry 7 bodies plus gear and a double stroller. I do agree with you for the most part, but there are some goods and services one needs to live and function. The list goes beyond GM. (Healthcare, banking, cell phones, etc.) When there are no other options the best you can do is use that product or service as little as possible. I don’t plan on buying another vehicle for 10 plus years and they won’t be serviced by GM.
E. Asian makes go along to get along, but they at least don’t drive the bus.
What about the Ford Expedition MAX?
Still smaller by 5 cubic feet.
You could always leave one of the kids home alone (just kidding).
When our 2009 Suburban wasn’t in the shop getting fixed, we did family trips jn it with one of those huge cargo carriers mounted up on the roof rack, so I fully understand your need for space.
If you think FoMoCo isn’t woke too, you aren’t paying attention.
Go ahead and add Chrysler as well.
They’re all woke . During that thing in 2020 -22 the only cars on Gm lots that were drivable were ones that were completely made in china . Have been a Gm customer all my life. So disappointed in them.
Jeep Wagoneer
Smaller rear cargo as well. However, the upcoming Wagoneer L Back cargo area is bigger by almost 2 cubic ft…for $90k.
This is terrible.
Groom Motors. Stick to the car business. We all know Go Woke Go Broke.
Just plain inappropriate. This is not a topic for school to supply literature or discussion on. This should be something discussed at home other than just saying we should show respect for everyone.
This is disgusting
No wonder their cars have up so much in cost. Marking them up with OnStar as required option probably covered this
Queen Mary, how about funding owed Salary retiree health insurance instead?
owe Salary Retiree Insurance debt instead?
This is wrong! 👎👎👎
Queen Mary should instead pay her insurance debt to retired employees.
Gm needs to stay out of politics and get back to making and selling quality vehicles. I for one will not buy GM anymore cause of this. i’ve owned nothing but GM vehicles….. NO MORE
Who cares about this crap, if you choose to live with a mental illness where you don’t know if you’re a man or a woman, that’s your problem and don’t make it mine. Ten years ago this was never an issue until the media started running with it because there was money to made in political donations, etc. If you want to be different, that’s your choice and I respect that, but don’t force your choice on me making to where I’m getting it forced down my throat by corporations thinking that if they embrace mental illness those persons will patronize their products and services and make them just that much more $$$. How many big corporations gave millions to BLM and for what, so their so-called leaders could buy themselves mansions? Talk about going head first without even investigating, that’s what’s going on here at GM – another hop on the bandwagon, because it’s politically cool now to embrace mental illness. Why not put that money into cleaning up cities and ACTUALLY help the mentally ill by getting them off the streets and treating them? Until someone comes up with at plan that will actually be audited and verify where every dollar goes nothing will get done.
Just stick to making cars and trucks!!! Don’t need any more this wokeness….
What is sad many companies and businesses are being threatened to either support these fringe elements of pay the price in the web.
The web is being used to promote agendas and to push things that most of us oppose but they frame it to make you out to be the bad person.
These companies are sadly taking the road of not fighting for fear of the damage they will be faces with on false post and stories on the web.
These global groups are pushing this and need to be stopped.
It is just pure blackmail and extortion.
Just look at Musk. I am not a Musk fan but he stood up to them about free speech on twitter and exposed how the government and others have been pushing political agendas or hiding crimes. Musk was their green super hero and not they want to burn him at the stake. They supported Tesla’s unusually high stock and now they are punishing him for speaking out.
Just look at the political leaders and even entertainers or sports figures that speak out and what happens to them if they so not fall in line.
I understand why GM is doing this but I do wish the industry as a whole would band together and fight this.
It is wrong and it should not be supported.
Well, she is on the Board of Disney. That pretty much says it all.
Buh bye
Look at the control element here, warning us to show respect with our comments. First lowercase letters like a child would write, then forced EV development/production, now this absolute disgrace. GM (in Caps), has been called Government Motors more than once in the last few decades. These actions and blatant, misguided use of funds is a glaring example of why. As a lifelong GM (in Caps) fan, I will always remember and acclaim this carmaker for its automotive (gas-powered) accomplishments. I will try to forget their managements acquiescence to the powers that be and the Twilight Zone of topsy-turvy times we are presently living in. People talk about being on the right side of history. GM was there, without a doubt, during WW2, as a part of the Arsenal of Democracy. Now, my beloved carmaker has become a pawn of corrupt, wrong-doers.
