GM Authority

USDOT Announces Revised New Vehicle Fuel Economy Standards

The U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has released updated fuel economy standards that will require a fleet average of 49 mpg by the 2026 model year, following an executive order from President Biden.

In addition to making vehicles more efficient with regard to fuel economy, the new standards are also intended to reduce emissions and reduce the amount of money that consumers spend on fuel.

The new 49 mpg Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards will apply to passenger cars and light trucks, and increase fuel efficiency by 8 percent annually between the 2024 and 2025 model years, and 10 percent annually for the 2026 model year. The estimated fleet-wide average will increase by nearly 10 mpg for the 2026 model year, as compared to the 2021 model year. Compared to the previous standards, the new standards are expected to reduce fuel use by more than 200 billion gallons through 2050. Since CAFE was first put into effect in 1975, the standards have reduced American oil consumption by roughly 5 million barrels per day, a drop of 25 percent.

“Today’s rule means that American families will be able to drive further before they have to fill up, saving hundreds of dollars per year,” said U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg. “These improvements will also make our country less vulnerable to global shifts in the price of oil, and protect communities by reducing carbon emissions by 2.5 billion metric tons.”

The new fuel economy standards follow President Biden’s Executive Order 13990, which directed the NHTSA to review existing fuel efficiency rules.

Just yesterday, GM Authority reported that General Motors was backing the Environmental Protection Agency in a new legal battle between the regulatory body and several U.S. states over stricter emissions standards. New EPA rules reverse a Trump-era rollback on automotive tailpipe emissions and requires a 28.3 percent reduction in vehicle emissions through the 2026 calendar year.

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Jonathan is an automotive journalist based out of Southern California. He loves anything and everything on four wheels.

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  1. If only GM wasn’t so stupid to cancel the Chevy Cruze Diesel.
    Fortunately their EV fantasy will fail as supply issues ruin their EV push.

    1. Well, I don’t think it was them, it was the market. Diesels just are not that popular in the U.S. it’s a very niche market. Couple that with the super complex emission they have placed on them, that causes problems, and the price of fuel. I see a lot of three and four cylinder turbos in our future.

      1. They are not popular in America due to Ignorance and absolutely zero marketing by manufacturers when they introduce them.
        If you don’t advertise and educate your product won’t sell but here in America it’s just easier to be lazy, not make an effort then throw in the towel.

        1. GM ruined diesel sales in this country back in 1980 when they rush the 5.7L Oldsmobile diesel to market even though their engineers told Roger B Smith it wasn’t ready. Crank shafts that break in 3 pieces doesn’t help promote your product. The engine a converted gas engine that they didn’t beef it up enough

          1. That was the case until the late 2000s.
            Volkswagen and their greed are what ruined the diesel car resurgence and their brand is forever trashed in my view. Contrary to popular belief the problem isn’t that Diesels are dirty. In fact they are cleaner than gasoline engines. The problem is Volkswagen wanted to cheat and not engineer their engines properly.
            I’ll be dead before I ever buy a vile Volkswagen.

            1. I determined that years ago when I had one of the dune buggy’s built on a VW chassis. Drive it 1hour, work on it 2 hours. And with the German engineering theme of over engineering I had to remove many things to make a small adjustment.

        2. Just like the zero marketing strategy for the Camaro. Then they boo hoo hoo when they don’t sell enough. If they only had a brain.

  2. Lol ah yes the enviroment has borders for airborne emissions

    1. You mean like all the hot air from DC that is the real source of global warming?

      Folks this in the main reason automaker finally gave up fighting as the numbers are never going to get better. The globalist have bought to many politicians on both sides.

      They can no longer keep changing directions every 4 and 6 years.

  3. April Fools

    1. Too many commentators here don’t realize that NHTSA doesn’t set CAFE standards.
      But it sure is fun watching the fringe elements get triggered.

