GM Authority

Chevy Silverado HD Plows Into Infiniti Q50, Flees: Video

Driving requires some relatively decent situational awareness, from the position of the vehicles around you, to the conditions on the road, to what the vehicle underneath you is doing. Add in something like a trailer, and those requirements are upped a notch. Unfortunately, the driver behind the wheel of this Chevy Silverado HD failed to notice an oncoming Infiniti Q50 sedan until it was too late, as seen in the following video.

Clocking in at just 21 seconds, the video is shot from the dash cam of another motorist, which managed to capture the whole thing play out. The incident occurred in California on December 4th, 2022, around 2:15 in the afternoon. The conditions look cloudy, with some moisture on the road, as well as large puddles accumulating on the shoulder.

We see the camera car traveling at 35 mph in the right-hand lane, while an Infiniti Q50 sedan matches the speed in the right lane just ahead of the camera car. Up ahead, pulled over on the side of the road, we see the white Chevy Silverado HD and trailer.

Suddenly, the Chevy Silverado HD starts to move into the road, with the driver apparently attempting to cross several lanes to join the far side. Whether the camera car and Infiniti were in the driver’s blind spot, or the driver simply wasn’t paying attention, it’s unclear. However, what is clear is that the truck and trailer are right in the path of two oncoming cars.

The driver behind the wheel of the Infiniti sees the Chevy Silverado HD at the last moment, slamming on the brakes and swerving to the left in an attempt to avoid the truck. Unfortunately, it isn’t enough, and the Chevy Silverado HD bumper plows into the rear end of the sedan, causing the four-door to pirouette sideways. The Chevy Silverado HD driver then makes another bad decision, and appears to flee the scene.

All told, there’s definitely some very poor decision making in this video, but it could have ended much worse. Check out the video in its entirety right here:

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Jonathan is an automotive journalist based out of Southern California. He loves anything and everything on four wheels.

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  1. Hitting another motorist, then fleeing the scene…

    Oy vey. It’s such a shame that there are so many pieces of garbage on this planet. Hopefully this video can help catch the miscreant.

    1. Don’t look like they will get to far.

  2. Well, what he was trying to do was incredibly stupid to begin with, so I guess it’s not too surprising that he hit a car and then also drove off.

    1. Nate: Agree. Where I’m at in southern California, I see some of the worst driving and some of the rudest drivers on earth. I chalk a lot of it up to the many different nationalities we have and I think many people come here and drive like they are still in a third world country. But there’s just no excuse for the absolute rude drivers.

      Just this afternoon I was out for a drive in my old Cadillac, so I certainly was driving extra careful. I was on a street with numerous lanes each direction and approaching an intersection where I needed to get onto the freeway. However, I couldn’t tell which lane I needed to be in for my turn. When I finally found the sign letting me know which lane I needed to be in, I had to move over to my right. There was a van in the lane to my right and then a space, so I let the van pass and put my blinker on and began to change lanes. There was a lady in a black sedan that decided she didn’t want me moving over in front of her, so she stomped the gas (I could hear her car rev and accelerate) as she laid on her horn. I was already halfway into the lane, so she began to go around me and then stopped, putting her window down, cursing me like mad and then refused to move for about 10 seconds while she gave me a verbal thrashing. I just sat there and waited for her to drive off.

      Had I cut her off and nearly caused an accident, I could understand her anger. But I didn’t and this was simply a rude and crude driver with way too much aggression.

  3. I place the fault on the Q50 as the cause, the Silverado was bad leaving the scene. The vehicle taking the video was traveling less than 40 MPH and you can see the Q50 accelerating to beat the truck to the mark. The brakes were applied too late when he realized he is not going to make it. The Q is a top performer and full braking engaging the anti lock system did not occur. As always don’t make me slow down or get in my way for I have the right of way, most of the time.

    If the Q braked first instead of accelerating when it was realized the truck is doing something stupid like not looking at on coming traffic, the Q would have easily stopped in time.

    1. You’re seriously going to blame the guy that was actually in his own lane, going the right way down the road for stepping on it to avoid a moron in a truck doing a u-turn?

    2. You Sir are an Absolute Dumb@ss; a U turn in any jurisdiction is only allowed when it is completely safe to do so!! Additionally it should be done from the closest lane of opposite travel. The HD2500 was totally at fault. No Ifs, Ands or Butts (I mean DumbAsses) About it!!

    3. Nice video on U tube of him also cutting across in front of the jeep also before the accident that he had with the car. Also the car did brake but had no wear to go. you need to look at the pictures to see brake light on car go on.
      yes i did search the video on u tube by picture search. I did that because trying to find where the accident happened.

    4. He didn’t accelerate, watch it again closely. The videoing car is braking making it look like the Infiniti accelerates, the speed read out is way delayed on the video. You can see it nose dive at 3 second while the Infiniti is still rolling for another second before braking and swerving.

      There is zero percent fault on the Infiniti drive, ZERO.

  4. Nate, seven other people agree with me. It’s how serious accidents happen, go faster to avoid and accident? No, slow down, move to avoid or stop when needed. Take a driving course and you’ll learn. Sure the Silverado was wrong darting into traffic like that and leaving but there wasn’t any NO U-TURN signs. When someone leaves a scene of an accident usually means they have no Insurance, suspended license or a warrant out for his arrest.
    To avoided the accident, the Q50 could have stopped and it looks like it was avoidable. It a 50-50 fault status here.

    1. Maybe you should look at those down votes again. And watch the video again.
      He saw that truck pull out when it shouldn’t have and did what he could. Slowing down would have been a broadside collision.
      Did he avoid the accident entirely? No.
      Was this entirely the trucks fault? Yes.

    2. Stop talking, one can’t begin to describe how wrong you are. And all you are saying is seven others are wrong as well. The Infiniti didn’t accelerate, the videoing car started braking. Watch closely, you see the car nose dive, not the other speed up.

      Again as stated above, there is zero fault on the Infiniti. There doesn’t need to be a no U-turn sign, you really need to visit drivers ed if you think everything needs to be spelled out 100% of the time.

    3. @ GeorgeS
      41 people and counting disagree with you. Sounds like those 6 since we know you upvoted your own comment are irrelevant.

  5. I’d be willing to bet the truck and trailer were stolen. Knowing quite a few of them, the horse crowd doesn’t seem to be the kind of folks to do something like flee the scene of an accident. They’re a very honest, upstanding group.

    Either way, I hope they find and punish the responsible party.

  6. Wonder if there was a horse in that trailer? The horses a$$ was driving the truck. A U-turn from the shoulder, across 2 lanes across a double yellow line. Geez.

  7. Ok all,we need to relax. Accidents are accidents the Silverado driver should have stopped If that was the case both drivers should have stopped and handle this as a professional way but that’s ISilverado driver fled the seen So in term it was a hit-and-run And that is against the law That’s why that other driver flipped the U-turn and went after the driver I don’t know the overcome of what happened because you didn’t finish the video So how do we know what the outcome of all this happened. You should have done the right thing and follow the hit whisper and got the rest on camera.

  8. Why didn’t the vehicle with the dash cam hit the Silverado? He was a prudent driver and it show he did slow down. A posted speed limit does not mean you must drive at the limit. Only interstates has minimum speed limits.

    1. They are both going the same speed, one just saw it as a threat a second earlier, and it shows how much distance is covered in that space. The Infiniti probably thought at first it was pulling out in to lane number 1, which it looks like at first. Then it turns hard to the left after looking like it was going to merge, that is why the car taking the video started braking earlier.

      Many I hope you just stop talking and revisit the road rules book…

  9. Guy on the motorcycle almost bought it. Close call.


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