GM Authority

GM Actively Becoming A More Inclusive Company

Back in 2020, GM CEO Mary Barra made a commitment to transform General Motors into the most inclusive company in the world. Now, GM is actively working towards that goal with a number of programs and changes within the company.

GM CEO Mary Barra

GM CEO Mary Barra

According to a recent report from The Detroit News, GM’s executive director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Tamberlin “Tammy” Golden, is among those leading the change in GM’s workforce strategy. Golden was appointed to her current position in May of 2021, although her career at GM goes back more than three decades. Now, Golden is addressing issues within GM to make the automaker more inclusive, such as changing how frontline leaders are hired in the manufacturing sector by eliminating the need for a college degree when a degree is not necessary.

Golden is also leading a new partnership with Udacity set to award 100 scholarships as part of the new Java Programming Nanodegree program. The program is focused on providing opportunities to those who have been historically underrepresented in technology roles, with students readied for roles within GM that have been re-credentialed to focus primarily on skills.

GM is showing progress towards becoming more inclusive. According to a Bloomberg index, GM was above average in certain metrics, with 19.1 percent of the automaker’s U.S. workforce listing their race as Black, as compared to the national average of 14 percent, while 27 percent listed their gender as female, as compared to the national average of 23.9 percent.

GM is also allocating substantial resources in support of organizations addressing racial justice and gender inequality, with $10 million committed in 2020, and $22 million in 2021. Per the recent GM Sustainability Report, the latest financial commitments include support for the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Foundation, the Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies, and the Smithsonian Latino Center.

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Jonathan is an automotive journalist based out of Southern California. He loves anything and everything on four wheels.

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  1. Go woke or go broke.

  2. Ah yes. Nothing says inclusive like dropping all your sedans & leaving your customers with low quality overpriced plastic piles of junk.
    GM is delusional.

  3. Look this inclusive think is just corporate black mail. I am glad how Netflix told their employees if they were upset with content then this may not be the place for them.

    GM Is being faced with cooperate blackmail and they are a large target so it is not easy to ward off as they come in a number of forms.

    Donations are protection money is all it amounts to.

    As for your crying about sedans. Stop! The market is in massive decline on cars and it is a matter of survival to build what people really are buying and paying top dollar for.

    Hyundai is the latest saying the Sonata is going go away after 37 years of sales. It is being replaced by a EV CUV.

    It is not the automakers but the market that is driving products. They are going to build what sells so blame the public if you not happy.

    As for lowering standards. Everyone is as it is damn hard to get people to work anymore. Even if they do work the next challenge is to get them to show up everyday.

    Where I work we struggle with getting good employees anymore. Even one doing a halfA$$ job is better than one that never shows up.

    Sadly lowering standards are the start of a lowering of our mfg capacity.

    Too many are riding the government dole and just are not bothered to work for a living anymore.

  4. Is GM going to be the new Disney or Netflix?

  5. The idiot we have in the White House believes in inclusion too- look at the mess we have.

    The sad part is that inclusion takes precidence over competence.

  6. You guys don’t know what you’re talking about. Look deeper into those stats and you’ll find that GM’s African-American and Latino populations are relegated to low wage, low powered entry level and manufacturing jobs. GM is STILL run primarily by well-pedigreed white men. Look at Mary Barra’s leadership team and the board of directors.

    1. This is not the case. GM is diversifying salary jobs from manufacturing floor to the management offices. If you look at upper management, you will find women and minorities. Most of the manufacturing salary groups are diversified. It will take more time to push even more of these employees upward, but I have seen plenty of minorities promoted up through the GM system.

      If you are a Minority or Underserved/Underrepresented employee with a degree, or if you are a recipient of the GM nepotism award (Identity doesn’t matter) , the sky is the limit.

    2. And you empirical sources supporting your claim are???

      1. Just look at the management. The board is a majority women. 7 out of 13 members. Vice President and higher has 3 women. Used to 4 until the CFO left. If you can access the GM Organization Chart, you will see the diversity. One just has to look.

  7. Just imagining what an interview for a job at GM must be like.
    Hmm…I see here on your application you have a college degree and graduated with honors. Sorry, but that’s really not what we’re looking for. I also see you did not indicate you’re a “minority”…it would really be better if you were. Could you please clarify your pronouns for me….
    Funny how Equity, Diversity & Inclusion can be accomplished through bigotry and exclusion
    Wrong direction GM. Hire based on merit, experience and skill. Hiring based on race, gender, creed, etc….does a disservice to everyone in the long run

  8. GM please don’t try to be the next Disney, just focus on building vehicles!

  9. Wokeness is not the answer to GM’s problems, and to the extent such virtue-signaling gestures deflect attention from development of beautiful, reliable, durable, and affordable products it is a powerful handicapping mistake

  10. In other words G.M. is asking for another bankruptcy. A lot of people are sick and tired of the woke cr*p.

  11. Well, GM did BK under a bunch of White dudes. Im just worried if they can make a car I’d like to buy. We see the truck program haven’t slowed down nor they stopped V8 development.