      1. Got your Acronyms for Federal Agencies mixed up there Bub ? No one said this asinine requirement was set by NHTSA and neither did the author of the article. Time for some stronger reading glasses or time to clean the ones you’re using ? LOL

        1. Reading comprehension is not everyone’s strength. You do know this is an April Fools, right?

          1. On April 4th ? Nice sidestep there to try and CYA Bub. LMAO !

  4. How does a 49mpg national standard work? Won’t gasoline vehicles be regulated out of the market?

    1. It works that that if a company’s average sales for that year doesn’t exceed 49mpg combined, the EPA fines the snot out of them. Hella unconstitutional. Taxes and revenue can only be issued by congress. EPA constitutionally only can enforce those laws passed by congress, not make up their own rules as they go along.

    2. Not hybrids.
      Toyota already has several vehicles that meet that standard. Ditto for Honda.
      Oh that’s right. GM with their arrogant stupidity decided to abandon hybrids and highly efficient diesel vehicles in a silly failed attempt to overtake Tesla.

      1. Not even close, remember it’s “fleet average” basically all they have to do is introduce some EVs and a few fuel saving techniques into certain markets. As said Imploding Joe is probably doing “scorched earth” policy because he’s about to kill the Democrats this year.

        1. Nice use of the Trumpian name calling there Guestt. Very school yard mentality.

          1. Thanks Left Lane Loser, BTW I’m independent and think both parties are corrupt, most independents think Brandon’s doing an awful job don’t look too good for the mid-terms .

            Maybe the Demos can legislate some sexually devious penalty with an illegal immigrant if automakers don’t meet requirements since sexual perversion and illegal immigration is what you guys about….

            1. I know that’s right

        2. Except since Energy Hog EV’s don’t use any “gallons of fuel” they cannot be factored in….oh wait, it’s the always wrong, illogical Democrats doing the averaging isn’t it ?

        3. Ummm the Hummer EV is hardly *fuel efficient*.
          In fact my Diesel Cruze beat it in mpg and will have a lower carbon footprint over its entire life.
          So much for that caring about the environment talk.

    3. It’s not real mpg it’s the CAFE standard which uses a ton of funny math. For example if I remember correctly a truck that’s E85 capable gets its mpg divided by 0.15 (= multiplied by 6.67).

      1. Don’t forget the off cycle credits and other mulligans they give for AFM and other things.

    4. Congrats. Richard P ….Nailed it !

  5. Good news is once the idiot is voted out it would be repealed..

    1. Sorry the buss has left town already. This is a bigger issue than just one guy anymore.

      1. No, actually one guy just executive ordered this. Just like the previous guy executive ordered it to go away, and the guy before either of them executive ordered it to begin with.
        It’s a cycle.

      2. Sorry, nothing in life is that final.

  6. A great decision for higher new car prices.

  7. With the new drive train, 1litre turbo diesel, 14 speed transmission, electrical assist, 9 speed rear end and the new 50mph speed limit , ah- we might just make it. Love you guys.

    1. And on a long, steep downhill with a 50 mph tailwind.

  8. Now is not a good time to introduce new regulations which will ultimately increase the cost of the vehicle. As consumers we are already dealing with high inflationary costs for goods and higher fuel costs. The idea that this administration thinks we can save by making a vehicle more fuel efficient vs simply dealing with the current issues shows that they are completely out of touch with reality.

    1. This will only add the Brandon’s problems. People aren’t dumb and will quickly realize that this just drives up the cost of vehicles and forces the automakers to build cars that no one wants to buy.

  9. I can’t wait until the GOP takes over again in the Fall so we can roll this back again.

  10. Looks like Mary better reverse those recent dumb decisions to cancel the Spark, Encore, and Trax.

  11. Buzzzz……..Biden insane supporter alarm…..Biden insane supporter alarm !!!!!!!!!! Too stupid to realize what is going on and dumb enough to let everyone know. More Tyranny from the Tyrant-in-Chief and his B.S. executive orders. Must be too much resistance to the old fool trying to force everyone into an Energy Hog EV that the demented moron is pushing so hard so he resorts to signing another Dictator’s EO.

