The Biden Administration has proposed new standards for federally-funded EV chargers with the aim of ensuring the technology is affordable, reliable and easy to access.
The White House said these new proposed standards are a key part of President Biden’s previously outlined goal to build 500,000 EV chargers nationwide and will help ensure all of these federally-funded charging stalls have similar payment systems and charging performance. There will also be rules for the minimum number of charging stalls at each particular station.
“The Department of Transportation, in partnership with the Department of Energy, is proposing new standards to make charging electric vehicles (EVs) a convenient, reliable, and affordable for all Americans, including when driving long distances,” the Biden Administration said in a media release published Thursday. “Without strong standards, chargers would be less reliable, may not work for all cars, or lack common payment methods. The new standards will ensure everyone can use the network –no matter what car you drive or which state you charge in.”
The current EV grid includes some 100,000 public chargers with an array of different plugs, payment options, data availability, and hardware, the White House said previously.
Biden plans to sideline $7.5 billion to set up the chargers, which will come out of the $1 trillion infrastructure package the president signed into law last fall. The $7.5 billion in funding includes $5 billion for states to build out the charging network, and $2.5 billion in local grants to provide support for EV charging in rural and disadvantaged communities. The federal infrastructure bill also includes $65 billion to bolster the national electricity grid.
The Biden administration’s push for EVs comes amid GM’s promise to transition to an all-electric lineup, with plans to launch 30 new electric vehicle models globally by 2025 and transform Cadillac into an EV-only brand by 2030. GM also plans to cease sales of emissions-producing passenger vehicles by 2035.
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Sorely needed. This way it doesn’t matter where you go. Just like your typical gas station.
Affordable, meaning free for those meeting certain demographics and affiliations.
Should let the free market decide. Have a feeling the govt didnt subsidize gas stations
I know that’s right
Your feeling is false. The US government has been subsidizing the oil and gas industry since 1918. Check out the article titled, “Long History Of U.S. Energy Subsidies: Report shows centuries of government support for fossil fuels, much less for renewable energy” by Jeff Johnson, Date: December 19, 2011 at Chemical and Engineering News (cen dot acs dot org). Here is a quote from that article,
“In comparing current support for renewable energy with past aid for today’s traditional energy sources, the report focuses on two types of assistance: funding during the first 15 years of support and annualized expenditures over the life of the energy source.
The first 15 years, the report says, are critical to developing new technologies. It finds that oil and gas subsidies, including tax breaks and government spending, were about five times as much as aid to renewables during their first 15 years of development; nuclear received 10 times as much support.
Federal support during the first 15 years works out to $3.3 billion annually for nuclear energy and $1.8 billion annually for oil and gas, but an average of only $400 million a year in inflation-adjusted dollars for Ârenewables.
For coal, which generates half the nation’s electricity, the authors were unable to quantify government support for the first 15 years, which includes federal and state aid. Coal, Pfund notes, benefits from a host of centuries-old programs that signal a rich history of aid, which is intertwined with the development of the nation. The aid runs deep and comes in many forms—state and federal tax breaks for mining and use; technological support for mining and exploration; national resource maps to encourage exploration and development; tariffs on foreign coal; and aid to steel smelters, railroads, and other industries that burn coal to encourage greater use and develop a steady market for coal.”
Since oil companies owned the gas stations back in the early days, it’s clear that some of that subsidy money went to fund the building of gas stations as well.
The two most important things they need to make sure happen are the following.
First: ONLY give money to Companies that can make units that are reliable.
Two: The Tech has to be modern…250kW Bare Minimum.
Someone needs to tell them that 150kW speed is just NOT Good Enough!!!
Actually, going off your reliability aspect. Require units to be operable and if not, the company gets fined for every day that a unit isn’t maintained and working.
@GMC Fan
I like that idea. Will force them to react quickly and fix them right away.
Now all we need is the extra electricity for all of these chargers. Texas is facing rolling blackouts now and it’s not even summer yet! The Midwest and CA are expecting blackouts as well if the summer is hot. I guess those EV’s can be used in the winter, oh wait no good heaters in them, mmmmm, I think I will hang on to my ICE’s!
@Old School
That is what Texas gets for having their own unregulated Grid.
Maybe just maybe they should NOT have done so!!!
