Nobody likes traffic. It can bring out the worst of impatience, prompting drivers to attempt maneuvers on the road’s shoulder in order to save a few precious minutes during a commute. In one such incident captured on video, a C8 Corvette driver made a decision to follow a pickup truck onto the median, but quickly found his vehicle – and driving skill – ill-suited to the task.
The video, which was posted on Instagram by user jbond007shaken_not_stirred, depicts a highway bound by traffic, with several vehicles traveling in the wrong direction in the left lane in an attempt to get out of gridlock by turning onto the shoulder. A Chevy Avalanche takes the plunge first, but it struggles to find grip in the lowest part of the grassy median. That doesn’t bode well for the next vehicle in line, a bright red, low-slung C8 Corvette. “This is the one I want to see right here,” the cameraman says as the Corvette approaches the median.
The C8 Corvette’s attempt goes south immediately. The driver appears to cut the turn too sharply and isn’t able to avoid running over the guardrail, which gets caught in the vehicle’s right rear wheel with a crunch. The driver clearly notices that something isn’t right and stops, but there is no way but forward at this point. The Corvette’s wheels spin as the driver gets on the throttle to try and ditch the downed guardrail, but ends up tearing off a piece of it, which drags behind the sports car as the driver carries on through the median.
Cheekily, the cameraman added a caption on the video. “Today, we learn a lesson in patience,” it reads. “Old school ruined the ride for nothing.” The caption also noted that traffic started moving just two minutes after the C8 Corvette attempted its creative gridlock escape.
Check out the C8 Corvette attempt to tackle the guardrail in the video below.
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What a bunch of freaking idiots. I wonder where this was?
Oh, I recall when I used to be much less patient than now. At my age now, I just laugh when I am heading to/from work in the LA area with slow traffic and people do some of the stupidest driving things just to get one or two cars ahead. I love when they fly past me and then I pull up next to them at the next light.
I stopped listening to my wife when she tells me that “look, the other lane is moving faster”….
You can’t fix stupid!
The difference between genius and stupid is that genius has it limits.
“There was something in the road” that is what he will tell the insurance company.
Remember what Forest Gump said, “Stupid is as stupid does, sir,”
Daaaamn Gramps! I’ve never sat in one, but it brings into question the C8’s outward visibility because there’s really no reason why he couldn’t have just cut the turn a bit wider rather than plowing over the fencing that he apparently didn’t see. A variation of a 2-point turn might’ve saved him from bulldozing the front end as well. Obviously, cars become disposable when you reach a certain wealth threshold.
Bunch of absolutely stupid füks.
That’s messed up little red Corvette. I needed a laugh today, and I got it. still laughing MAO. will we ever learn?
This is why I’ll never own a Corvette, I’m not that stupid.
Covettes don’t make Corvettes stupid! People do.