General Motors has just appointed Jaclyn McQuaid as the new President and Managing Director of GM Europe, tasking her with leading the implementation of the carmaker’s new mobility start-up business in the old continent.
Jaclyn McQuaid’s appointment as the new President and Managing Director of GM Europe is effective immediately, beginning her new role on November 1st at the company’s European headquarters in Zurich, Switzerland. McQuaid, previously Executive Chief Engineer for Full Size Trucks at GM North America, replaces Mahmoud Samara, who has left GM for family reasons, in GM’s top leadership role in Europe.
“Jaclyn McQuaid comes to this important leadership role, having played an integral part in the development of many of our most successful products,” said GM Senior Vice President and President GM International, Shilpan Amin. “Throughout her 22-year career at GM, Jaclyn has demonstrated a laser focus on the needs of our customers and has a proven track record of successfully leading global vehicle programs providing her also insights into the European markets – key attributes that will be critical to our success in disrupting mobility in the region,” he added.
Since Samara’s appointment in November 2021, GM has significantly expanded its operations in Europe and is preparing to launch a new non-traditional start-up on that continent with a portfolio of fully electric vehicles at its core, as part of the ambitious overall strategy for future growth. Indeed, GM Europe has expanded its technology and customer-focused teams, announced a UK-based Design Center and continued to expand its IT innovation center in Ireland.
As such, Jaclyn McQuaid will be newly responsible for continuing the transformation of GM’s European operations and comes to that position after helping the manufacturer achieve and retain the top retail market share position in the highly competitive full-size truck segment in the United States. From now on, her goal is to implement GM’s new business strategy in Europe focused on zero-emission vehicles.
“European customers are switching to electric vehicles at a faster rate than anywhere in the world, and GM is investing $35 billion through 2025 in electric and autonomous vehicle technology to be a major driver of our industry’s transformation,” said Jaclyn McQuaid. “Our flexible Ultium battery platform and the breadth and depth of our EV portfolio enable GM to offer customers in Europe a variety of products and services to support their lifestyles while also contributing to a future of zero crashes, zero emissions and zero congestion,” she finished.
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Gotta have a woman at the helm..🙄
Show us on the doll where Mona Lisa Vito hurt you.
You clearly want a man at the helm. Being a man doesn’t mean you know how to run a car company. GM’s previous CEO’s and regional presidents for the past 40 years were all men and they ran the company into the ground.
When Biden in public said a minor incursion would be ok? Or maybe when he left Afghanistan and surrendered $87 billion in equipment? Or when he canceled drilling permits and pipelines raising oil prices giving Putin billion in cash? But probably all 3. Russian North Korea and china are all better off under Biden and flexing their muscles. We are on the verge of ww3 because a liar with dementia, weak on foreign policy idiot was elected.
Are you okay Randy?
He seems to have a pretty good grasp of world news, so I’d say yeah he seems to be fine.
Well said!
Godspeed and good luck Jaclyn McQuaid.
I was hoping that GM stayed out of Europe. The 20 years of lost money in Europe should have taught them a lesson. GM is doing so GREAT here in North America, leave those fighting Europeans to themselves.
.. and does it have GM in Europe ? As know, not … There are no GM selling cars here
I’m sure what you’re saying beyond the part where you are wrong about them selling cars in Europe.
They aren’t selling very many, but they are still selling them.
They do import the C8 Corvette, and a few Cadillac CUVs. I believe they have plans to bring the LYRIQ to Europe as well. Their European business is definitely on life-support, but it isn’t dead just yet.
GM is investing 35 billion in EVs contributing to a future of zero crashes, zero emissions, and zero congestion. ICE orders are not being fulfilled, dealers are asking customers to cancel their orders and switch to an EV and they stopped taking orders for the Z06 with no commitment date of when they will start production. It’s obvious what GM and other auto manufacturers are doing. They have been given financial incentives and mandates from this administration to go EVs. In addition, the administration is purposely driving energy prices through the roof and stopping oil and gas production with the goal of forcing people to EVs. The US and Europe do not have the infrastructure in place to support EVs. The countries cannot survive without fossil fuels and this winter will prove my point. Inflation and energy prices are going to continue to rise, and people and businesses are going to suffer. They realize the Covid Pandemic is over, people aren’t buying it any longer. So let’s introduce the Energy Pandemic and mandate everyone go green and until you abide you all will suffer the consequences. I am hopeful the country will vote the Dems out of Congress and the Senate and we can get back to energy independence, shut down our borders, put criminals in jail, and get our economy and inflation under control. I am sure I will get a lot of thumbs down which I am fine with because everyone is entitled to free speech and can voice their own opinion.
Dr. Piz:
You are spot on. OPEC is putting a bear hug choke hold on North America by severely cutting production and raising fuel prices more. The flip advantage side of this is that it will make the Dems toast next week. Brandon sits in puzzlement and quandry behind his aviator sunglasses in LA LA land waiting for his handlers to make calls. The only problem is that Brandon’s handlers are inept at analyzing the situations and making work around decisions to solve recurring crisis.
Please explain to the class how the Biden administration caused Putin to invade Ukraine and then start weaponizing oil and natural gas to keep other countries from helping the Ukrainians defend themselves? Or is Putin in on the plan to move everyone to EVs?
Blame Putin for everything tool.