    The Sonata is gonna be and Benz is killing off their inexpensive models, at the same time Caddy is introducing more expensive and inexpensive models and Malibu is still available. We’ll see what time will tell about GM inclusion.

    1. Actually GM was BUILT by a bunch of white dudes – like the USA.

      1. Till the BK, as far as who built what, wasn’t a civil war was over a group that was forced to build stuff for free?.

  12. The dismantling and dumbing down of this country continues and it’s really sad that things have come to this. It will only shrink this company more in the end. This and killing off all their cars will have me, family and numerous friends looking to another company for my next vehicle.

  13. The Feds through DOL track large and medium sized companies diversity and inclusion makeups. If you don’t comply with preset baseline amounts you are cut off from contracts, purchasing and bidding.

    Feds like to see Vets, Women, Minorities, Disabled, etc., as a certain percent of total payroll and have positions up and down in the ranks.

    When I started with Caterpillar in Peoria, Illinois the white collar ranks were pure WASP. Blue collar ranks on factory floors were mostly white. Lots of white Central Illinois farm kids. UAW local was mostly white.

    The plants toward Chicago were more diversified with Blacks in the blue collar ranks – Aurora, Joliet, and Milwaukee.

    Women were non existent in the Caterpillar white collar ranks. It was like the LDS church hierarchy.

    Then DOL called for base percentages and Caterpillar started to diversify and include.

    Caterpillar had a slow and challenging time plugging women into management positions. Industrial construction and mining machinery is traditionally a man’s business.

    Diversity and inclusion is a mandated change by Uncle Sam, just like workplace safety and health was in 1970 when Richard Nixon signed OSHA into exisistence.

    1. Desantis 2024

      1. May Desantis burn in Hell!

        1. Hell isn’t real. Take that Jesus crap somewhere else.

          1. No Hell? Try losing a Presidential Race to Joe Biden. Then tell me there’s no hell.

  14. Mary should focus on a team building the best vehicles possible. History is repeating itself. In the end, Mary will make Roger Smith look good.

  15. So…. GM is a willing co-conspiritor in The Great Reset!
    Stuff ’em.
    I’ll never buy another GM product.

  16. Why is color and gender more important than quality, skill. and integrity…with all three being blind to a person’s ‘pronouns and identifiers’?

  17. After November we can expect to see Stacey Abrams greeting customers in the service drive.

    1. Is she even qualified for that?

  18. Become more INCLUSIVE by going back to MONTHLY auto sales reporting!!

  19. I often wonder why diversity and inclusion is never considered in the military. Ever notice when body bags come home from foreign soil it’s almost always male and usually white. Why aren’t 18 year old females required to register with the Selective Service? Any 18 year old male that isn’t registered is ineligible for any federal student aid assistance for college. If females aren’t required to register with The Selective Service they have no business being admitted to our nations military colleges. In other words, any white male that would serve this country today needs his head examined.

  20. White males out weirdos in.

  21. Time to sell my shares. Nothing good comes out of wokeness. Hire employees based on skill. Hiring and making judgment by skin color is the definition of racism. I don’t care if their whole work force is black/latino/female. If they were the most qualified, than great. If they weren’t, than shame on you.

  22. Oh golly gee willikers, this is swell!!! Tampons in the “Mens” Rooms in those hideous Ivory Towers in Detroit next?? Queen MaryB & her clueless Court are surely turning big bad GM to the “nice” little gm.

    Meanwhile Queen MaryB is doubling down on investment with those diverse, inclusive communists in China. Why are “woke Progressives” the ultimate hypocrites???

  23. It’s so simple. Stop the BS. Hire based on competency. Stop looking at a person’s color and trying to be politically correct. Rational hard working people are sick of all this nonsense. The idiot “resident””in the white house doesn’t know what day it is or where he is and the people pulling the strings have let a small group of radical leftists have way too much say in what’s going on in this country. A MAJOR realignment will happen in the midterms and the “resident ” and the radical loons will have no say after that . #FJB. “let’s go Brandon”

  24. When did this website become Truth Social

  25. I worked for GM For over 30yrs AND I can tell you that GM HAS ALOT of VERY talented people WORKING for them that DON’T have a college degree.

  26. GM is the best. I’m proud to drive a GM car.


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