GM Authority

California Finalizes Plans To Ban Gas-Powered Car Sales By 2035

California regulators have approved plans to ban the sale of new gasoline-powered vehicles by 2035. The plan includes a timetable that phases out the sale of new ICE-powered vehicles over the course of the next 13 years.

Back in 2020, California Governor Gavin Newsom issued an executive order that set 2035 as the target for the end of ICE-powered passenger vehicle sales. However, according to a recent report from Bloomberg, the newly approved proposal also includes annual goals that lead up to the 2035 target, with EVs making up 35 percent of new vehicle sales by 2026, and 68 percent by 2030. Critically, plug-in hybrid and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles count towards those annual goals.

California is the largest auto market in the U.S., making up more than 10 percent of annual national car sales. California is also the biggest EV market in the U.S. According to Bloomberg, which cites the California New Car Dealers Association, electric vehicles made up 15 percent of new cars registered in California this year. Additionally, according to Bloomberg, which cites Edmunds, EVs made up just 6 percent of new car sales in the U.S. through the first half of the 2022 calendar year.

Nevertheless, California’s push to bolster EV adoption is expected to result in other states following suit. Currently, 17 other states follow California’s emissions standards, which are considered stricter than the federal standards.

California’s new EV adoption plan coincides with an EV push from the Biden administration, which includes a $7,500 tax credit as part of the recent Inflation Reduction Act signed last week, as well as $5 billion to support an expansion to the U.S. EV charging network. California already offers rebates to customers who purchase a zero-emission vehicle, with up to $7,000 available for vehicles that cost less than $45,000.

As a reminder, GM is in the midst of pivoting towards an all-electric portfolio, with plans to launch 30 new EV models by the 2025 calendar year.

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Jonathan is an automotive journalist based out of Southern California. He loves anything and everything on four wheels.

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  1. I look forward to reading the respectful, intelligent debate this article will spark below.

    1. Why so you can complain about what other people are saying?

    2. In before…. Dang. Nevermind.

  2. USA 1: I also live in California and I work in the auto business. It won’t take luck, just the right people making decisions that move this country forward instead of staying locked in the past. What I see as the biggest hurdle is how we can do this with cleaner (not perfect, but cleaner) renewable energy.

    From my point of view within the auto business, I personally think California will be close to that number by 2030. The auto makers will be near ready and when (not if) all the states follow, those auto makers will be able to convert much more quickly. A lot of the hard work has been done and is currently being done. With the America first bills that have recently been passed, it will allow this industry to move more quickly now.

    1. I live in California to and newsom is not the right leader. But who knows only time will tell.

      1. California will become the first Cuba as far as older car being maintained. They really need to eliminate gas stations. The US has 6 percent of the land mass of the earth and the thinking of the electorate in the US plus those in the auto industry that WE as a nation can overcome the pollution pumping out of Asia where there is no EPA.

    2. Solar and Windmills are not clean energy. Solar panels and old windmills are now going into the landfills poluting the ground and water. Oil and natural gas are renewable, they are constantly being made.

      So what happens if we go all electric and CO2 keeps rising,,,,which it will….so we start killing people? Humans have no control over the climate or CO2 which is not a freaking green house gas. Its all BS.. We can destroy the environment but we have no control over the climate, nature will always be changing and always win. Regarding you statement of being in the past….umm batteries were used for Automobiles before ICE engines so sounds more like were going back wards.

      1. Steve, Tigger JOe:

        Please re-read my comment. Nowhere do I mention Newsome. I clearly stated several things:
        1. With the right leadership. Not staying with old ways and staying stuck in the past.
        2. With cleaner renewable energy.
        3. Putting America first. The bills that have been passed do just that. The current GOP has nothing. Has offered nothing. Has done nothing. That is unless you consider doing nothing as doing something. Or if you consider saying no to anything with zero plans to move forward as doing something.

        Look, I fully understand that this site has a lot of right wing people who consider themselves conservatives. So it goes to stand that I also understand that many of my comments won’t go over well. I don’t care. Until we get the real Republican party back from the fat orange monster in Florida, the American people deserve strong Democratic leadership.

        Oh and JOe: You couldn’t be more wrong on the environment. I’ll follow the science and not some person on GMA who chooses to ignore facts and science.

