GM Authority

GM Pickup Trucks Sales Down 10 Percent During Q2 2022

GM pickup truck sales decreased in the United States and Canada while increasing in Mexico during the second quarter of 2022.

GM truck sales are comprised of the following models: Chevy Colorado and Silverado, GMC Canyon and Sierra, Hummer EV Pickup and the Chevy S10 Max. It’s worth noting that not all of the above are available across all three North American markets. For instance, the Hummer EV Pickup is a brand new model with no historic sales data that’s currently only available in the U.S. Meanwhile, the Chevy S10 Max is only available in Mexico, while the GMC Canyon is not available in that market.

Sales Numbers - GM Pickup Truck Sales - Q2 2022 - USA

MODEL Q2 22 / Q2 21 Q2 22 Q2 21 Q2 22 SHARE Q2 21 SHARE YTD 22 / YTD 21 YTD 22 YTD 21
CHEVROLET SILVERADO -13.17% 143,032 164,731 61% 63% -9.33% 264,139 291,322
GMC SIERRA -17.45% 62,321 75,495 26% 29% -14.07% 118,938 138,412
CHEVROLET COLORADO +52.25% 22,497 14,776 10% 6% +13.72% 44,190 38,859
GMC CANYON +40.28% 7,501 5,347 3% 2% +9.37% 13,661 12,491
GMC HUMMER EV PICKUP * 272 * 0% 0% * 371 0
TOTAL -9.50% 235,623 260,349 -8.27% 441,299 481,084

Cumulative deliveries of GM pickup trucks in the United States decreased 10 percent to 235,623 units in Q2 2022, comprised of:

  • 143,032 units of the Silverado, a decrease of 13 percent compared to 164,731 units sold in Q2 2021, and
  • 62,321 units of the Sierra, a decrease of 17 percent compared to 75,495 units sold in Q2 2021, and
  • 22,497 units of the Chevy Colorado, an increase of 52 percent compared to 14,776 units sold in Q2 2021, and
  • 7,501 units of the GMC Canyon, an increase of 40 percent compared to 5,347 units sold in Q2 2021, and
  • 272 units of the Hummer EV Pickup

Sales Numbers - GM Pickup Truck Sales - Q2 2022 - Canada

MODEL Q2 22 / Q2 21 Q2 22 Q2 21 Q2 22 SHARE Q2 21 SHARE YTD 22 / YTD 21 YTD 22 YTD 21
CHEVROLET SILVERADO -6.05% 14,957 15,921 47% 46% -8.91% 27,690 30,399
GMC SIERRA -13.66% 13,983 16,196 44% 47% -17.66% 27,063 32,866
CHEVROLET COLORADO +24.57% 1,668 1,339 5% 4% -0.91% 3,265 3,295
GMC CANYON +10.09% 1,429 1,298 4% 4% -6.11% 2,766 2,946
TOTAL -7.82% 32,037 34,754 -12.55% 60,784 69,506

Cumulative deliveries of GM pickup trucks in Canada decreased eight percent to 32,037 units in Q2 2022, comprised of:

  • 14,957 units of the Silverado, a decrease of six percent compared to 15,921 units sold in Q2 2021, and
  • 13,983 units of the Sierra, a decrease of 14 percent compared to 16,196 units sold in Q2 2021, and
  • 1,668 units of the Chevy Colorado, an increase of 25 percent compared to 1,339 units sold in Q2 2021, and
  • 1,429 units of the GMC Canyon, an increase of 10 percent compared to 1,298 units sold in Q2 2021

Sales Numbers - GM Pickup Truck Sales - Q2 2022 - Mexico

MODEL Q2 22 / Q2 21 Q2 22 Q2 21 Q2 22 SHARE Q2 21 SHARE YTD 22 / YTD 21 YTD 22 YTD 21
CHEVROLET SILVERADO +43.60% 2,829 1,970 46% 71% +6.20% 4,661 4,389
GMC SIERRA -14.42% 528 617 9% 22% -19.59% 973 1,210
CHEVROLET COLORADO +48.96% 286 192 5% 7% +67.76% 666 397
CHEVROLET S10 MAX * 2,532 * 41% 0% * 2,532 0
TOTAL +122.20% 6,175 2,779 +47.30% 8,832 5,996