    1. 2022 and 24, time is up

    2. billj598
      Republicans didn’t wear masks during the pandemic. Refused to take the any vaccine when they become available. Backed a leader whose been bankrupt more times than Italy, and you attacked your own Capital.
      If Stupid is as Stupid does, Republicans are total imbeciles.

      1. CONGRATULATIONS on being a Parrot…Polly want a cracker ? You just typed 5 (five) lies. Want to try for six or more so I can shoot your stupidity down on them too ? It’s gonna’ be fun and entertaining to dismember a total lefturd LIAR that sucks oxygen to feed his/her/its indoctrinated brain piece by piece, and expose you for being a horse’s rectum ! Please get back to me if you’d like me to continue destroying your stupid lies with facts.

  12. Doesn’t he have the most appropriate name though ? BUTTigieg ! Just as funny as Lorena BobbIT and Anthony WEINER ! ROTFLMAO !

  13. The article reads “…..the new standards are also intended to reduce emissions and reduce the amount of money that consumers spend on fuel…..”. OK, how do you get a family of 4 in a small vehicle? You cannot, why do you think large SUV’s and PU’s sell so well? All electric might get the AVG up for the manufacture but you cannot tow or use a PU truck for carrying supplies and tools and expect 49MPG.

  14. Mayor alfred e nueman buttplug is WAY too busy breastfeeding his poor, tortured children to be bothered with trying to remedy any of the problems they have created. These communists couldn’t care less about our problems. Their plan is proceeding exactly the way they intended. NOBODY gets it wrong EVERYTIME unless it’s on purpose!

  15. Stupid people in high positions

  16. Brandon and his far left idiots never cease to amaze.

  17. Staying the course to reduce ICE vehicles and less dependence on fossil fuels is their directive and using MPG standards is one thing but getting pressure to the manufacturers to adhere in 4 years is another strategic method of failure. The big family vehicle will be impacted …to improve MPG from 24 to 46, well, I will be amazed if they can achieve this milestone. Meanwhile, EO to push wartime policy to build EVs is the next step to keep their directive on course.

  18. FJB!

  19. Kerry is a little fat

  20. How do these insane, feeble Leftist politicians get elected who promote a false climate narrative daily supported by the media ?
    All roads point to Dominion, ballot harvesting, graveyard voters and millions of ‘imported’ illegal freeloaders sponsored by the ‘Regressive,’ anti USA crowd.

  21. Liberalism is a mental disorder

  22. This is a government that doesn’t understand the concept of running a business. Unrealistic regulations being forced on business and consumers without any regard for what is market driven. Can anyone tell these environmentalists it takes energy to make electricity! These changes take a lot of time, something government regulators don’t allow for, they act like wave a magic wand! Ultimately consumers will pay for these burdensome regulations, so much for cheap EV’s and electricity. The government wants to control big business, so they can run it in the ground like they have the US postal service and the VA. We need less government control, not more! These beaurcrats are drunk on power. Someone tell Biden this isn’t the 1970’s, we are energy independent.

  23. So Mayor Pete is back from paternity leave?

  24. Somebody is still drinking the cool aid.Peter g

    1. Aggravated GM
      I’m old enough to vote, and I pee standing up. I drink Beer.

  25. Hey genius John Q Public, the NHTSA is an Agency of the USDOT and is fully under their Control for all things. Try getting a clue please before mouthing off again.

  26. Todays modern cars emit very little emissions and are more fuel efficient than ever, jet aircraft, diesel trucks, and refineries are the big polluters . But its always the little man, the general public that ends up fitting the bill.

  27. Very true and stationary sources are the big polluters as proven by Lung disease studies done in the funnel of the Los Angeles basin where those reporting disease were seen to be located in the areas around stationary pollution sources. After all, they are the ones able to afford the big bucks Lawyers and Lobbyists to keep Congress, the EPA and CARB off their backs. OTR Diesel trucks are now regulated just like lighter-duty Diesel trucks that are required to have REGEN systems on them even including Fire Trucks. If it weren’t for Diesel Trucks, not much would move in the U.S.


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