Not everything, but he’s behind a whole lot of stuff going on in the world, tool….
If Russia doesn’t wanna sell their natural gas or oil they don’t have to. If you don’t like it write your Congress representatives & demand Russia do as you want them to do.
A Russia apologist! Brilliant!
As I said it’s their country you obviously have issues with countries doing as they please with things they own. Perhaps you shouldn’t live in the United States either then since we do what we want as well. Maybe you should go somewhere that you have absolute control over what others do.
Notice how he can’t say where your wrong so he calls you a Russian apologist lmao.
Putin or Ukraine has nothing to do with our energy crisis. The Biden administration stopped the keystone pipeline, Alaska drilling, and drilling leases. fracking, basically trying to eliminate all fossil fuels period. The US was energy independent and the highest producer of oil before Biden took office. On day one of his administration, he signed an executive order to stop producing fossil fuels in this country. Period.
Trump kept everything in check with Putin as well as with the fat boy in North Korea and everybody else. Energy prices and commodity prices were in balance. World leaders in their power jockeying look for weakness and openings. The Japanese saw this with FDR and made their move. The Ayatollah saw this with Carter. Putin saw this with Brandon. Trump and Reagan are hardball players and kept the planet in spin.
Brandon in doing unnatural economic and free market acts put a bind on free market forces to promote his EV for all campaign – championed by the Silicon Valley crowd and the Bill Gates’s of the world.
With Putin’s move upsetting things which has now become a long term multi year event, this has become an unplanned directly fortuetius event for Brandon and his EV planners. Also a very direct windfall to GM and Mary and her minions. There will be EV’s in mass in the future as gasoline and diesel prices cost more than a gallon of healthy homogenized milk or apple cider. Also we are beginning to see the move and trend into compartmentalized high density boxed housing in the cities along with mass tangible goods internet shopping and delivery, ala Amazon and others. It is morphing into a velcro, plastic more controlled world.
@ David Alan Murray
It’s best to just ignore eskothomson he’s just a troll that’s all he does on this website. He’s nothing more then a bum who self fornicates in his parents basement.
GM’s extremely high departure rate of top management is GM’s own fault (maybe Mrs Barra’s fault) . They have this enormous push to higher (too young) senior management from outside of the company in hopes of getting a new prospective yet it slaps them in the face over and over again. No one wants to be overlook in place of some outside person and no one wants a kid for a boss. Jackyln is the right choice, a GM lifer that know the system and can make things work. Good luck. There’s always someone within the company, you just have to look.
Martin Scott, I do agree with you, but I saw how nepotism and the Peter Principle did damage to the corporation time and time again.
Just because you’re very good at what you do doesn’t guarantee you’ll be any good at the next job you’re promoted too. Finding the right person for the job is hard. And change is never easy. I do agree that doing an exhaustive search within company should be done before hiring from outside. I work 30 years for General Motors. My opinion of their personnel Department is that they are lazy and largely incompetent.
Best wishes and luck to her new assignment and tasks. This is a monumental challenge. Europeans consider Americans dunderheads. Particularly the Germans. This is rightfully so considering all the missteps American automakers have made in Europe. Daimler and Fiat tried to salvage Chrysler. GM has been recognized in Europe as back of the bus. This assignment if successfully pulled off will make Jaclyn McQuaid in charge of Europe a hero. God help her.
Chrysler was in way better shape than Mercedes when that disaster of a merger occurred in the 1990’s FYI.
For years GM and Ford’s European operations were the top selling car makers throughout Europe as well.
But keep believing Europe’s Ess H Eye Tee don’t stink if it makes you happy…..
Europeans consider Americans as dunderheads? Particularly the Germans?
You obviously have missed the news – the top selling car in Germany is no longer a VW Golf, but is now a Tesla Model Y. By a clear margin.
How do you get so many thumbs down wishing someone good luck on a new job of this scale? Strange and unusual times we live in, to be sure.
Everybody is missing the elephant in the room here: Jaclyn will be selling Chinese manufactured gm vehicles in the E.U. Market not cars made in the U.S. or new gm plants opening in the European market.
Can someone explain Mesut’s comment? The more I read it, the more I am confused.
Oh, no! The wimmin are taking over! This’ll drive the peanut gallery nuts….
I’m not sure it really matters who they put in charge of GM Europe.
What’s the worst you could do? Fail to sell cars?
This has to be the easiest non-union job in all of GM, besides the Savana/Express design team and maybe head of GM Japan.
There is nothing to do, they don’t sell any cars there…..
I didn’t think there was a GM Europe any more. Vauxhall & opel are gone – and we don’t want electric rubbish.
Congrats to her! When the 2020 HD trucks got launched, I watch alot of videos about the HD trucks, alot of those videos were with her. She did a great job of representing the truck she was Chief Engineer on. Nailed every question a reporter asked her quickly and amazing focused. I for one is glad Gm is moving engineers up the ladder quickly and keeping the bean counters away verses what they did for decades. Yes GM Europe has alot of issues to get solved. But she is a engineer that will solve problems.
How many vehicles does GM even sell in Europe that it requires a president…
Men are no longer needed- it’s affirmative action in process.
Gyno Motors?
Those GM employees come to Europe on vacation and leave after a year or two because of ‘family reasons’. Best job in the world.