Tesla is about to help the State Big Time by adding a Huge Battery Backup Storage Facility to help assist their Sorry *ss Unregulated Grid
I believe the proposal is for 450 kw evse stations whichno one needs or can use at this point but who know where we go in the future.
If it’s being proposed by this administration, look carefully at the details. All of their policies have been systematically against the average US worker/citizen since they came into office. USA/worker/taxpayer last is their apparent mantra.
President Biden’s biggest accomplishment was the infrastructure bill. Are you suggesting white people don’t use roads and bridges?
@Peter G.
Glad we finally passed an Infrastructure Bill as it was badly needed.
But if you look at that Infrastructure Bill closely it is basically handouts to Big Corporations, why else do you think both Dems and Republicans Voted yes.
The last president ran up $7.8 trillion in debt, and we have nothing to show for it. At least under Biden some of our roads will be fixed.
The greatest President in The World wants us to pay more taxes, higher gas prices, food, natural gas, electricity,
fertilizer, and you can attach anything that uses OIL plastic, rubber, manufacturing, shipping. Cmon man!!! If you give me a thumbs down you’re a democrat and your part of the problem.
Two thumbs down only? Where are the union democrat sheep! I am a United Auto Worker and I never voted for a democrat. The union would always come around during a Presidential Elections to try and sway our vote by talking up the Dem in the race. There were allot of us that just laughed at the other members that bought in.
Sounds like we have a company bootlicker.
And so you then voted for Republicans like Reagan who broke some unions and diminished organized labor’s power?
Ever heard the saying about cutting off your nose to spite your face, Al?
Don’t you mean the Greatest farce President in the world… The green puppet buys from the Drug dealer and put America workers out of jobs. Lay of the pipeline and make solar panels.. what a joke
29% of Americans, and who knows what gave approval of this piece of s… in the latest poll. The same horses a.. that shut the pipe line down and laid off 11,000 union workers in one day. Stopped the wall from being built and laid more workers off. Putin saw how weak this person is and invaded Ukraine. Now China is on the move and we are funding them by buying there junk.Dont get me wrong if you need something you don’t have a choice
“….provide support for EV charging in rural and disadvantaged communities” Who in their right mind will go to a disadvantaged community (ghetto) to charge a $70,000 plus vehicle….and who in the ghetto will even have a EV unless it was stolen…..what a waste of money
The 2023 Chevy Bolt starts at 26k
And if these things are in the ghetto, they will have a short shelf life being stripped of the copper and other components.
For sure, Tigger.
In Atlanta, in one of the affluent suburbs, vandals stole all the copper wiring for the street lights along a 25 mile section of I-75. How they managed to do that is unclear. They stole at least 132,000 linear feet of wiring. The theft rendered the lights inoperable and it’s now impossible to put new wiring back in place underneath a heavily used 15-lane interstate highway. The citizens must now drive along a dark corridor.
If they can steal all of that wiring, they can for sure clip the wiring at an EV charging point in a high-crime, low-income area, and they will.
Not one road will be paved or built that wasn’t already scheduled to be. The so called infrastructure bill is a damn farce if anyone takes the time to read it. Bidet is nothing but a dictator and the dims called Trump one. He was in no way a dictator, sure as hell tried to hold on to power the wrong way, but no dictator to be sure.
Actually I hope lots of people start driving EV’s, that will lower the demand for gas and the price will come down! Of course then the price of electricity will go up, can’t win.
@Old School
How do you figure?
China and Europe are Buying BEV’s in droves. They are the First and Third Biggest Auto Markets.
Meaning they are purchasing less Gasoline per Month and that will continue to Drop.
So you think once the Second Biggest Auto Market switches to BEV’s that Gasoline Vehicles and Gasoline itself will be cheap?
I could be wrong but isn’t the Boards sole responsibility to maximize their Shareholders Profits?
If the federal government is involved, rest assured that it will be complicated, won’t work properly, has a stiff “gas” tax associated with it, and it will cost five times what they said it would. Electric cars have their place in the world but the market, and the technology should be what’s driving the development. Shoving expensive electric cars down everyones throat is not going to be successful. I’m sick about what our country has become. Americans deserve better than Pelosi, Shummer and AOC.