Cumulative deliveries of GM pickup trucks in Mexico increased 122 percent to 6,175 units in Q2 2022, comprised of:

  • 2,829 units of the Silverado / Cheyenne, an increase of 44 percent compared to 1,970 units sold in Q2 2021, and
  • 2,532 units of the S10 Max, and
  • 528 units of the GMC Sierra, a decrease of 14 percent compared to 617 units sold in Q2 2021, and
  • 286 units of the Chevy Colorado, an increase of 49 percent compared to 192 units sold in Q2 2021

Chevy Silverado and GMC Sierra sales include light, heavy, and medium duty models.

The Silverado saw a 13.2 percent decrease in overall sales volume to 143,032 units, comprised of:

  • 88,544 sales of the Silverado Light Duty (1500), down 24.5 percent
  • 52,176 sales of the Silverado Heavy Duty (2500 HD and 3500 HD), up 174 percent
  • 2,312 sales of the Silverado Medium Duty (4500HD, 5500HD, 6500HD), down 23.6 percent

Chevrolet Silverado Sales Detail - Q2 2022 - USA

ModelQ2 2022 / Q2 2021Q2 2022Q2 2021YTD 2022 / YTD 2021YTD 2022YTD 2021
Silverado LD-24.5%88,544117,275-18.5%169,561207,980
Silverado HD+17.4%52,17644,431+14.7%89,95578,430
Silverado MD-23.6%2,3123,025-5.9%4,6234,912

GMC Sierra sales decreased 17.5 percent to 62,321 units, comprised of:

  • 33,533 deliveries of the Sierra Light Duty (1500), down 37.5 percent
  • 28,788 deliveries of the Sierra Heavy Duty (2500 HD and 3500 HD), up 31.7 percent

GMC Sierra Sales Detail - Q2 2022 - USA

ModelQ2 2022 / Q2 2021Q2 2022Q2 2021YTD 2022 / YTD 2021YTD 2022YTD 2021
Sierra LD-37.5%33,53353,640-28.9%70,33898,897
Sierra HD+31.7%28,78821,855+23%48,60039,515

In the U.S. market, Chevy sells over twice as many pickup trucks as GMC, commanding 70 percent share of GM truck sales.

Sales Numbers - GM Pickup Truck Sales - Q2 2022 - USA

MODEL Q2 22 / Q2 21 Q2 22 Q2 21 Q2 22 SHARE Q2 21 SHARE YTD 22 / YTD 21 YTD 22 YTD 21
CHEVROLET SILVERADO -13.17% 143,032 164,731 61% 63% -9.33% 264,139 291,322
GMC SIERRA -17.45% 62,321 75,495 26% 29% -14.07% 118,938 138,412
CHEVROLET COLORADO +52.25% 22,497 14,776 10% 6% +13.72% 44,190 38,859
GMC CANYON +40.28% 7,501 5,347 3% 2% +9.37% 13,661 12,491
GMC HUMMER EV PICKUP * 272 * 0% 0% * 371 0
TOTAL -9.50% 235,623 260,349 -8.27% 441,299 481,084

About The Numbers

Vince grew up in a GM family, likes manuals, and thinks this is the golden age of the automobile.

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  1. Not surprised, there are none available to purchase. I stopped by a local dealer this past Saturday and he had 3 new Silverados, 2 -1500’s and 1 -2500 with 5 in transit but at least half of them were 4 bangers that no one wants. I am interested in a 23 1500 with the the new LZ0 Baby Duramax but none seem yet.

    1. yeah same- i was hoping to wait this out and be better by spring- looks like I might have to wait until 24! bummer.

      No 2023 config tool yet either.

      1. The 2023 Sierra configurator is available. Believe the Silverado was available some time ago based on a prior GMA story.

  2. I have ordered one over 6 months ago and the order hasn’t been accepted yet. No surprise at all. This is GM’s fault.

  3. I ordered two HD’s May 4. My dealer let me order in two different trim levels to see which one will make it first. Not even a accepted order yet. Unbelievable.