        1. This is what the Democratic “leadership” has done for this nation since January 2021:

          -Doubled gas prices
          -Brought record inflation
          -Ushered in a recession
          -Left our Southern border open for anyone who wants to come in including criminals
          -Pulled out of Afghanistan leaving behind billions of our advanced military equipment for China and Russia to reverse engineer
          -Allowed people to steal, rape, and assault people with no consequences.

          If this is great “leadership”, it would be better if we had none in this country.

      2. This is the worst trolled car site I’ve ever been on.

      3. But somehow battery materials are?

  3. By 2035…. All I’ll say is that by then California will have swung dramatically politically….. or everyone will have moved making the state moot in political power. By those 2 metrics alone this bill is toothless.

    1. That was my thought as well. My theory (and most likely true) is that CA will swing and the next governor will sign executive orders undoing all the Newsome executive orders. Biden did it to Trump so why not? Executive orders really mean nothing as they are temporary.

      1. Not sure about that, CA had their chance to get rid of this silly governor and passed. No sympathy here, live with what you voted for!

    2. Yes, Californians will move to Texas and Florida and clean out the trash in those states as well.

      Careful what you wish for.

      1. Why would Californians move if everything’s so great there? Your comment doesn’t make sense.

    3. This isn’t a political statement but the smog issue is nasty at times in Fresno, Visalia and Bakersfield when I was tin that area for a time in 2006. Maybe from cars? I can’t say or maybe it’s not a problem anymore but I would not want live there with smog issue for sure!

  4. Newsome may be the Democratic Party candidate in 2024. They are already setting up the base for him to run. And for those who live in California and don’t like this obvious example of government overreach; don’t not count on your fellow Californians to rectify what’s happening to your state. I am not optimistic for the future of that state.

    1. LOL, good luck with that, the rest of the country isn’t buying into his idiosy, we’ve known that CA is crazy town for a long time.

      1. Depends on where you are. California is further out there but I’d say most states outside the most red are where California was 5-10 years ago.

        1. LOL, you must be in CA, that’s what they think, really the rest of us are laughing!

  5. As 2035 approaches, basic applied science and economics will prevail. Kwh rates will be tripling and even quadrupling from present rates. Perhaps to 60 to 70+ cents per hour. The Western power grid will be maxed out +. Diablo Canyon will be shut down. The inner city of LA will look the the inner city of Cleveland, Ohio and Detroit, Michigan right now.

    Gulag high and mid rise apartment complexes for the homeless. Mini home complexes throughout the countryside. Who knows, the Chinese and Russians may have already made their planned move.

    Ronald Regan RIP, will be spinning in his grave, if not already.

    God help us.

    1. Build your bunker now. Start digging and the container will be there soon.

      That’s assuming you haven’t already.

  6. Looking for the specifcs regarding the 2023 Bolt & the Fed EV Tax Credit. (Jan 2023 delivery)

  7. What are the details of the Federal Tax Credit? (delivery of 2023 Chevy Bolt in Jan 2023)

  8. What a bunch of WEF BS.

  9. Newsom is creating a catastrophe, there is no talk what they are going to do to prepare for this changeover – the power grid needs to be upgraded and built up for the additional demand – already in its current form it can’t handle the electrical demand on a hot day. Newsom has shut down power plants with no other ways to supply the power that these plants generated, what exactly is he going to use to generate power? No fossil fuels so that removes coal and natural gas. Nuclear – it’s very efficient, but what to do with the waste? Solar and wind – what do you do when the wind doesn’t blow at night? How are people in apartments going to charge their vehicles? Do people in sketchy areas really want to stand around for a few hours to charge their vehicle? Once the government demands you must have something the price will increase exponentially, just look at health insurance. Newsom is setting himself up to fail.

  10. If you have been following the Auto Sector long enough it is basically as California goes so too do the rest of the States.
    They are first at almost everything and the other States have to follow because Automakers Lobby as they do not want to keep producing different vehicles for different States….they basically follow Californias lead.

  11. Good! With CA drivers buying kwh’s instead of liquid fuel the demand for gas will fall and so will the price! I will continue driving my ICE’s forever!

  12. What about gas/diesel powered boats?

  13. Love it !

    The streets of California will rival the cars in Communist Cuba. A haven for antique cars .

  14. LOL you can almost watch the price of used cars in CA go up. Maybe that will be my retirement business, moving used cars from the Midwest to CA marked up 200%!


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