Please interesting that alot of people commenting on this subject. Have never even comment on a GMA article before.
Good for GM. Trans people are amongst the most marginalized and picked-on groups today, so anything promoting better understanding is good.
Rubbish. All people and many groups get “picked on”. There’s nothing special about transgenders when you begin to realize that Jews, Christians, blacks, whites, Asians, Italians, and every other stripe or color gets “picked on”.
When you solve human nature, instead of dream about unicorns and rainbows, then let us know.
In the meantime, everyone should be “special” on their own, and not look to others, governments, or corporations to find their elusive happiness.
Really? It’s called mental illness. Biden’s cabinet is full of metal illness, just look at Rachel Levine, the Secretary Of Health – isn’t that an oxymoron. More mental illness – Biden’s family should have not let him run for president, he had signs of degenerative brain function when he was running for president in 2020 and look at him now – they must pump him up full of adderall and a cocktail of other drugs to make him seem semi-coherent. When someone chooses a lifestyle and then complains that they are being picked on that’s their problem, not mine. Now it’s trendy and politically correct to be a mental defect? It should be trendy and correct to not confuse children who are not mature enough to make the life changing decision to change their sexual identity or gender. Let them become an adult and make that decision on their own, not be influenced by other people with mental illness like drag queens reading at preschools and elementary schools like they are “normal people”. Don’t cram your warped ideas down children’s throats. I am so glad that my kids finished school before all this BS began.
Stop splatting garbage! Who are you by the way? Cease normalizing insanity!
GM should stick to building cars and trucks!
Maybe you should focus on making cars instead of trying to indoctrinate kindergarteners with your filth, Mary.
Look at all the comments! I say, keep ’em coming so GM and other woke corporations will hear loud & clear that we don’t want or like these initiatives. Auto companies have NO BUSINESS funding the corrosive ideologies of the left on kids. They can determine for themselves as they grow up…but doing this stuff at a young age is as wrong as could be.
I’m a 30 year retiree from GM and i wish they would just stay out of this nonsense.
I wish these people would read the Bible. Hello ancient Roman empire. It fell by debauchery such as this.
I am selling my shares of GM stock, will be looking at other brands when car replacement comes around…. This from an 65 year GM car owner and from a family that drove GM cars and trucks 30 years before that.
People who support this are predators. It’s sad. Children have so much pressure growing up and now the liberals think pushing sexuality on them is the right thing to do. Let kids be kids you. That’s all this will do is create mentally disturbed children. Disgusting. I’ll never buy another GM vehicle.
I am all for these folks to choose gender. If they want to cut their balls off or have their woman parts removed it is a win win. These folks should not be reproducing in the first place 🙂 LOL
Too bad gm and Ford did not have all this social awakening when they were closing plants in the US and moving jobs to Mexico and China. These companies really want to make a difference in society? Move production back to the US from Mexico and China and spare us this crap.
I’m in the market for a new truck… High Country was leading the way over Lariat and Platinum… This is the sort of nonsense that will drive me away from GM.
Idiots…nuff said.
Got 6 gmc in my app. There will not be a new one added. I sent this to my salesman for the last 5 years and let him know I have bought my last
I will add again a comment. My GM shares are sold (didn’t have many, but had them) and while I have many pictures through time of “stables” of 3, 5 and even 7 GM products and in the garage presently are three GM built vehicles, it will be a cold day in you know where when I buy another GM product. Mary and all her WOKE failed administrators need to be driven out of General Motors and car people need to take charge again.
We have been a GM family, first my grandfather, then my dad and now my brother, sister and me. I will not comment to the negative. Just this, first you send your trucks to be built in Mexico and now this. I guess I’m moving to Ford
I have always owned GM products, Never again! There’s no place in our school’s for that crap.
We will be done with GM when purchasing our next vehicles. Just like Disney, Amazon, Made In PRC products, Salvation Army, Microsoft, Vangard, Blackrock, many establishments that required proof of vaccine…. The list goes on. Until we put pressure on these companies they will go all in supporting what the powers at be dictate! Bye buh Chevy
After 42 years for working for GM . I am starting to think they are trying to self destruct , they need to get back to the drawing table and start building better automobles and leave the politics to the goverment crooks !
Quailty and design will make GM successful and a leader in and around the world…