  4. All the supply chain carping aside, it seems to me like GM is seriously dropping the ball. One only needs to lookat the botched Corvette Z 06 production roll out. Ridiculous.

    1. GM is completely distracted by the EV transition FOLLY and neglecting their customers.

      1. Carl, You just hit the nail on the head. EV is all GM cares about.

  5. I believe GM sales are down because you can’t sell something that you don’t have! Seems to me that if you build more trucks you will sell more! I’ve been trying to buy a Sierra Denali 1500 since February and still don’t have a production date!

    1. There are thousands of incomplete trucks parked up here in North Central Indiana from the FT.Wayne assembly plant just sitting waiting for parts. So will they sell them as 22’s or 23’s? What will the build dates be (new stickers in the door jams?)?There’s a rumor going around that some will be scrapped due to deterioration and mice infestation, not sure if that’s true or not.

      1. There’s also a rumor that it was a disgruntled employee planted the mouse in a single truck and the damage didn’t extend beyond that truck.

        But keep spreading those rumors.

        1. Lololololololololololololol Marry bootlickers like you are beyond the pale.
          Yeah someone is just going to run around with a dirty mouse and plant it in the trucks sitting in the parking lot.
          Do you think before you speak and enable poor business practices?

        2. GMC fan said ” There’s also a rumor that it was a disgruntled employee” … and then proceeds to say “But keep spreading those rumors.” So they complain about people spreading rumors, but they do it themselves. Check mate.

  6. No suprise. GM is losing market share right in their own customer base. They are not preferencing sold orders to clean up their back log and thier best repeat customers.

  7. Are you guys all deaf and blind. GM is not the only one having issues. Honda, is 3-4 month wait, toyota is about the same. Kia and Hyundai are now having issues too. They did a little better at first because they are based in Korea where a lot of computer chips are made. Ford can’t even get their logo for their trucks.

    GM has out sold Ford in trucks in the last quarter. We still have issues with supply and we have way to many people who are living off our tax dollars still. Unemployment is no where near the number they are putting out its probably a good 5-10 percent higher.

    1. You’re 100% right, this is an industry wide issue. And it’s not limited to the auto industry either. Try to get a garage door right now, normal deliveries are currently 4-7 months.

      Ford recently said they have something like 40,000 F-150’s built, that are waiting for chips, and other parts. They have trucks parked all over Dearborn MI, and are now using the shuttered Kentucky Speedway to store thousands of more new F-150’s. GM has new HD pickups parked at the Flint MI airport, as wells as other locations in Flint.

      I don’t know how anyone can think that GM is ignoring their outstanding orders, or aren’t doing everything they can to get parts to build vehicles. No matter what you think of GM, or Mary’s push toward EV’s, they’re still in business to make money, and they can’t do that by ignoring orders, or not doing all they can to build vehicles.

      1. They need to communicate!!! Not radio silence and then get control of their supply chains! Finally, transitioning to EV’s should be the least of their worries while their business dies.

        1. 100% agree. Communication is what is pissing me off. One week I’m told my truck is on a parts hold, next week I’m told it’s in transit, the week after that I’m told its on parts hold.
          No one seems to know what’s going on. I ask GM, they say ask my dealer, I ask my dealer, they say GM hasn’t told them anything.
          I ordered in March. My truck was build in June. Both my brother-in-laws who ordered nearly identical trucks the same day from the same dealer have had their trucks since July, while mine is sitting in a field rotting.

          1. Sorry for that it may be one of the ones parked up here. The rumor going around is that mice got into some of them and chewed up wiring and whatever. Not sure if it’s true or not.

    2. The difference between GM and the other OE’s is GM is NOT preferencing sold orders, creating ill-will amongst their strongest customer base.

  8. I got another letter from my dealer yesterday offering me $4k over normal trade in value for my 2019 Nox Premiere. Just bring it in they say. Now why would I do that when there’s nothing new on the lot even close to the deal I got three years ago? I will wait for the recession.

  9. You think there are problems now; just wait until a large swatch of salaried workers find different jobs due to the work from home policy change.

    1. yea, they want to stay home and keep screwing off when they should be working. No one wants to go back to having to work a full 8 hours anymore.


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