Charging stations should be built after the electrical infrastructure has been upgraded and additional nuclear plants have been built. Seeing as they don’t want fossil fuels.. charging plugs should be standardized…. Why put charging stations st Target? They need to be built along highways, interstates and rest parks do they can charge when traveling. If they’re running to the grocery they won’t need to charge when they get there, they will charge while they are at home.,
Talk about putting the cart before the horse. Shutting off fossil fuels to raise prices and try to force people into EV autos before the battery technology and charging grids are streamlined.
No logical or strategic planning by this admin. Can’t wait for November. It can’t get here soon enough!!!
The problem os for folks who live in apartments. Most cannot charge at home while I do charge at home I go on an interstate maybe a half dozen times a year and its many miles to any of them around me. Neighborhood EVSE stations also need to be built not just along major travel routs.
Your example of apartments is just one good example of how pushing everyone to EV’s feasible. If you have a 200-unit apartment complex there will be at least 300 vehicles due to two-car families. How many charging stations are needed to support those 300 vehicles? If they can’t get charged at their apartment and need to stop at Target to get charged it will be an inconvenience. Now someone is going to say well they have to stop at a gas station today which is true. But it doesn’t take 30-45 minutes to fill up their gas tank. The bottom line, our nation’s electrical infrastructure grid which will take at least 25+ years to build out and currently is not ready for the surge of EV’s. Blackouts and mandatory setting of thermostats (like in Spain) are coming to your town soon than later.
Tom Carson,
In Michigan, where Barra lives, and where GM is headquartered, their energy is provided by DTE Energy and it is derived from the following sources:
Coal: 50 percent
Nuclear: 21 percent
Natural Gas: 17 percent
Renewables: 12 percent
Therefore, purchasing and driving one of Mary’s grossly inefficient 9,100 pound EVs in Michigan means one is driving a coal-powered vehicle half the time and a fossil fueled vehicle nearly 70 percent of the time. I don’t think it at all implausible to state that for most people trading in a typical gasoline-powered SUV for a Hummer, they’re likely doing more damage to the environment. Most gasoline vehicles are pretty clean these days and given that they weigh at least half as much, the Hummer most likely is just a symbolic gesture that does no actual good and probably does harm.
As you said, it’s silly to build and push EVs when the infrastructure is not there to support them and even more short-sighted to cause a fuel supply crisis and drive up costs to try and force consumers into something for which the infrastructure is not yet built.
The extra weight of the EV’S will deteriorate the roads and with no taxpayer money to fix them since there will be no gas taxes being collected in this new Utopia, these pieces of junk will fall apart anyway.
The administration and media state EVs are better for the environment. One congresswoman who just got her EV said, “I got it and drove it from Michigan to here (Wahington) this last weekend and went by every single gas station, and it didn’t matter how high it was. And so I’m looking forward to the opportunity for us to move to vehicles that aren’t going to be dependent on the whims of the oil companies and the international markets,” she added. Two points, we cannot conclude EV’s are better for the environment because there hasn’t been a study on battery disposal which are very toxic. Point two, if everyone thinks it is going to be cheaper to run an EV you are wrong. States are already asking how are we going to recoup the loss of the gas tax as we transition to EVs? In fact, several states already are working with the manufacturers to get access to your EV car data. The states will be monitoring how many miles you drive, then multiplying miles by the EV tax they will implement to recover their gas tax losses. You will be billed monthly or automatically be debited from your account. The bottom line, it is all about the money not what’s best for the American people. Period!
what she didn’t state as she passed all the gas station….was how many times she had to stop at a charging stations and sit there for an hour or two……the car may state charge goes 300 miles, but reality is will it and do you trust the gauge… the trip from Michigan to DC probably needed more stops than if it was gas and took considerably longer….not ready for prime time yet
This idea totally makes sense. This is also long overdue. It is nice to see that it will be implemented soon.
I cannot believe how many people give negative replies if something negative is said about the current administration. No President will implement policies that will keep everyone happy. Did I like Trump’s demeanor or his tweets? Some yes, some no. But I like his policies, locking down the border and making the US energy independent, etc…..He put American and the American people first. The current administration is destroying this country and it is not Putin’s fault, it is the administration’s fault. Inflation, gas prices, open borders, free handouts, soring crime. Biden is turning American into a third-world country. When your freedom of speech and second amendment rights are taken away from you, you won’t be able to reply to this message.
You tell em